Excerise 01-09 Flashcards
Buddho loke uppajjati.
The Buddha is born in the world.
So sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ deseti.
He preaches the Dhamma to the disciples.
Sāvakā dhammaṃ pariyāpuṇanti.
The disciples memorize the dhamma.
Te Buddhassa dhammaṃ dhāreti.
They keep in mind Buddha’s dhamma.
Upāsako saṃghassa dānaṃ deti.
The disciple gives alms to the community.
Sappuriso dhammena jīvati.
The good man lives by the dhamma.
Manussā gāmesu vasanti.
Human beings live in the villages.
Mahallako magge gacchati.
The old man goes on the path.
Dārako pañhaṃ pucchati.
The young boy ask question.
Ahaṃ Buddhaṃ pūjemi.
I offer to the Buddha.
Devā Buddhaṃ vandanti.
The deities worship the Buddha.
Tvaṃ lobhaṃ ca dosaṃ ca mohaṃ pajahasi.
You give up attraction, aversion & delusion.
Mayaṃ dhammassa dāyādā homa.
We are the inheritors of the dhamma.
Dhammo sanantano hoti.
The Dhamma is eternal.
Saṃgho maggaṃ bhāveti.
The community cultivates the path.
Upāsikāya saddhāya Tathāgataṃ upasankamissanti.
The female lay devotees will approach the Buddha with the faith.
Panditā māṇavikā māyaṃ ca mānaṃ ca pajahissati.
The wise young girl will give up deceit and conceit.
Ahaṃ ariyassa vinaye sikkhissāmi.
I shall train myself in the noble discipline.
Vācāsu sammā vāca seṭṭhhā.
The right speech is the highest among the ways of talking.
Taṇhāya jāyati soko.
Sorrow is born from the craving.
Pabbajitāyo Upassayesu viharissanti.
The ladies who has renounced will stay in the nunnery.
Sā dārakā mettaṃ bhāvessati.
That girl will cultivate loving kindness.
Tumhe avijjaṃ pajahissaatha, vijjaṃ uppādessatha.
You will give up ignorance and give rise to right knowledge.
Mayaṃ jaraṃ upema.
We come to decay.
Sikkhākāmā vedanaṃ adhivāsenti.
Those who desire discipline endure feeling pain.
Cetanāhaṃ (cetanā + ahaṃ) bhikkhave kammaṃ vadāmi.
O monk, I say volition is Kamma.
Tvaṃ jivhāya rasaṃ sāyissasi.
You will taste the taste with the tongue.
Mahallikāyo gāthāyo bhāsissanti.
The old ladies will speak/recite verses/stanzas.
Devatā Tathāgataṃ namassanti.
Gods will bow down to the Buddha
Buddhassa sāvikāyo satte anukampanti.
The female disciples of the Buddha are compassionate to living beings.
Māṇavako dhanaṃ labhi.
The young man got the wealth.
Kassako khettaṃ kasi.
The farmer ploughed the fields.
Upāsikāyo pañcañsilāni rakkhiṃsu.
The female devotees protected the five precepts
Tā sīlena devaloke uppajjiṃsu.
They are born in the heaven by virtue morality.
Ahaṃ pāpaṃ na akariṃ.
I didn’t do demerit.
Mayaṃ puññāni akarimha.
We did the good deeds.
Tvaṃ vatthaṃ paridaho.
You were clothed.
Tumhe rūpāni passittha.
You saw the material form.
Pabbajito senāsanā nikkhamati.
The female renounced person departs from the lodging.
Māṇavikāyo cittāni bhāvesuṃ.
The young girls cultivated the minds.
So saṃghassa dānaṃ adadi.
He gave the alms to the community.
Sā dhamme abhiramati.
She takes delight in the doctrines.
Ahaṃ yānena nagaraṃ gacchiṃ.
I went to the cities by the van.
Mayaṃ suttāni uggaṇhāma.
We learnt the verse/suttas.
Tāpasā araññesu vihariṃsu.
The ascetic lived in the forests.
Sādhu atithīnaṃ saṃgaho.
Good is the treatment for the guests.
Munayo girimhi vasissanti.
The monks/ meditators/sages will live on the rock.
Gahapati Tathāgataṃ dassanāya gacchi.
The householder went to the Buddha for the purpose of seeing.
Kavi gāthāyo bandhissati.
Poet will compose the verses.
Adhipatino gehaṃ corā bhindiṃsu.
The thieves broke the house of the lord.
Mahodadhi nidhīnaṃ āvāso hoti.
Great ocean is the residence of hidden treasure.
So isīhi saddhiṃ mantessati.
He will discuss with the sages.
Bhariyā patissa kulaṃ gacchati.
The wife goes to the family of the lord.
Tathāgatassa ācariya muṭṭhi natthi.
There is no the fist of teacher for the Buddha.
Puratthimāya disāya ravi udeti.
The sun comes up from the eastern direction.
Bodhisatto bhūpatiṃ anusāsi.
The Bodhisatta instructed the king.
Ahaṃ pāninā maṇiṃ ganhiṃ.
I took the gem with the palm.
Vejjo vyādhīnaṃ bhesajjaṃ karoti.
Doctor makes medicine for the sicknesses.
Tvaṃ devatāya baliṃ harissasi.
I will carry offering to the god.
Upadhīhi dukkhā pabhavanti.
Sufferings originate from defilements.
Bodhisatto bodhiyā mūle ānāpānasatiṃ bhāvesi.
Boddhisatta cultivated mindfulness on breathing in and out.
So viriyaṃ ārabhi.
He started the right effort.
Rattiyā paṭhame yāme pubbajātiṃ anussari.
He remembered in the first watch of the night.
Rattiya pacchime yāme saccāni pativijjhi.
He realized truths in the last watch of the night.
Paticcasamuppādo paññāya bhūmi.
Dependent origination is the ground of wisdom.
Paṭhama-mahā samgītiyā Theravādo pātubhavi.
Theravada appeared from the fist great council.
Buddhassa anumatiyā Gotamī iddhiṃ dassesi.
Gotami showed the psychic power with the approval of the Buddha.
Natthi kāmesu titti.
There is no satisfaction in sense pleasures.
Mayaṃ aratiṃ ca ratiṃ ca sahissāma.
We shall overcome likes and dislikes.
Ahaṃ rājadhāniyā rājadhāniṃ vicarissāmi.
I shall go from one kingdom to another kingdom.
Suddhi asuddhi paccattaṃ (Dhp. V.165)
Purity and Impurity is personal.
Sabbe sattā santiṃ gavesissanti.
All living beings will search for peace.
Pītiyā passaddhi jāyati.
Lightness is born from joy.
Khanti sappurisānaṃ dhammo.
Tolerance is the nature of good persons.
Manussā sāmaggiyā vuddhiṃ pāpunanti.
People reach progress by unity.
Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantetvā dhammaṃ desesi.
The Buddha having addressed the dhamma preached to the monks.
Bhikkhū Bhagavato bhāsitaṃ abhinanduṃ.
The monks took special interests in the teachings of Buddha.
Devatāyo Bhagavantaṃ dassanāya upasaṅkamitvā ekamantaṃ aṭṭhaṃsu.
The deities having come to see the Blessed One stood at the corner.
Sāvakā Bhagavatā saddhiṃ gāmaṃ piṇḍāya pavisissanti.
The disciples with the Buddha will enter into the village for alms.
Susu pitarā saha sindhuiṃ gantvā nāvaiṃ passi.
The child having gone to the sea with the father saw a boat.
Bandhavo setunā nadiṃ taritvā nagaraṃ passitvā bhaṇḍāni kiṇanti.
The relatives having crossed the river by the bridge having entered the city buy the goods.
Bimbisāro Rājagahe veluvanaṃ Bhagavato pūjesi.
Bimbisara offers bamboo grove to the Blessed One in the city of Rajagaha.
So akkhi dubbalaṃ ekaṃ itthiṃ passitvā pucchi.
He having seen one woman with weak eyes asked.
Vejjo aggiṃ jāletvā bhesajjaṃ pacitvā gilānassa adāsi.
The doctor having kindled the fire and having cooked the medicine, gave to the sick.
Sīlavanto ca satimanto ca Bhagavato vacanaṃ na vissaranti.
Those who have virtuous and those who have good memory do not forget the Blessed One’s words.
Mayaṃ sattusu metta-cittaṃ bhāvetvā sukhaṃ jīvāma.
We having cultivated friendly mind towards enemies lives happily.
Hantā labhati hantāraṃ, netā labhati vattāraṃ.
Striker attains another striker, the leader attains critic.
Rāhulakumāro satthāraṃ vanditvā pattaṃ gahetvā vihāraṃ gantvā pabbaji.
The boy Rahula having worshipped the teacher, having taken the bowl, having gone to the temple, renounced the world.
Satthā Bhagavā, sāvako ahaṃ.
The Buddha is the teacher, I am the disciple.
Bhātā vinā bhaginiyā gehaṃ gantvā pituno ārocesi.
The brother having gone home without sister, informed the father.
Sāmaṇeriyo pāto’va yāguṃ pivitvā ārāme vattapaṭivattaṃ karonti.
The female novices do routine work in the monastery after drinking gruel in the early morning.
Sassu sasurena saddhiṃ ārāmaṃ gantvā cetiyaṃ vanditvā bhikkhū nimantesi.
The mother-in-law with the father-in-law invited the monks after having gone to the monastery and having worshipped the pagoda.
Pāpakārino dhammavādīnaṃ vacanaṃ anādiyitvā pāpāni katvā niraye nibbattissanti.
The evil-doer without having taken up the word of the truth speaker having done evil-things will appear in the purgatory.
Aṭṭha bhūpatayo Tathāgatassa dhātuyo nidahitvā aṭṭha thūpāni akariṃsu.
Eight kings having enshrined the Buddha’s relics, made eight pagodas in their kingdoms.
Andhabālā puthujjanā pāne hantvā appāyukā bhavissanti.
Foolish common worldlings having killed living being will become ones with short span of life.
Dve vāṇijā bhātaro Tathāgatassa manthaṃ ca madhuṃ ca pūjesu.
Two merchant brothers offered cake and honey to the Buddha.
Puttā vatthu manussānaṃ.
The children are the ground of the human beings.
Mātuyā ca pituno ca metta-cittaṃ putta-dhītānaṃ kitāvaha.
The loving kindness of mother and father brings about benefit for sons and daughters.
Mātā pitā ca putte anukampanti.
Mother and father are kind towards children.
Padumāni puṇḍarīkāni ca ambuyā jāyati.
Red lotuses and white lotuses are born from the water.
Pañca bhesajjāni nāma, sappi, navanītaṃ, telaṃ madhuṃ phāṇitaṃ.
Five medicine are, namely, ghee, fresh butter, oil, honey and raw sugar.
Ahaṃ hi brāhmaṇa kasāmi ca vapāmi ca, kasitvā ca bhuñjāmi.
O Brahmin, certainly I plough and sow (the seeds), having the seeds, I eat.
Ānandatthero satimā ca bahussuto ca hutvā Tathāgataṃ upaṭṭhāhi.
The Elder Ananda after having become a person with good memory and much learning attended on the Buddha.
Vinayo nāma sāsanassa āyu.
Discipline is the life of buddhist organization.
Kāyena vācāya manasā saṃvaro sādhu.
The restrainments with body, word and mind are good.
Sāmaṇeriyo pāto’va yāguṃ pivitvā ārāme vattapaṭivattaṃ karonti.
The female novices do routine work in the monastery after drinking gruel in the early morning.
Sikkhamānāyo upassayesu viharantiyo sikkhāpadesu sikkhanti.
The female trainees, while staying in the nunneries, train themselves in the precepts.
Saccako Nigaṇṭhaputto jaṃghāvihāraṃ anucakamamāno anuvicaramāno dūratova āgacchantaṃ āyasmantaṃ Assajiṃ passi.
Saccaka, the son of Nigaṇṭha, while making a morning walk, saw Venerable Assaji who was comingfrom a distance.
Attānaṃ rakkhanto paraṃ rakkhati paraṃ rakkhanto attānaṃ rakkhati (S.N.)
The person who is protecting himself protects another. The person who is protecting another protects himself.
Sammāsambuddhā dhammaṃ yeva sakkaronto garukaronto sāvake vinenti.
The Fully Enlightened Ones train the disciples while respecting (honouring) and treating the dhamma (only) properly.
Itthī dhammaṃ suṇamānā sotāpattiphale patiṭṭhāsi.
The woman, while listening to the dhamma, grounded herself on stream entrance.
So cittaṃ samādahaṃ assassati ca passasati ca.
He, while concentrating the mind, breathes in and breathes out.
Dadato puññaṃ pavaḍḍhati, saṃyamato veraṃ na cīyati.
For the person who is giving, the merit grows up. For a person who is restraining (himself) grudge / persisting anger / vengence is not accumulated.
Gacchanto ahaṃ gacchāmīti pajānāmi.
While going I know clearly thus that I go.
Milāyantāni pupphāni (Milāyantaṃ pupphaṃ) disvā mayaṃ aniccasaññaṃ bhāvema.
Having seen the flowers withering away we cultivate the idea of impermanence.
Buddhasāvako pāṇātipātaṃ pahāya pāṇātipātā viramanto sīlaṃ rakkhati.
Disciple of the Buddha having abandoned killing, while refraining from killing living beings, protects moral virtues.
Attānaṃ ukkaṃsento paraṃ vambhento puggalo avinīto hoti.
The person who is praising himself and despising another becomes uncivilized.
Maggaṃ bhāventiyā bhikkhuniyā cittaṃ kilesehi vimucci.
The mind of the bhikkhunī who was cultivating the path was liberated from the defilements
Ahaṃ dhammaṃ jānaṃ passaṃ viharāmi.
I live while knowing and seeing the dhamma.
Sappurise bhajantānaṃ paññā vaḍḍhati.
For the people keeping association with good persons, wisdom grows up.
Amhākaṃ sattha Sāvatthiyaṃ viharanto bahūni suttāni abhāsi.
Our teacher, while living (staying) in Sāvatthi, preached (taught) many suttas.
Sikkhamānāyo upassayesu viharantiyo sikkhāpadesu sikkhanti.
The female trainees, while staying in the nunneries, train themselves in the precepts.
Saccako Nigaṇṭhaputto jaṃghāvihāraṃ anucaṃkamamāno anuvicaramāno
dūratova āgacchantaṃ āyasmantaṃ Assajiṃ passi.
Saccaka, the son of Nigaṇṭha, while making a morning walk, saw Venerable Assaji who was comingfrom a distance.
Attānaṃ rakkhanto paraṃ rakkhati paraṃ rakkhanto attānaṃ rakkhati (S.N.)
The person who is protecting himself protects another. The person who is protecting another protects himself.
Sammāsambuddhā dhammaṃ yeva sakkaronto garukaronto sāvake vinenti.
The Fully Enlightened Ones train the disciples while respecting (honouring) and treating the dhamma (only) properly.
Itthī dhammaṃ suṇamānā sotāpattiphale patiṭṭhāsi.
The woman, while listening to the dhamma, grounded herself on stream entrance.
So cittaṃ samādahaṃ assassati ca passasati ca
He, while concentrating the mind, breathes in and breathes out.
Dadato puññaṃ pavaḍḍhati, saṃyamato veraṃ na cīyati, (Kusalo ca jahāti pāpakaṃ, Rāgadosamohakkhayā sanibbuto.)
For the person who is giving, the merit grows up. For a person who is restraining (himself) grudge / persisting anger / vengence is not accumulated.-因為布施 (For the one giving),福報增長 (merit grows),因為自制 (for the one
restraining),不樹立敵人 (grudge is not accumulated),因為惑盡,有善的人滅惡,
Gacchanto ahaṃ gacchāmīti pajānāmi.
While going I know clearly thus that I go.
Milāyantāni pupphāni (Milāyantaṃ pupphaṃ) disvā mayaṃ aniccasaññaṃ bhāvema.
Having seen the flowers withering away we cultivate the idea of impermanence
Buddhasāvako pāṇātipātaṃ pahāya pāṇātipātā viramanto sīlaṃ rakkhati.
Disciple of the Buddha having abandoned killing, while refraining from killing living beings, protects moral virtues.
Attānaṃ ukkaṃsento paraṃ vambhento puggalo avinīto hoti.
The person who is praising himself and despising another becomes uncivilized.
Maggaṃ bhāventiyā bhikkhuniyā cittaṃ kilesehi vimucci.
The mind of the bhikkhunī who was cultivating the path was liberated from the defilements
Ahaṃ dhammaṃ jānaṃ passaṃ viharāmi.
I live while knowing and seeing the dhamma.
Sappurise bhajantānaṃ paññā vaḍḍhati.
For the people keeping association with good persons, wisdom grows up.
Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo.
Dhamma has been well explained by the Blessed One.
Luddho atthaṃ na jānāti, kuddho atthaṃ na jānāti.
The person who is attached does not know right & wrong; the person who is angry does not know
right & wrong.
Sabbaṃ diṭṭham na bhāsitabbaṃ.
All that which is seen should not be spoken.
Appamattā na mīyanti.
Those who are mindful do not die.
Saṃghe Gotami dinne ahañceva pūjito bhavissāmi.
When given to the Samgha, O Gotami, I too indeed shall be offered.
Dhammo paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhi.
Dhamma should be understood within themselves by the wise people.
Evaṃ me sutaṃ.
Thus, it has been heard by me.
Kattabbaṃ kusalaṃ, caritabbaṃ brahmacariyaṃ.
Good should be done, religious life, should be lived.
Atthi sukaṭadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko.
There is fruit and result of good actions and bad actions.
Khīṇā jāti, vusitaṃ brahmacariyaṃ, kataṃ karanīyaṃ.
Birth has be dissolved, the higher life has been fulfilled, what should be done has been done.
Ramaṇīyaṃ vatidaṃ bhūmibhāgaṃ, dassanīyaṃ.
Indeed,this beautiful piece of lord is attractive.
Parābhavaṃ puriso laddhaṃ laddhaṃ vināseti.
A defeating man destroys what is gained.
Vassaṃ vutthā bhikkhū cārikaṃ pakkamiṃsu.
The monks having lived the rainy reason, went on the preaching tour.
Nāyapaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṃgho.
The Blessed One’s community of disciples has gone on the right way.
Sannipatitānaṃ vo bhikkhave dvayaṃ karaṇīyaṃ, dhammī vā kathā, ariyo vā tuṇhībhāvo.
O monks, two things should be be done by you who have assembled together, one is Dhamma talk, the other is noble silence.