Sentence Practice Week 8 Flashcards
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I dress differently depending on the weather.
날씨에 따라서 옷을 다르게 입어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The sizes vary depending on the price
가격에 따라서 크기가 달라요.
Translate the following phrase into Korean:
The fare varied depending on when you go.
요금은 언제 가는지에 따라 달라요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I can’t hear you [lit. the sound can’t be heard], can you speak louder?
소리가 잘 안 들리는데 크게 말해 주시겠어요?
Is the following sentence correct?
생각에 따라 모든 것이 아름답게 보일 수도 있고 나쁘게 보일 수도 있어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The door won’t open. It seems like it’s broken.
문이 안 열려요. 고장이 났나 봐요.
Translate the following sentence using:
- N(으)로 유명하다
- AV-기로 유명하다
- 그 카페는 좋은 분위기로 유명해요
- 그 카페는 분위기가 좋기로 유명해요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
Europe is famous for having many old churches.
유럽은 오래된 교회가 많기로 유명합니다.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I packed a lunch box in advance so take it with you.
도시락을 싸 놓았으니까 가지고 가세요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I purchased the train ticket in advance because I thought it might be difficult to get it on festival days.
명절에 기차표 구하기가 어려울 것 같아서 미리 예매해 놓았어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean using 아/어 놓다:
I’ve booked a good restaurant for our wedding anniversary
결혼 기념일을 위해서 좋은 식당을 예약해 놓았어요
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I closed the window because they said it was going to rain in the afternoon.
오후에 비가 많이 온다고 해서 창문을 닫아 놓았어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The house smelled of food so I left the window open.
집에 음식 냄새가 많이 나서 창문을 열어 놓았어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I think it would be better to buy the tickets in advance since it’s a weekend.
주말이니까 미리 표를 예매해 놓는 것이 좋겠어요.
Is the following sentence correct?
날씨가 더우니까 음료수를 냉장고에 넣어 놓으세요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
Please write down the difficult content in the book (for future use).
어려운 내용은 책에 적어 두세요.
Is the following sentence correct?
침대 옆에 예쁜 꽃들을 놓아 놓았어요
No. In the case of 놓다, 두다 should be used
The correct sentence is:
침대 옆에 예쁜 꽃들을 놓아 두었어요
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
This is where we store items from the Joseon dynasty
여기는 조선 시대 물건을 보관해 두는 곳입니다.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I bought a car with the money I saved in the bank.
은행에 저축해 (모아) 둔 돈으로 자동차를 샀어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
If you want to get good grades you must do your homework.
좋은 성적을 받으려면 숙제를 하지 않으면 안 돼요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
You have to turn your mobile off as you could disturb the performance.
공연에 방해가 되니까 휴대전화를 끄지 않으면 안 돼요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
If you want to maintain your health you have to eat regularly
건강을 지키려면 규칙적으로 식사하지 않으면 안 된다.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
You have to go right now. Because if not you will be late.
지금 가지 않으면 안 돼요. 안 그러면 늦을 거거든요
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
Only if the students finish this course can they graduate.
학생들이 이 수업을 이수해야 졸업할 수 있어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
When people drive, only when they obey the traffic signals is it safe.
사람들이 운전을 할 때 신호를 잘 지켜야 안전해요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The door will only open if you push hard
세게 밀어야 문이 열려요.
Is the following sentence correct?
서둘러야 지각하지 않을 거예요.
No. 아/어야 cannot be used with the future tense.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I heard that the movie is interesting. I will have to watch it, too.
그 영화가 너무 재미있다고 했어. 나도 봐야지.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
Minho, you should study hard from now on.
민호야, 이제부터는 좀 열심히 공부해야지.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
If you weren’t well, you should have rested instead of pushing yourself too hard.
몸이 안 좋으면 무리하지 말고 쉬었어야지요.
Translate the following sentences into Korean:
- You have to finish all your homework and then play computer games.
- You should have finished all your homework and then have played computer games.
- 숙제를 다 해 놓고 나서 컴퓨터 게임을 해야지.
- 숙제를 다 해 놓고 나서 컴퓨터 게임을 했어야지.
Translate the following sentence into Korean using 채로:
It looks like he fell asleep in front of the TV
텔레비전을 켜 놓은 채로 잠이 들었나 봐요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
Susan worked without knowing she was sick:
수잔은 자기가 아픈지도 모른 채 일을 했다.
Is the following sentence correct?
병원에 간 채로 공부했어요.
No. 채로 cannot be used with 가다.
The correct sentence is:
학교에 가서 공부했어요.
Is the following sentence correct?
가스 불을 켠 채 라면을 끓였어요.
No. (으)ㄴ 채로 cannot be used with sentences where the outcome is expected
The correct sentence is:
가스 불을 켜고 라면을 끓였어요
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The house stank because I cooked with the door closed.
문을 닫아 놓은 채로 요리를 해서 집안에 냄새가 심하게 나요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I was so tired that I fell asleep without removing my makeup.
너무 피곤해서 화장을 지우지 않은 채로 잠이 들었어요.
Is the following sentence correct?
모자를 써 놓고 실내로 들어갔다.
No. 놓다 should not be used with verbs that indicate the wearing of things on the body.
The correct sentence is:
모자를 쓴 채로 실내로 들어갔다.
Is the following sentence correct?
화가 난 채로 집으로 갔어요.
Yes. (으)ㄴ 채로 can be used to express the continuation of a certain emotional state while doing another action
What is the difference in focus between these two sentences?
a. 창문을 열어 두고 공부했습니다.
b. 창문을 연 채로 공부했습니다.
a. 창문을 열어 두고 공부했습니다.
The focus is that the first action was completed in advance
b. 창문을 연 채로 공부했습니다.
The focus is that the first action was maintained.
Is the following sentence correct?
공부하다가 너무 힘들어서 안경을 쓴 채로 잠이 들어 버렸어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The more money you have the more frugal you should be
돈이 많으면 많을수록 아껴야 합니다.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The younger a child is the more carefully you should care for it.
어린 아이일수록 조심히 돌봐야 돼요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The earlier you buy fruit in the morning, the fresher the fruit will be.
아침 일찍 과일을 살수록 과일이 더 싱싱해요
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
The more food the better so it will good to prepare plenty.
음식이 많으면 많을수록 좋으니까 충분하게 준비하는 게 좋겠어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
Everything depends on how we think.
모든 것은 생각하기에 달려 있어요.
(모든 것은 어떻게 생각하느냐에 달려 있어요.)
Change this sentence into the interrogative word form:
발표력은 연습하기에 달려 있어요.
발표력은 얼마나 연습하느냐에 달려 있어요.
Change this sentence into the interrogative word form:
모든 일은 마음먹기에 달려 있어요
모든 일은 어떻게 마음먹느냐에 달려 있어요
Change this sentence into the interrogative word form:
힘든 일도 생각하기에 달려 있어요.
힘든 일도 어떻게 생각하느냐에 달려 있어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
It seems that happiness depends on one’s mind.
행복은 마음에 달려 있는 것
A: 왜 이렇게 바쁘세요?
B: It’s because I have to submit my assignment by Friday. The deadline is Friday.
금요일까지 과제를 제출하지 않으면 안 되거든요. 마감일이 금요일이라서요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean:
I fell asleep with the lights on as I was so tired.
너무 피곤해서 불을 켜 놓은 채로 잠이 들었어요.
Translate the following sentences into Korean:
As you exercise more, you get healthier, so make sure that you exercise often.
운동할수록 더 건강해지니까 운동을 자주 하도록 하세요.