Sensory organs Flashcards
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Where is the olfactory organ found and what doe it do here?
- olfactory mucosa in dorsocaudal nasal cavity
- Covers lateral wall and ethmoidal conchae here
How can the olfactory organ be distinguished histologically?
- by presence of olfactory neuronal cells
Why is sense of smell better in domestic animals?
- there are more neuronal cells = larger SA
What do concha do?
- divide up areas
What type of epithelium covers concha?
- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Normal respiration is directed through …
- respiratory pathways
Sniffing to try and smell something is directed through ….
= olfactory pathways
– dorsal caudal nasal area so it can go to olfactory area
Olfactory neurone dendrites reach what? and do what?
- epithelium
- Present cilia (hair-like projections) into cavity beyond epithelium and mucosa
Axons combine to form what (olfactory)?
- combine to form the fascicles of the olfactory nerve
Where does the olfactory nerve pass through?
- Pass through cribriform plate to connect directly to olfactory bulb on brain
Olfactory (bowman’s) glands are below what?
- epithelium
What do olfactory glands contain?
- Lipid-rich fluid mucus to bind odorants
What happens after odorants dissolve in the olfactory gland?
- reach sensory receptors
- Wash away odour particles (to nasopharynx to be swallowed) so new smells can be sensed
If there is humidify epithelium what happens?
= more intense smells
What is expressed per olfactory neurone cell?
- only one receptor is expressed per olfactory neurone cell
What are receptors like in olfactory cells?
- not very specific to odour molecules (different molecules can all trigger same receptor infinity,).
- There is an infinity so some have a preference
Olfactory cells from synapses with what?
- with mitral cells in olfactory bulb
What are there multiple of in a mitral cell?
- multiple olfactory neurones per mitral cell in a tuft (glomerulus) of nerve endings coming together
What do mitral cells do?
- Mitral cell links to one type of olfactory receptor
What does the brain compare to distinguish the overall odour?
- Brain compares signal frequency from different mitral cells to distinguish the overall odour
What is the vomeronasal organ? (Jacobson’s)
- accessory olfactory system
Where is the vomeronasal organ found?
- the nasal cavity
Describe the structure of the vomeronasal organ?
- Two narrow parallel ducts
- Embedded in hard palate
- End blindly (caudally)
- Open into incisive ducts (rostrally)
- Part-lined by olfactory mucosa
What connects the oral and nasal cavities through hard palate?
- Incisive ducts
What is absent in equids?
- oral opening
What does the vomeronasal organ do?
- Detects pheromones
= ‘sexual nose’ - role in reproductive and social behaviours
What is the flehmen reaction?
- detection of oestrus by males
following birth and interaction with newborn - interesting smells
Taste receptor cell only have a single type of what?
- receptor type
Where are sensory cells derived from?
- epithelium cells
What is taste receptors innervated by?
- Innervated by sensory nerve fibres from CN VII and IX (facial and glossopharyngeal nn.)
What do gustatory inputs link to?
- cerebral cortex
- brain stem
- limbic system
What role does the cerebral cortex have?
- conscious perception of taste and smell
What role does the brainstem have?
- unconscious reflexes e.g. salivation, digestive juices, pre-absorptive insulin release
What is the limbic system responsible for?
- emotional response
What is aroma?
= Taste + smell
- Including olfactory input from nasopharynx as food chewed
What does the eye detect?
- light info