Sensational Flashcards
Special receptors in sense organs are activated
Information is taken in as two senses
Process of converting outside stimuli into neural activity
Just noticeable stimuli
Smallest difference between two stimuli
Absolute threshold
Lowest stimulation that a person can detect
Tendency to ignore unchanging information
Sensory adaption
Less responsive to unchanging stimuli
Dark adaption
Recovery of eyes sensitivity to visual stimuli in darkness after exposure to bright lights
Light adaption
Recovery of eyes sensitivity to visual stimuli in light after exposure to darkness
Trichromatic theory
Theory of color; three types of color: red, blue, and green
After image
Image that occurs when a visual sensation persists for a brief time even after stimulus is removed
Opponent process theory
Theory of color suggests four primary colors with cones arranged in pairs: red and green, blue and yellow
Waves per second; a measurement of frequency