Sensation, habituation, classical conditioning Pt I Flashcards
what are the types of stores?
Sensory: the duration is 1-3 seconds. capacity is high, STM: Duration is 1 min capacity is 7+2 chunks, LTM duration is hours to a lifetime capacity is very high
what is extinction
Conditioned response will eventually go away
Classical Conditioning
Link responses associate things together
Characteristics of Habituation
Spontaneous recovery: overtime, sensitivity to the stimulus begins to increase if it is withheld.
Speed of Habituation; become rapid over multiple sessions
frequency of stimuli: more rapid stimulus lead to more rapid habituation and more rapid SR
Stimulus Intensity; force, strength. Weaker stimulus habituate more quickly than other stimuli
Generalization: Habituation can generalize to similar stimlus
Dishabituation: Unrelated Stimulus can undo habituation
Greater/ more response to stimuli
What is habituation
Response that decreases over time organism learns that it is not worth to react to the stimulus
Rapid perceptual Identification: Priming/ semantic memory
Explicit: Measures how well we encoded
priming Flashing word very fast measures primimg
Implicit measures
Measures of learning and memory that are difficult to report , like familiar skill performance
Recall, recognition, relearming
Recall: the retrieval of information from memory without a cue. There is a question, and you must search your memory for the answer.
WHO told me this gossip?
Recognition: happens when you identify information that you have previously learned after encountering it again.
Is this person in my office one of my students?
Relearning: relearning of the information that has already been learned in the past but is not remembered
Relearning things we already know
Assessing memory
Behavioral methods, explicit measures are recalled from sensory, STM, LTM, working memoru
US Devalution
US is no longer as good or exciting
What us conditioned response? Hypothesis 2
CS is a signal that US will occur, and the CR is done in anticipation
What us conditioned response? Hypothesis 1
CS creates the experience of the US which triggers an UR or CR
conditioning to only a specific set of stimulus
and discriminate between very similar things
Fay (1994)
goldfish were conditioned w different “Pitches”
goldfish show a generalization, they show a gradient they were conditioned to react to the same pulses so they’d react to similiar ones
Respond the same to other things because of previous knowledge
ex: feeling nauseated after eating a food, so you think other food that look alike will taste bad
Sensory Order Conditioning; SR Prediction
SR does think theyll be a response
this supports the SR hypothesis
Sensory Order Conditioning; SS
SS does not think theyll be a response
Sensory Order Conditioning
First classically conditioned then neutral stimulus is associated with conditioned stimulus.
Phase 1;
then the US is evaluated
Phase 2:
Sensory Pre-Conditioning; SS Prediction
SS prediction does predict CR to associate neutral stimulus when neutral stimulus is presented is provokes a CR therefore sensory preconditioning supports sensory pre-conditioning.
Sensory Pre-Conditioning; SR Prediction
Does not predict CR to associate neutral stimulus
Sensory Pre-Conditioning
Associate 2 neutral stimuli before classically conditioning using one.
Phase 1
Phase 2: Tone-shock- movement
US Devaluation SS Prediction
SS Predicts reduced conditioning
ex: because the light implies theres more food there should be less excitement coming.
The US devaluation supports SS hypothesis
US Devaluation: SR Prediction
SR Hypothesis predicts no change.
Response Prevention: Stimulus Stimils
predicts classical conditioning because association can still be learned
ex: you feed an animal after doing so multiple times it reduces the excitment
Response Prevention & Stimulus Response
predicts no classical conditioning, cant make response so you cant make an association
Encoding systems and what are their differences
implicit memory is planning, procedural (school schedules) conditioning, difficult to explain like how to ride a bike wash dishes. ect.
Explicit memory is LTM. Concentrates in facts and events required to recall. 2 categories:
Episodic memory, like experiences and every day events like phone number and first day at a job
Semantic; make effort to recall things previous knowledge is an effort to recall things, previous general knowledge learned in our lives
ex: knowing the grass is green how to wash our hands