Semester 1 Exam Review COPY COPY Flashcards
the beliefs and customs of a group of people
After Ramses the Great died, Egypt was __________ and never regained _____________.
invaded; power
Shabaka and the 25th dynasty are best known for restoring _________________ culture.
A textbook is an example of a _____________ source.
The continent occupied last by humans was
South America
What did Menes wear to symbolize his rule over both Upper and Lower Egypt?
Double Crown
Name the leader who conquered all of Sumer.
Kushite farmers were unable to grow enough food because cattle were allowed to _______________ which caused the soil to ___________________.
overgraze; blow away
The cataracts helped protect Kush from _________.
Conquest of distant lands allowed Egypt’s ________ to expand along with its empire.
What was built to protect cities from attack?
Sargon was able to establish the world’s first empire because he had the first
permanent army
Why is the Great Pyramid of Khufu empty?
it was robbed
Farming allowed people to build
permanent settlements
List 3 materials that people used to make clothing and cloth.
plant fibers, animal skins, wool
Why did city-states fight over farmland?
so they had enough land to grow food
Phoenician ships sailed on the _________________ Sea.
Thutmose I attacked Kush because he was afraid Kush would become more powerful and
attack Egypt
a series of rulers from the same family
Sumerians believed the ______________ could bring a good harvest or a terrible flood.
Pyramids are __________ that were built for the ______________.
tombs; pharaohs
Piankhi believed the gods wanted him to
rule all of Egypt
Mountains, deserts, rivers, and valleys are examples of
physical features
objects that were created and used by humans
Ramses the Great is known for being a great ___________ and a great _____________.
warrior and builder
Name the king who was a legendary figure in Sumerian literature.
a part or imprint of something that was once alive
Name the kingdom that was ruled by a few powerful queens such as Queen Shanakhdakheto and Queen Amanirenas.
Enheduanna is the world’s first known __________.
Tombs were filled with art, jewelry, and other objects for the ________________.
a strip of land connecting two continents
land bridge
Large animals helped people _________.
What were farmers asked to do during the flood season?
build things
Menes married the princess of Lower Egypt in order to
strengthen his control
What do people need in order to hunt, farm, and create art?
Which continent was never permanently settled by humans?
Journal entries, letters, laws, and treaties are examples of
primary sources
The ________ served a role between the Sumerians and the gods.