End of Year Exam Review Period 1 Flashcards
an account by someone who witnessed an event; examples include: letters, diaries, court documents, etc.
primary source
Rivers, valleys, mountains, and deserts are examples of
physical features
Early people would look for a location near enough __________________ and ________________ as they decided where to settle.
food, water
Farming allowed people to build permanent ______________.
List three materials that people used to make clothing and cloth.
wool, plant fibers, animal skins
What was the Law of the Twelve Tables?
Rome’s first written law code
_______ were built around cities to protect the inhabitants from attack.
an account of an event created by someone who did NOT witness the event; examples include textbooks and encyclopedia articles
secondary source
Societies with many natural _____________ could build cities and armies and develop trade.
Using large animals greatly improved the ability of people to __________, which increased their chances of survival.
Despite the growth of cities, Mesopotamian society was still based on ___________.
The army of __________ defeated all the city-states of Sumer and conquered northern Mesopotamia.
A king known as ___________ became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature.
Sumerians believed that the ________ could bring a good harvest or a terrible flood.
Menes wore a double crown to symbolize ____________.
his rule over Upper and Lower Egypt
Why did the Egyptians fill tombs with art, jewelry, and other treasures?
for the afterlife
Pyramids are ________ that were built for the ________.
tombs, pharaohs
a series of rulers from the same family
Ramses the Great is remembered as a great ___________ and a great ___________.
warrior, builder
What did Shi Huangdi do that shows he was a follower of legalism?
created strict laws and harsh punishments
What was the effect of all people in China using the same coins and the same writing system?
trade became easier
Why did Shi Huangdi have the Great Wall of China built?
protection from invaders
“Rule of the people” describes which type of government?
Name the type of government that started in Athens.
Explain why it was not possible for most juries to come to a tie.
odd number of members
What is the name for the type of democracy that allows citizens to directly participate in the government?
direct democracy
What did lyric poets do while reciting their poems?
played the lyre
Name the leader who founded (started) the Persian Empire.
Cyrus the Great
Why was Darius angry with the Greeks?
they aided a rebellion
What were Spartan boys trained to be?
Why did Spartan women have some rights and freedoms that other Greek women didn’t have?
men often away at war
What is the name of Philip’s son who took over as leader after Philip’s death?
Why did Alexander stop expanding the empire into India?
soldiers were tired
What was the cause of Alexander’s death?
What is the name of the famous building that was built on the Athenian acropolis?
What did philosophers believe the human mind could do?
think, explain, understand life
Name the group of people who challenged the idea that the actions of gods and goddesses caused events in the world.
What stops one part of government from having more power than the others?
checks and balances
At first, Rome’s laws weren’t written down. Why were people unhappy about it?
didn’t want to break laws they didn’t know about
Where was the Law of the Twelve Tables displayed?
What is the name for the series of wars between Rome and Carthage?
Punic Wars
Explain how arches allow structures to last for a long time.
What was the main purpose of Roman roads?
military use
Before burying their dead, the Egyptians would preserve the bodies as __________.
When was King Tutankhamen’s tomb discovered and why is it important?
1922, it wasn’t robbed
What was the Hebrew’s religion called?
the belief in one god
people who are said to receive messages from God to share with others
Philip was able to defeat the Greeks because the Greeks refused to ____________ to fight against Philip.
join together
What did the plebeians do that caused the patricians to change the government?
formed a council and elected their own officials
After the Gracchus brothers were killed, Romans began to see that _________ could be used as a __________.
violence, political weapon
Hindus belief that if a person has good _________, they will be born into a higher caste in the next life.
Many people from the lower classes liked the Buddha because he was opposed to the __________________.
caste system
people who work to spread their religious beliefs
The Zhou kings believed that ________ gave them the power to rule.
Which Chinese belief system taught that it was important to live in harmony with nature?
Because silk was popular in Rome, China became __________.
Name the philosopher who wanted Romans to support the Senate.
After Pompey asked Caesar to give up power, Caesar led his army across the Rubicon River into ___________.
The agora was a marketplace that was also used for ____________ and ____________ meetings.
political, religious
Why did the Spartans think it was important for women to be strong and healthy?
to have strong, healthy children
Italy is surrounded by water on three sides so it is a ____________.
Who was the first ruler to have a permanent army?
Priests were important in Sumerian society because Sumerians believed they could communicate with the ___________.
How long ago was the year 300 BC?
2317 years ago
Menes united the two kingdoms that were called __________ Egypt and _________ Egypt.
Upper, Lower
List the natural barriers that protected Egypt from invaders.
deserts, cataracts, seas
What was the occupation (job) of 80% of Egyptians?
Egypt conquered Kush and controlled it for many years. How did this affect Kushite culture?
It became more like Egyptian culture.
Define scribe.
What was discovered in 1799 that allowed scholars to understand hieroglyphics?
Rosetta Stone
What did the Egyptians believe happened to a person’s ka after the person died?
became a spirit
Cincinnatus was a farmer who became Rome’s most famous ______________.
According to legend, the first king of Rome was ____________.
The part of the Christian Bible that tells about Jesus is called the ___________________.
New Testament