self report unit 1 Flashcards
open question
ask a participant to respond to at set question but leave a blank underneath the question so participants can answer in whatever style they chose. open questions produce qualitative data
closed question
give the answer to the participant and they have to choose the most appropriate answer for them
responses can easily be turned into quantitative data
rating scale
if a researcher wants to investigate people’s attitudes towards something
rating scale advantages
quantitative data can be compared
rating scale disadvantages
tendency to choose middle option
likert scale
used to measure attitudes to certain ideas
semantic differentials
a question or statement has been given and participants have to respond on a numerical scale as to how much they agree with it
semantic differentials make use of polar opposite terms
structured interview
the interviewer asked the same questions, each participant in the same order. Close questions are often used, with the interviewee, picking the answer that is closest to their own view.
The interviewer will have a set of preprepared questions to ask, and is expected to ask all of them. Other questions will be developed during the interview in response to answers given by the interviewee.
The researcher has topics to discuss, but these don’t have to be in the same order for each participant. The interview is more like a conversation with further questions being developed in response to the interviewees answers. 
advantages to questionnaires
compare better
faster and easier to complete
feel more honest
easy large sample size
Disadvantages to questionnaires
people may not return questionnaires
people may misunderstand questions
interviews advantages
can ask follow up questions
you can build a rapport with interviewees
read body language
interview disadvantage
not standardised
slower to complete
more difficult to compare
questionnaire advantage
compare better
faster and easier to complete
feel more honest
easy to get a large sample size
questionnaire disadvantage
people may not return questionnaires
people may misunderstand questions
interval or ratio
This is the highest level of data analysis is made of the scores achieved by individual participants involves the use of standard universal scales (e.g. seconds kilograms metres) the sizes of the gaps between the highest score 2nd highest score 3rd highest score et cetera I’ll take an account off as they can be measured with some precision.
This is the medium level of data analysis is made of individual scores achieved by participants but only in relation to each other (i.e. what is analysed is the rank position within a group rather than the actual scores) ordinal level data does not involve the use of standard universal scales said the account is taken of how much further highest is from second highest as the measures are not that precise.
This is the lowest level of data it is a headcount of the number of participants who do you want thing as opposed to another the data relate to people and groups rather than individual scores for each participant.