developmental area (lee) Flashcards
To find out if the culture a child grows up in (individualist or collectivist) affects their views about truth-telling and lying.
To find out if the views of children about truth-telling and lying change as they grow older.
Individualistic cultures:
societies which emphasise the individual, their rights, attitudes and needs.
Collectivist culture:
societies which emphasise the group, its decisions and needs and the duties of the individual to that group.
children from Canada 108
children from china 120
Children were all tested individually
Each child was read 4 different stories
The stories were designed to reflect situations that would be familiar to them.
Pro-social truth
doing something good (a pro-social behaviour) and then tell the truth about it.
Pro-social lie
the character would show pro-social behaviour and then not tell the truth about it.
Anti-social truth
the character would do something bad (a anti-social behaviour) and then tell the truth about it.
Anti-social lie
the character would show anti social behaviour and then not tell the truth about it.
results pro social truth stories
With regard to a character telling the truth about something pro-social they have done, children in collectivist China came to view this less positively as they got older