Self Efficacy Flashcards
Who “created” Self-Efficacy
Proposed byAlbert Bandura(1977). -situational and task - specific
Widely used inpsychological research.
How might self-efficacy influence someone’s approach to challenges or setbacks?
If you do not believe that you can do a skill, doing that skill will be alot hard if you do believe.
Global, general disposition.
General feelings of ability across situations.
Confident in learning generally, but not inquantum physics.
Conviction in executing specific behaviors.
Situation-specific self-confidence.
Hockey player feels good at hockey, but not atbasketball.
Self-Efficacy Expectations:
NOTbased on actual skills possessed.
AREbased on judgments of what one can do with those skills
Two individuals with similar abilities may havedifferent levels of self-efficacy.
The same person may havevarying self-efficacyin different circumstances.
Result:Different behaviors or performances.
Which of the following best defines self-efficacy?
The confidence that one can successfully execute specific behaviors to achieve an outcome.
Collins Study (1982)
Some kids did some math tests
Children withhigh self-efficacy(regardless of actual ability):
Solved more problems.
Reworked more failed questions.
Maintained a morepositive attitudetoward math.
Perceived self-efficacyis a major determinant of performance, operatingindependentlyof real skills.
Outcome Expectation:
Belief that a behavior will lead to a specific outcome.
Focused onthe result of the behavior
Efficacy Expectation:
Confidence in one’s ability to perform the behavior.
Focused onthe ability to execute the behavior.
What is the key difference between an outcome expectation and an efficacy expectation?
Efficacy expectation focuses on confidence in performing a behavior, while outcome expectation focuses on the result of the behavior.
Self-efficacy Influences
Thought Patterns
Emotional Reactions
How SE affects our choices
Strong SE = willingness to try.
Avoid tasks perceived as exceeding abilities.
Example: Avoiding water sports due to low swimming self-efficacy.
How SE affects Effort
Strong SE =more active efforts.
Doubts = reduced effort or giving up.
How SE affects Perisence
High SE =greater persistencewhen facing challenges.
Example: High SE kids reworked more math problems.
How SE affects though patterns
High SE: Failure =insufficient effort.
Low SE: Failure =deficient ability.
How SE impacts Emotional Reactions
High SE: Handle stress better.
Low SE: Focus on deficiencies, perceive obstacles asintimidating, increasing stress.
Which of the following is NOT influenced by self-efficacy?
vPhysical ability
Sources of Self-Efficacy Behaviour
Performance Accomplishments
VIcarious Experiences
Verbal/Social Persuasion
Physiological state
Performance Accomplishments:
Most Influentialdue to personal mastery experiences.
Success raises SE; repeated failures lower it.
Strong SE reduces impact of occasional failure.
Key Factors Influencing Impact:
Task difficulty: Too easy or too hard = limited SE gain.
Effort: Too little = “Anyone can do it”; too much = “I worked too hard.”
Guidance: Over-reliance reduces SE (“I can’t do it without help”).
Timing: Early successes = higher SE.
Less impactful Accomplishments
Observing others succeed = “If they can do it, I can too.”
Less impactfulthan personal accomplishments.
Influential Factors:
Similarity of the model: Greater similarity = greater SE gain.
Diversified modeling: Observing multiple models enhances SE.
: Physiological State
High arousal (stress, fatigue) =lower SE.
Calmness =higher SE.
People assess their fitness, fatigue, stress, and use this to gauge abilities.
Strategies to enhance SE:
Relaxation techniques.
Symbolic desensitization.
Verbal/Social Persuasion
Encourages belief in one’s capabilities.
Common butshort-term effects.
Key factors of Verbal/Social Persuasion
Credibility and trustworthiness of persuader.
Expertise and prestige of persuader.
Example: Coaches and teachers are often more effective than parents.
4 Sources of self SE
Performance Accomplishments
Vicarious Experiences
Physiological State
Verbal/Social Persuasion
Dimensions of Self-Efficacy
Which of the four sources of self-efficacy would you prioritize when coaching someone, and why?
Performance Accompliishments
Dimensions of Self-Efficacy Magnitude
Varies with task difficulty.
Example: Free throws at5 ft, 10 ft, 15 ft.
Confidence(SE) deceases as length increases
Dimensions of Self-Efficacy Strength
Strong SE persists despite failures.
Weak SE extinguishes after disconfirming experiences.
Measured on a0-100% confidence scale.
Dimensions of Self-Efficacy Generality
SE can behighly specific(one situation) orgeneralized(applies broadly).