selected syndromes Flashcards
syndrome def
The aggregate of signs & symptoms
associated with any morbid process,
& constituting together the picture
of the disease
Cytogenetic Disorders
• Alteration in chromosome # – Euploidy, aneuploidy • 45, X (Turner’s syndrome) • 47, XXY (Klinefelter’s syndrome) • Alteration in chromosome structure (1 or more) – Translocation – Deletion – Inversion – Ring chromosomes
• Proband
– The individual who initially presents w/ an
identifiable disorder prompting the genetic
• Penetrance
– The frequency w/ which an inheritable
trait is manifested by individuals carrying
the gene for that trait (%)
– The extent or degree to which the
inheritable traits are manifested by the
Modes of Genetic Transmission
• Autosomal dominant (most common) • Autosomal recessive (sickle-cell dz) • X-linked dominant (vit D resistant rickets) • X-linked recessive (hemophilia A) • Y-linked
• Aka Down syndrome • Most common/best known of the malformation syndromes • 1/650 live births • Association with increased maternal age – 38/1000 live births at 44 years of age or older
clinical features of trisomy 21
- Upslanting lateral palpebral fissures
- Low nasal bridge
- Mental retardation
- Broad, wide neck
- Simian crease (palm: single palmar crease)
- Small, malformed ears
oral features of trisomy 21
– Relative macroglossia, fissured tongue
– Delayed tooth eruption, hypodontia
– Narrow palate, malocclusion
– Taurodontism
Treacher Collins Syndrome
•Defects from first and second branchial arches •Autosomal dominant/sporadic (60% new mutations); 1 in 25,000-50,000 live births; associated with increased paternal age •Gene mutation (treacle or TCOF1) mapped to chromosome 5q32-q33. •Variable expressivity; severity increases with successive generations
clinical features of teacher collins
– Hypoplastic zygomas; coloboma (notch in outer lower eyelid) – Ear anomalies: deformed/misplaced pinnae, extra ear tage, conductive hearing loss due to absence of external auditory canal – Retruded, small mandible; condylar hypoplasia – 15% patients have lateral facial clefts; macrostomia – Cleft palate in 1/3 of patients – Hypoplastic/absent parotids – Respiratory complications – NO intellectual impairment
crouton syndrom ceph appearance
beaten copper
difference between apart and crouzon
syndactyly of the hands
The presence of multiple odontogenic
keratocysts in the same patient is strongly
suggestive of this syndrome!
Nevoid Basal Cell
Carcinoma Syndrome
(Gorlin Syndrome)
features of goblin syndrome
palmar and plantar pits
spina bifida
falx cerebri calcification
gardner syndrome
• Aka Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) • Autosomal dominant, near 100% penetrance • 1/3 cases are spontaneous mutations • Mutation mapped to the APC gene (adenomatous polyposis coli gene) on chromosome 5 • 1:8,300 to 1:16,000 live births colon polyps
skeletal manifestations of gardner syndrome
• Skeletal anomalies in 90% of patients
– Osteomas most common
• Commonly skull, paranasal sinuses, mandible
• Usually noted during puberty, before onset of
bowel symptoms
• Usually have 3-6 osteomas
dental abnormalities of gardner syndrome
• Dental abnormalities
– Odontomas
– Supernumerary teeth
– Impacted teeth
McCune-Albright Syndrome
Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia
• Genetics
– Sporadic postzygotic mutation GNAS 1 gene
• Clinical
– Tumor-like condition in which normal bone is
replaced by cellular fibrous connective tissue
with irregular bony trabeculae
– Jaw & skull can be affected, though polyostotic
fibrous dysplasia more frequently involves the
long bones
Jaffe-Lichtenstein syndrome
PFD + café au
lait pigmentation
McCune-Albright syndrome
PFD + café au
lait pigmentation + multiple endocrinopathies
– Sexual precocity, pituitary adenoma, or
radiographic appearance of mccue alb rights
“ground glass” or
“orange peel” appearance
Sjögren Syndrome
• Autoimmune disorder • Salivary & lacrimal glands involved • Classification – Primary • Sicca syndrome alone (xerostomia + xerophthalmia) – Secondary • Sicca syndrome + another autoimmune disease