Seizures (convulsions or fits) Flashcards
are involuntary muscle contractions due to
disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain
usually result in loss/impairment of consciousness.
The most common cause is epilepsy.
المسبب الاكبر للنوبات هي الصرع
Other causes
high fever (febrile convulsions in children),
CNS infections, following head injury, associated with
pregnancy or diabetes or electrolytes imbalance
Recognition features to seizures
Aura Sudden loss of consciousness Rigidity, arched back (tonic phase) Periodic relaxation of muscles (clonic phase) Difficult noisy breathing Jerky movements
Saliva from the mouth can be blood stained if
bitten tongue or lips Loss of bladder and bowel control Post ictal exhaustion & confusion Then relax, breathing becomes normal and regain
consciousness within a few minutes May fall into a deep sleep.
First aid to Seizures
Stay safe. Follow universal precautions, wear PPE. Remain calm. Other bystanders will follow suit. Remove potentially dangerous items, such as hot
drinks and sharp objects and move the person away
from danger e.g., fire Loosen tight clothing around the neck as ties or collars. Note time. From beginning to end of convulsions.
If you see the casualty falling, try to ease the fall. Put anything under his head like a pillow or rolled-
up jacket. If possible, roll the victim to his side to drain
sputum or vomit out of his mouth. Don’t put anything in victim’s mouth. (Seizure victims don’t swallow their tongues). Don’t leave person alone even after seizure.
Call for help if seizures (convulsions): continued more than 5 minutes
continued more than 5 minutes happened in water another seizure happens before victim regains
consciousness victim is unconsciousness for more than 10 minutes victim is pregnant victim is diabetic the victim is injured