L7 Flashcards
dressing soaks with blood, add another layer.
اذا القماش اتشرب بالدم حط فوقها قماش ثاني
to pressure point to pressure point
If bleeding continues, apply pressure to blood vessels supplying the area in arm, press on axilla; in leg, press against groin.
اداة لايقاف النزيف
نزيف الانف
If leans back, blood could get in the trachea causing a blocked airway or go into stomach causing vomiting.
First aid Epistaxis
Pinch the nose for at least 5 minutes and ask him to breathe through his mouth.
First aid Epistaxis
Reassure and advise him NOT to speak, swallow, cough, spit or sniff because this may disturb blood clots.
First aid Epistaxis
After 5 minutes, release the pressure to see if bleeding has stopped. If not, repeat pinching the nose for 10 minutes and if necessary, repeat for another 10 minutes.
First aid Epistaxis
If epistaxis uncontrolled, take the casualty
to hospital and call for help if the victim feels
drowsy, dizzy or weak.
First aid Epistaxis
After bleeding is controlled, do not let the
victim blow his nose.
If the wound is minor, the aim is to prevent;
If the wound is severe, the aim is to prevent
blood loss & minimize shock.
skin or mucous membrane is
damaged (exposed underlying tissue). It may
become infected, so hygiene is important to guard
against cross infection.
Open wounds
injury inside the body without
breaking the skin (intact skin). It may indicate a
serious condition, such as internal bleeding.
Closed wounds
no foreign body or debris inside.
Clean wounds
with dirt, bacteria or
other foreign materials inside.
Contaminated wounds
break through full
thickness of skin to reach underlying tissues.
Penetrating wounds
not break through the
skin (blunt trauma).
Non-penetrating wounds
with clean edges.
Cut wound
small hole by a piercing object.
from sharp objects as knife, arrow.
Stab wounds
scraping (scratches) of the skin.
swollen bruises due to accumulation
of blood and dead cells under the skin.
Surgical wounds – in surgical procedures.
Gunshot wounds – from firearms. Thermal wounds – extreme temp. (hot or cold).
Chemical wounds – contact with or inhalation of
chemical materials (skin or lung damage).
Electrical wounds – high-voltage current.
Causes: may occur
- After trauma or
- Spontaneous in patients with bleeding tendency or ulcer
Signs: may be
- Pain at site of bleeding.
- Bruises.
- Local signs as difficult breathing & coughing of blood in
lung bleeding or vomiting of blood in upper GIT bleeding. - Signs of shock (pallor, rapid weak pulse, rapid breathing,
Internal bleeding
جلد اصفر
مافيه دم
Objects in wounds
small object
swab or wash it out of the
wound with clean water.
Objects in wounds
large object ( embedded)
Leave it in place. Apply pressure on either side of the object. Raise and support the wounded limb. Gently cover the wound and object with a sterile
dressing. Bandage over the object without pressing on it. Arrange to take or send the casualty to hospital.