Seizures And Surgical Aspects Of TBI Flashcards
Types of diffuse TBI
Diffuse axonal injury
Abusive head trauma/ shaken baby syndrome
Types of focal TBI
Haematoma - EDH, SAG, SDH, intra ventricular, Intracerebral/intraparenchymal
Primary vs secondary TBI
Pri - caused at time of injury, vascular/neuronal
Sec - processes triggered by Pri brain injury
Secondary TBI examples
Pressure effects
Processes causing secondary TBI
Structural axonal injury
Excitotoxicity and calcium flux
Toxic proteins pathogens
Functional impairment
Cell autonomous death pathways
Neuro inflammation
Mitochondrial dysfunction
Autophagy, apoptosis, necrosis, pyroptosis
Cerebral bloodflow dysregulation
Cerebral oedema
Aspects of focused neurological exam
Inspect for signs of craniofacial trauma or basal skull #
Eyes - acuity, pupils, fundoscopy, ocular movements
Moving 4 limbs
Breathing pattern
Possible Pupil abnormalities on examination
Abnormal breathing patterns in TBI
Cheyne stokes (cerebral)
Apneustic (pons)
Ataxizpc (medullary)
What part of the brain is injured in a pt with cheyne stokes breathing
What part of the brain is injured in a pt with apneusticbreathing
What part of the brain is injured in a pt with ataxic breathing
Drawbacks of GCS
Skewed importance of motor score
Facial/ocular trauma
Inter-rated variability
Eyes scores in GCS
1 no opening
2 pain
3 voice
4 spontaneous
GCS verbal scores
1 none
2 incomprehensible
3 inappropriate words
4 confused
5 normal
GCS motor scores
1 none
2 extension (decerebrate)
3 abnormal flexion (decorticate)
4 withdraws from pain
5 localise to pain
6 obeys commands
GCS scores in mild mod and severe head injury
14/15 mild
9-13 mod
</=8 sev
Alteration in consciousness without structural damage as a result of non penetrating TBI
Indications for head CT within 1 hour
GCS =/<8 on initial assessment
GCS <15 2 hrs after injury
Suspected open or depressed skull #
Any sign of basal skull #
Post traumatic seizure
Focus neuro deficit
More than 1 episode of vomiting
Indications for head CT within 8 hrs of injury (or within 1 hr if presenting >8hrs after injury)
LOC or amnesia since injury + 1 of:
- Age 65+
- any bleeding/clotting disorders or medications
- dangerous MOI (ped vs car, car ejection, fall from 1+m/5stairs, etc)
- >30mins retrograde amnesia of events immediately before injury
Consider if taking anticoagulants or anti platelets
Indications for immediate tube and vent in TBI
Coma / GCS<8
Loss of protective laryngeal reflexes
Ventilators insudpfficiency - hypoxaemia or hypercapnia
Irregular respirations
Indications for tube and vent before transfer to neurosurgery unit
Sig deteriorating consciousness level
Unstable facial skeleton #
Copious bleeding into mouth
Which HI patients should be transferred to neurosurgery unit
Severe HI - GCS<8
Which HI pts should be admitted and observed
Clinically important abnormalities on imaging
GCS <15
Ongoing concerning sx (vomiting, headache, seizures)
Drug or alcohol use
Multiple injuries
No adult at home to supervise pt
Which HI pts should neurosurgery be involved
Sig abnormality on imaging
GCS </=8 after initial resus
Unexplained confusion >4hrs
Deterioration in GCS after admission
Progressive focal neuro signs
Seizure without full recovery
Definitive/suspected penetrating injury
CSF leak
Which type of brain injury is can have ‘talk and die’ presentation
Signs of brain herniation
Decr GCS
Cushing’s reflex
Course of middle meningeal artery
Branches from maxillary artery -> passes through infra temporal fossa to foramen spinosum -> runs along squamous temporal bone -> anterior branch runs beneath pterion