Segars: Screenings in Medicine Flashcards
What does a patient want to be told when they get screened for a disease?
-The truth!
What 2 questions should patients ask their physician when a medical screening test is recommended?
- how accurate is it?
- When the test results are announced, how confident will you be in your prediction of whether I do or don’t have the disease?
What is true positive?
- test is positive and the patient does have the disease
- Box A
What is False positive?
- test is positive but the patient does not have the disease
- Box B
True negative
- negative test
- pt doesn’t have the disease
- box D
False negative
- negative test
- but the pt does have the disease
- box C
What will the numerator be?
-either box A or D
What is sensitivity and specificity related to?
-the test itself
What does positive or negative predicitive values do?
- predicts the accuracy of diagnosis (based on known test result)
- remember, boxes A and D are the numerators
What is sensitivity
- how well a test can detect preence of disease when in fact it is truly present
- proportion of time that a test is positive in a pt that is known to have the disease
- TP/(everybody that has disease)*100%
What is specificity?
- how well a test can detect absence of disease when in fact it is truly absent
- proportion of time that a test is negative in pt that is known to not have the disease
- TN/(all non-diseased… like TN and FP)*100%
What is a positive predictive value (PPV)?
- how accurately a positive test predicts the presence of disease in a pt with a positive test result
- proportion of true positives in a pt that tests positive (correct prediction)
- PPV=TP/(all positive tests)
- A/(A+B)
What is negative predictive value (NPV)?
- how accurately a negative test predicts the absence of disease ina pr with a negative test result
- proportion of true negatives in a pt that tests negatvie (correct prediction)
- NPV= (TN/(All negative tests))
- C/(C+D)
What is Diagnositc accuracy/diagnostic precision?
- Proportion of patients that are correctly identified as either having truly having disease (TP) or truly not having disease (TN) out of all pts screened
- (TP+TN)/(all patients)*100%
How do we figure out if it is a column total or row total that we will be dealing with?
What is validity?
- getting it right…. telling the truth
- getting it in boxes A and D
What is reliability
- ability of a test to give the same result on repeated uses
- a valid test is always reliable, yet a reliable test is not always valid