Section XXVII Flashcards
The employee may be required as a condition of continued employment to submit to an examination by a health care provider of the city’s choice if:
any aspect of physical/mental condition constitutes possible hazard to employee or other person city has duty to protect.
Anyone involved in an fatality or maiming incident in official capacity shall be eligible of counseling at earliest date as soon as:
facts surrounding incident are known to HR manager and appt made.
What kind of counselor will be provided and who will assist employee in finding?
- qualified, licensed in OK
- mutally acceptable
- every effort to get specialist
- HR will assist
Who pays for counseling?
City, who gets to determine duration
WHo defines sexual harassment?
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Sex harassment defined as:
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for favors, verbal/physical conduct of sexual nature
Under what circumstances does sex harassment take place?
- Submission to advance for keeping/getting job implicit or explicit
- Boss making personnel decision based on response to sexual advances
- Conduct unreasonably interferes with performance, creates hostile work environment
- under minds integrity of working relationship. No one should be subject to unwanted
- may lead to immediate disciplinary action including termination
To whom can harassment be reported to?
Supervisor, dept head, city manager, hr manager
Who is responsible for harassment investigation once brought to their attention?
HR manager
What outside people are not allowed in work areas during work hours without prior approval from city manager?
Collection agents, sales reps
Employees will not be allowed to distribute or circulate ______ during working time or in establish work areas.
any printed matter which tends to promote or publicize the activities of any individual or organization
What type of reimbursement requires advance written approval from city manager?
Out of state or instate greater that $75
If using commerical airline, must use:
tourist or economy fare whenever available
Using personal car in long trips, reimbursement for use of car, meals, lodging enroute will not exceed:
cost of tourist class airfare.
Reimbursement for personal car mileage shall be at:
current IRS rate.
For overnight travel, city will pay:
lodging, meals, necessary misc.
Total per diem costs must be submitted to _____ on required authorization form.
the city manager
What else may be reimbursed as long as there are recipets?
Tolls, storage charges and the like
What will not be reimbursed without advanced approval from city manager?
Car rental
Reasonable ______ charges are allowable and receipts are required.
taxi and airport limos
What else shall be eligible for reimbursement when accompanied by receipts?
Conference registration fees and extraordinary expenses such as incidental supplies or publications
Who may make exceptions to receipt/affidavit requirements for reimbursements?
dept head or city manager
Items for which receipts are required for reimbursement?
- Commercial air, rail, bus, boat
- all lodging
- repair and fuel of city vehicles
- Aforementioned extraordinary expenses
- Meals