Section 8: Erythropoiesis RBC series Flashcards
Generalizations for immature RBCs
- LARGE cell
- N/C ratio very large
- Agranular
- Very basophilic cytoplasm
- Very fine chromatin/parachromatin pattern
- Nucleoli present
- Nucleus is rounded
Generalizations for mature RBCs
- Smaller
- N/C ratio decreases (not all cells, such as lymphs)
- characteristic of granules
- mature color (less basophilic)
- MORE clumped distinct chromatin/parachromatin pattern
- fewer or absent Nucleoli (mature lymphs have nuclei)
-capable of shape change
Explain generalizations of each
A: Larger cell to smaller cell
B: Basophilic to less basophilic (RBCs will start to get red)
C: Large Nucleus to smaller nucleus (RBCs spit out Nucleus). Chromatin pattern will from fine to more distinct/more clumped (WHITE spaces get MORE distinct)
D: Combo of of A, B & C
True Or False
Cell jump from one stage of maturation to another
False: RBC maturation is gradual~
If a cell is in-between two stages of maturation — go w/ more mature.
& keep in mind to to give MORE attention to stage of NUCLEUS
Nomenclature of Erythrocyte precursors from Rubriblastic to normoblastic
1: Rubriblast
2: Prorubricyte
3: Rubricyte
4: Metarubricyte
5: Reticulocyte
6: Erythrocyte
Normoblastic nomenclature equivalents
1: Pronormoblast
2: Basophilic normoblast
3: Polychromatic normoblast (polychromatophilic)
4: Orthochromic normoblast
5: Reticulocyte
6: Erythrocyte
ID the following
Size: 14-19um
N/C ratio: 4:1
Nucleus: Round central nucleus
Chromatin: Red-purple finely stippled, granular chromatin, fine lace-like.
Nucleoli: 0-2
Cytoplasm: Very basophilic (tend to be “BLUER”)
Granules: No cytoplasmic granules
ID the following
Size: 12-15um
N/C ratio: 3:1
Nucleus: Round central nucleus
Chromatin: Increased granularity (more distinct parachromatin)
Nucleoli: Usually no nucleoli
Cytoplasm: Basophilic
Granules: No cytoplasmic granules
ID the following
Size: 10-15 um
N/C ration: 2:1
Nucleus: Round central nucleus
Chromatin: smaller nucleus w/ increased condensation
Nucleoli: None
Cytoplasm: moderate polychromasia in cytoplasm - may contain areas of pink Hbg near nucleus
Granules: No cytoplasmic granules
ID the following
Metarubricyte (nucleated RBC)
Size: 8-12 um
N/C ration: 1:1
Nucleus: Round central nucleus
Chromatin: smaller nucleus w/ pyknotic degeneration, condensed chromatin, NO discernible parachromatin (SOLID Nucleus)
Nucleoli: None
Cytoplasm: moderate cytoplasm, lavender pink due to hemoglobin
Granules: No cytoplasmic granules
ID the following
Size: 7-10 um
Nucleus: absent
Cytoplasm: clear lavender - pink (polychromatophilic central pallor) LACKS central pallor
Granules: No cytoplasmic granules
ID the following
Size: 6-8 um
Cytoplasm: Clear pink cytoplasm w/ central pallor - 1/3 of cell diameter
Granules: No cytoplasmic granules
A: Prorubricyte
B: Prorubricyte
C: Reticulucyte
A: Rubriblast
B: Rubricyte
C: Rubricyte
A: Rubriblast
B: Rubricyte (or prorubricyte)
C: Metarubricyte
A: Rubriblast (Left-most ~ slightly more mature)
B: Both are rubricytes (Left-most ~ borderline prorubricyte) (right-most = not solid yet)
C: Band
E: smudge cell
Define erythron
The collection of all blood-circulating RBCS and their precursors in the bone marrow