Section 6E--Training Responsibilities Flashcards
With what does Air Force on-the-job training (OJT) provide personnel?
The opportunity to attain knowledge and skill qualifications required to perform duties in their specialty
The supervisor’s primary responsibility is to plan OJT that outlines specific short-term, mission-related goals for the trainee. However, on what does the overall success depend?
The supervisor’s ability to advise and actively assist Airmen in reaching their long-range career objectives
The Air Force on-the-job training (OJT) program consists of three components. How is the job knowledge component satisfied?
Through a planned program of study involving Career Development Courses (CDC) or technical references
The Air Force on-the-job training (OJT) program consists of three components. How is the job experience component gained?
During and after upgrade training to build confidence and competence
What AFI outlines AFSC upgrade training requirements for award of 3, 5, 7, and 9 skill levels?
DAFI 36-2670, Force Development
Note: also outlined in AFMAN 36-2100, military utilization and classification, and the applicable CFETP
Who is considered an apprentice?
Airmen who are awarded the 3 skill level
How may personnel, who are retraining via OJT, be awarded a 3 skill level?
When they complete knowledge training on all tasks taught in the initial skills course and other tasks as mandatory requirements.
What are the requirements for Airmen to be awarded the 5 skill level?
a. Must complete mandatory CDCs, if available, and applicable mandatory core tasks identified in the CFETP.
b. Completion of all mandatory requirements listed in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD)
c. Must be recommended by the supervisor and approved by the commander.
What are the requirements to be awarded the 9 skill level, a Superintendent?
a. Must be at least a SMSgt
b. Meet mandatory requirements listed in the AFECD
c. Be recommended by the supervisor
d. Be approved by the commander
According to basic requirements of the unit training program, when are newly assigned personnel interviewed to determine training status and issued CDCs upon confirmation within the Course Development Student Administration Record System?
Within 30 days (60 days for Air Reserve Component)
In addition to unit training managers, supervisors have the single greatest impact on mission accomplishment with regard to training. What must they do and develop?
a. Must share their experiences and expertise with trainees to meet mission requirements and ensure a quality training program is provided
b. Develop master training plans to ensure completion of all work center duty position requirements (for example, 100 percent task coverage)
c. Must integrate training with day-to-day work center operations and consider trainer and equipment availability, training opportunities, and schedules
What do task certifiers provide?
Third-party certification and evaluation of progress in the training program
Why is training documentation important to personnel at all levels?
a. Validates the status of training and task qualification
b. Helps managers assess mission capability and readiness
c. Defines requirements for individual career progression
What is generated for all trainees entering upgrade training for the first time?
AF Form 623, Individual Training Record Folder, six part folder (when required by the CFM), or approved electronic equivalent
Who maintains the training record, and ensures it is available to applicable personnel in the chain of command upon request?
What is used to document an individuals training progress? The form reflects status, counseling, and breaks in training.
AF Form 623A, On-the-Job Training Record Continuation Sheet, or automated version
What is the Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP)?
A comprehensive core document identifying life-cycle education and training requirements, training support resources, core and home station training, and deployment/unit type code task requirements for USAF specialties
What do supervisors use to plan, prioritize, manage, and execute training within the career field and to identify and certify all past and current qualifications?
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP)
What does Part 1 of the CFETP provide?
The information necessary for overall management of the specialty and is maintained as part of the work center master training plan
AF Form 797, Job Qualification Standard Continuation/Command JQS, is a continuation of the Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) part II, or AFJQS. What does this form define?
Locally assigned duty position, home station training, and deployment/unit type code requirements not included in the CFETP, part II.
Which form do evaluators use to conduct and document completion of task evaluations during training staff assistance visits, when directed by the commander, or when task certification requires validation?
AF Form 803, report of Task Evaluations
note: filed in the AF Form 623, Individual Training Record, until upgraded or no longer applicable.
Which form do supervisors use to document selected tasks requiring recurring training or evaluation?
AF Form 1098, Special Task Certification and Recurring Training
What AFMAN can an Airman refer to for additional information on the Airman Retraining Program?
AFMAN 36-2100
What online synchronous platform do Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) members utilize to develop and professionalize their skills?