Section 5.4 Flashcards
Some forensic people will tell you if you get a good voice recoding and they can compare it it will give you a high degree of certainty if it is the same voice or not. Does science support this?
Are voiceprints accurate?
You can take the spoken or written word and what they can tell about you based on the way you talk or write is what?
Language Analysis
Accents help with what?
language analysis
Accents and the way you talk can help determine where you are from. True or false
Are there different kinds of DNA?
What is the most useful DNA?
Nuclear DNA
Nuclear DNA is made up of four chemicals?
Humans are based on base 10. DNA is base 4 and ACGT makes up the blueprints for every living thing. True or False
Found in the mitochondria part of the cells is what?
Mitochondrial DNA
Example, you and your mother and your grandmother and great grandmother have the exact same _________ DNA.
Nuclear DNA is a combination of what?
mom and dad
What DNA comes down through the female line and means that it only distinguishable to the family?
Mitochondrial DNA
Example, if we find DNA at the scene and we cannot get the nuclear DNA because it is degraded and we only get mitochondrial DNA we can only narrow it down to a family. True or False
What is the big database for DNA for the federal government?
What are the two sections of the CODIS database?
known offenders
unidentified crime scene
This section has blood samples for known offenders.
Known offenders section
Example, people in prison if we have got their DNA sample it is stored in what part of the CODIS database?
Known offenders section
What section has unknown DNA from crime scenes?
Unidentified crime scene
Example, if we have this unknown DNA at the crime scene we can check it against he known offenders and if it is unidentifiable we can put it in there and if someone is arrested later and taken to prison we can dun the DNA and see if it links. True or False
Are the civilian databases for DNA?
23 and Me
Civilian database for DNA
The big question is can the government use civilian databases for solving crimes or is it a human rights violation? Big debate going on now. True or False
what is a huge health hazard?
Do not touch blood at a crime scene. There are all kinds of diseases you can get and you need to be a trained professional with a hazmat suit because it is what?
Huge health hazard
Good thing is blood carries what?
Once blood is too dry the DNA degrades and you cannot use it anymore. True or False
If blood has degraded you still might be able to get what?
Blood type
If we can type the blood we can compare it to the suspect to see if they can be eliminated. If they do not have the blood they can be eliminated and if they do it does not mean they are the suspect. True or False
If there was a violent accident and someone had a hammer and hit someone on the head you would be able to tell based off of the what?
Blood spatter
If you cut someone with a knife there would be different blood spatters as well as how hard you did it. True or False
Just how the______ _______ on the wall will tell how hard the person was hit if it was blunt force or slicing or if the person was right or left handed. Etc.
Blood Sprays
If the blood was cleaned up and you cannot see it anymore does It mean that it is gone?
With most cleaning solutions you can still see blood staines with what?
It comes in a spray bottle and you spray it all over the place and you get a UV light and anywhere the blood used to be the _______ will cause it to glow brightly under it.
What will wipe out the ability for Luminal to be able to see blood that has been cleaned.
What part of the hair has DNA?
Without DNA we can compare hair and blood typing. True or False
What is very hard to match but easy to eliminate?
Lots of different fibers that fall into four categories: 1. 2. 3. 4.
- vegetable
- animal
- synthetic
- mineral
Vegetable fiber
animal fiber
Synthetic fiber
Nylon, Raylon, Polyester
Fiberglass or Asbestos
What is only scary if it gets airborne and into your lungs?
Something that the suspect has left at the crime scene or something he has taken from the crime scene. It can go either direction. True or False