Section 2.2 Flashcards
______ can tell us a selection of the truth but it does not mean that is is completely accurate.
There are a lot of different types of camera that are used for different things. True or False
A camera that only takes pictures and nit videos is called what?
Still camera
Lots of photos strung together with sound. usually records audio as well.
Rare today. Most cameras are now digital.
Digital: Must gage the quality based on a lot of factors. True or false.
What is the lowest quality of digital photos?
Cell phone cameras
P and S
Print and Shoot
Simple and easy to operate. Cameras that are point and push a button to take a picture.
Point and Shoot
Fancy camera
Hopefully the police department can afford this camera. There are a million options and the quality is better.
Suspect has touched the table and the police come in and dust for prints. They can use a _______ _______ with a mount at the right distance and lighting and take a picture and it has the best quality.
Fingerprint Cameras
What cameras do police use today that are amazing?
Body Cameras
Body Cameras are great but we must figure out what?
When they should be turned on and off
Used in court cases a lot. Also used in traffic stops. Not the best quality.
Dashboard Cameras
Sphere camera that takes 360 images. Police can use them for crime scene photos to get a one file image of the entire scene.
360 Camera
Do you need to be trained to do specific things with a camera?
Evidence photos fingerprint photos mug shots body cameras A few examples and you need to be \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ them.
trained to use them
Judge a camera by the what?
What is the number of pixels in the image?
When you zoom into a photo, each square that is a solid color is what?
A pixel
The more ______ you have in an image the more details that you are going to get.
When you take a crime scene photo, everything will not fit into one image. You need to take what kind of photos?
What is something you put on the ground next to a footprint so you will know how big it is?
Markers usually have a measuring tape on the side and you can put it next to the evidence as close as possible and when you take a picture you can measure by using the marker in the photo. True or False
Can you use a make shift marker if it is a standard size?
There are three ranges
- Close
- Medium
- long
Close is super close.
Medium is a few feet
Long is a long way off.
You want to get _______ of each at the crime scene.
Every piece of Evidence
Close photo
important parts of the scene
Medium Range
Entire crime scene
long range
If someone moved it, ___________!
do not move it back
If you arrive at a crime scene and someone has moved evidence to a different location should you move it back?
No. The scene is already messed up do not mess it up anymore.
If a piece of evidence has been moved should you mark down in your notes that it has been moved?
Especially in long range photos but also in close and medium it is important to have what marked?
True North
A lot of times True North is marked with the markers. True or False
Officers can use a compass to figure out true north and set their marker along the North line and take the photo. You will be able to tell size and orientation in all of the photos. True or False
Make sure in videos that you what?
Verbalize clearly
Narrate what the video is showing. What, when, where who, etc. Do not mumble or be quiet. You must slow down and speak clearly. True or False
You must maintain perspective! True or False
When you are at a crime scene and taking a photo you need to maintain what?
normal perspective. Find a good angle that is natural
Surveillance is what kind of photography?
May take a few days to get the photo. Need a nicer camera because you will need to be far away but be able to zoom enough to get a lot of detail. What type of specialized photography is this?
Do you need a high end camera for surveillance photography?
Valuable in a lot of crimes such as robbery but does not have very good quality.
Security cameras
The main reason for security cameras is what?
Take photos from a plane or drone in the 21st century or satellite. What kind of photography is this?
Aerial photography
________ are amazing because they can go anywhere and take pictures of everything. You can get a fair amount of detail as well as the time based on the shadow of the sun.
Google Earth is an example of what?
Aerial photography
This type of photo was not too popular until recently
Night vision photo
Example, you can increase the exposure time on a photo to get just enough light to make the image show up lighter.
Night photos
Example, Voyager the spacecraft. Was able to able to open the shutter for around ten seconds while rotating to get enough light to make the photo look like it was a bright sunny day on Neptune. True or False
It takes any tiny bit of light and magnifies it as much as it can so to the human eye it looks like brightness. The problem is the colors do not come through well.
Night vision