Section 2.1 Flashcards
What percentage of an investigator’s job is paperwork?
Patrol officers have almost as much paperwork as investigators. True or False
Can officers always take notes immediately?
If an officer is in a car chase they cannot write everything down so they need a good memory in order to create your notes when you have the time. True or False
Example, if you have the opportunity to take notes do not get so focused on taking notes that you are ignoring the person. This might cause them not to open up and tell you what they should be telling you. You need to make sure that notes are _______ and _______.
Accurate and specific
Time and date is extremely important thing to have in your notes. True or False
Example, if you show up to a car crash there are two times you want to record. These include:
- the time you arrived
2. the time of the accident
Example, a domestic violence case you might have multiple _____ and _____ that you want to record that the police have been called about a situation.
times and dates
What needs to be as accurate as possible?
Location: Murder Case. The Victim was found at 1234 Main Street.
Not accurate location
Location. Murder Case. The victim was found at 1234 Main Street on the 1st floor bedroom on a bed under the covers.
Accurate location
You need to put the
when, where, who, why, and how in your notes. True or False
Example, I am the suspect and I robbed you and the police ask you to describe the man. Would you say tall or 6’4?
Would you say black shirt or black button down shirt with a collar?
black button down shirt with a collar
Never say tall, short, thin, fat on a report describing someone. True or False
Does the physical scene of the crime need to be described in the officers notes?
Day or night Sunny or cloudy. Indoors or outdoors. Something blocking the light so it was darker. Weather. All of these are describing what?
Physical Scene
Especially important in a car crash you need to record the weather and the temperature. Were the roads icy, wet,dry,etc.)
Physical Scene
Do your actions as a police officer need to be included in the notes?
example, I arrived on the scene at this time and date. I immediately spoke with Bob Smith suspect who tole me this and that. I then spoke with witness Sally Jones. What Is happening here?
Writing down the actions you took as an officer
Do you need to record observed actions in your notes?
Witness Bob Smith told me that the suspect retrieved a big silver revolver from the inside his left jacket pocket and pointed it at the clerk Mrs, Susan Jones and said “give me all your money”. What is happening here?
recording the observed actions
Every person you talk to you need to write it down in a notebook. Should you use the same notebook for every case?
No. Always use a different notebook per case
Every person you talk to you need to get certain information from them. This includes:
- Names
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
Double check the spelling and the number and repeat things back to the person you are talking to, to make sure that you have everything right. True or False
Use a notebook with these rules:
- Divided into sections
- Do not use a loose leaf binder
- Use pen
At the front of the notebook it might be your initial arrival on the scene, witness interviews, summary of report. This refers to what?
Using dividers in your notebook
The ability to add and subtract without leaving anything behind will be extremely import to the court. Who will try to attack the investigation?
Defense Lawyer
How do we know that evidence is not missing?
If you use a loose-leaf binder you do not know. If you use a spiral notebook you can count the pages.
If you use a pen they cannot say that you erased something or wrote over it. True or False
If you need to mark something out how should you do it?
Put one line through it and initial to say you wrote the wrong thing and then give the correct thing
Is it okay to use shorthand?
Yes but only custom
Custom shorthand
Not custom shorthand
Common shorthand will stand in court but creating your own that no one understands is useless. True or False
Record facts and inferences in your notebook. If you write an inference you need to label it. True or False
Very few cases in which it would be wise to record an opinion. You are not the only person reading the notes and if you put your opinion it needs to be _____!
Be specific unless you are directly quoting someone. If it is not specific be sure to what?
Ask a follow up preacher
Example, if someone says that they were going fast, how fast were they going? Write down what they initially said and then upon prompting write down what they said.
Be specific
Should you repeat spellings and bumpers for confirmation?
Make sure your notes are legible. True or False
Is this clear: Bob Smith comes over says that Tom Jones comes over and he immediately made drinks.
What kind of drinks?
where did he come too?
Who is he?
They, he, she are examples of what?
dangling pronouns
You do not have to write down every little thing but you must be specific. True or False
True. It is a balancing act.
Money is missing.
number of people in the building at the time
Suspect left fingerprints on the counter
professional or amateur
the guy was crazy