Section 4 - Cardiovascular Diseases Flashcards
unstable angina
anginal symptoms increasing in frequency or severity, or occur at rest
most reliable tool in assessing chest pain?
Peak and wane of CK-MB in MI? Trop?
CKMB - 1d, 2d
trop - 2d, 5d
angina sx?
episodic chest pain that lasts 5-15 min, precipitated by exertion, relieved by rest or sublingual nitrogen
prinzmetal angina
spasm of epicardial vessels wiht normal coronary arteries (1/3) or in patients with underlying atherosclerotic disease (2/3)
- precipitated by tobacco or cocaine
sx of acute pericardial tamponade?
positional or pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, and palpitations
- tachy, hypotensive, jvd,distant heart sounds
NSTEMI definition
cardiac markers elevation, not STEMI
tx of chest pain
IV, O2, monitor, aspirin 160-325 mg chewed, NTG sublingual (total 3 tabs) 2-5 min intervals, morphine (caution with hypotension), consider clopidogrel, UFH, PCI/thrombolytics, consider beta blockers
disadvantages of UFH?
need for IV, frequent monitoring of aPTT, unpredictable response, HIT, increased bleeding
- reversible with protamine
LMWH advantage?
greater bioavailabliity, lower protein binding, longer half life, safer, more reliable, more risk of ICH in elderly, bad if CABG is planned
sx of cardiogenic shock
hypoperfusion (hypotension) and tachycardia, cool/mottle skin, oliguria, AMS
- possible pulmonary edema, JVD
dx of cardiogenic shock?
step 1: EKG, rule out bleeding, infectious causes, focal neuro deficits
step 2: CXR
tx of cardiogenic shock
airway management, IV access, monitor, PCI, give NTG or morphine cautiously, no beta blockers, pressors:
- norepi for severe hypotension
- dobutamine with dopamine for hypotension no hypovolemia
- sodium nitroprusside for afterlooad reduction
tx of ACS
aspirin 160-325, nitroglycerin, beta blockers (metoprolol), clopidogrel, heparin or enoxaparin
diagnosis of syncope work up?
history, physical, EKG, pregnancy test, consider electrolytes
tx of acute pulmonary edema
oxygen to get sat up to 95% or CPAP or BiPAP if necessary, intubation if patient is tiring
NTG sublingually, drip, nitroprusside may be used if pt still HTN
furosemide 40-80 mg IV or bumetanide 0.5 -1 mg IV or torsemide 10 mg IV, monitor BMP
tx of mitral stenosis?
furosemide 40 mg IV, tx of afib, and anticoag
tx of mitral incompetence?
with pulm edema give: O2, noninvasive ventilation, furosemide 40 mg IV, nitrates
nitroprusside 5 mcg/kg/min IV if normotensive
hypotensive 2.5 mcg/kg/min in addition to nitroprusside
sx of aortic stenosis?
dyspnea, CP, syncope
tx of aortic stenosis?
pulm edema: furosemide 40 mg IV, no nitrates because you need preload
sx of aortic insufficiency? Acute vs chronic?
acute: dyspnea
chronic: widened pulse pressure (head bobbing), water hammer pulse, pulsus bisferiens, duroziez sign (to and fro femoral murmur) and quincke pulse (capillary pulsations visible at prox nailbed while pressure applied at tip
dx of aortic insufficiency?
EKG and echo
tx of aortic insufficiency?
pulm edema: oxygen and noninvasive ventilation
nitroprusside and dobutamine or dopamine can be started
chronic: ACEI or nifedipine
Most common cause of dilated cardiomyopathy?