Peer 9 - critical diff Flashcards
time frame for tracheostomy fistula to mature?
1 week
first tx step with descending necrotizing mediastinitis?
IV broad spectrum abx then call surgery
first intervention with airway/inhalation burns?
most common symptom in cauda equina syndrome?
urinary retention
what level does cauda equina typically occur?q
tx of hemophilia A in head trauma?
50 units/kg factor VIII then head CT
desired factor VIII level (%) x 0.5 x patient weight kg
first line treatment for hypertensive emergency?
nicardipine titrated to MAP of 20% first hour, 25% first day
tx of unstable vtach with a pulse?
synchronized cardioversion
most common cause of polymorphic VT?
rash of gonococcemia?
pustular dusky pustules
sx of myxedema coma?
bradycardia, decreased ventilation, hypotension, hypothermia
What should be considered with STEMI EKG pattern?
aortic dissections
side effect of dopamine making it poor choice for ventricular arrhythmia?
pro arrhythmic effect
preferred treatment for zSTEMI patients with shock or post resuscitation?
tx of GI bleeding from nonvariceal bleeding?
PPI and abx