Section 27- Viral Diseases Flashcards
Self limited epidermal viral infection
Firmly pearly skin colored papules often umbilicated
Molluscum contagiosum
What type of MCV ( molluscum contagiosum virus) is responsible for >90% of cases?
MCV type 1
How can you get molluscum contagiosum?
Skin to skin contact
What host immune response is present around the mollusca that heralds spontaneous regression?
Inflammatory halo
Large intracytoplasmic inclusions in molluscum contagiosum
Henderson-Patterson bodies
Office based treatments in molluscum contagiosum
Curretage Cryosurgery Electrodessication Canthardin Imiquimod 5% cream
Erythematous exudative nodules most common in face, hands, extremities
May be edematous/bullous
Associated with contact with infected animals or fomites (sheep goat deer)
Human orf
Treatment for human orf
Resolves spontaneously after 4-6 weeks
Confere lifelong immunity
Solitary or multiple red or purple nodules at site of inoculation
From contact with bovine lesions or teat cups of milking machines
Resolves spontaneously
Milkers nodules
Red or brown dots on verruca represents:
Thrombosed dermal papilla capillary loops
Sign of resolution in palmar/plantar warts
Return of normal dermatoglyphics
Autosomal recessive
Flat topped papules, tinea versicolor like lesions, skin colored
Face hands arms trunk legs
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
Treatment for verucca
Salicylic acid (17-40%) OD x 12 weeks
Imiquimod cream- 3x a week for not thickly keratinized sites
Hyperthermia (verruca plantaris) 45C x 20 mins 3x a week for 16 treatments
Cryosurgery, electrosurgery, CO2 laser
What sign?
Petechiae on soft palate
Forchheimer sign
Period of infectivity of rubella
End of incubation to disappearance of rash
Pink macules and papules initially on forehead spreading inferiorly to face trunk and extremities during first day
By 3rd day exanthem fades completely
Petechiae on soft palate, enlarged lymph nodes, arthritis in adults
Can have congenital rubella syndrome when pregnant has rubella in which trimester?
Pathognomonic of measles
Koplik spots
Cluster of tiny bluish white spots on red background after 2nd day of fever seen on buccal mucosa opposite premolars
Koplik spots
Incubation 10-15 days
Prodrome- fever malaise URTI
4th febrile day- erythematous macules and papules on forehead at hairline and behind ears spreads centrifugally
Exanthem resolves in 4-6 days
People infected with measles are contagious from:
Several days before onset of rash up to 5 days after lesions appear
Cause of hand foot and mouth disease
Coxsackie virus A16
Enterovirus 71
5-10 painful ulcerative oral lesions
Macules and papules that evolve into vesicles in palms and soles
Oral lesions: macules—grayish vesicles
High fever malaise diarrhea joint pains
Hand foot and mouth disease
Erythema infectiosum is caused by
Human parvovirus B19
Erythematous macules and papules that become confluent giving a lacy or reticulated appearance
Edematous confluent plaques on malar face that fade over 1-4 days
Erythema infectiosum
Discrete nonpruritic erythematous monomorphic papules
Trunk is spared
Duration 2-8 weeks
Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome
Papular acrodermatitis of childhood
Grouped vesicles arising on an erythematous base on keratinized skin or mucous membrane
HSV disease
Positive Tzanck smear for HSV
Multinucleated giant acantholytic keratinocytes
Antiviral treatment for HSV
HSV infection of the tip of finger or thumb
Associated with painful neuritis in affected finger or forearm
Herpetic whitlow
Period when varicella is contagious
Several days before varicella exanthem appears and until the last crop of vesicles
Unilateral dysesthesia
Vesicular or bullous eruption limited to a dermatome
Herpes zoster
Clinical stages of herpes zoster
Active infection
Post herpetic neuralgia
Most common site of predilection of herpes zoster
Thoracic (>50%)
Treatment for post herpetic neuralgia
Gabapentin Pregabalin TCAs Capsaicin cream Nerve block
High fever for 3 days
4th day fever disappears and small blanchable pink macules and papules 1-5mm in diameter in trunk and neck appears
Roseola infantum
Etiology of roseola infantum