SECTION 15 Flashcards
<dd>First of all, learn the formula by heart.</dd>
<dd>To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the depth.</dd>
<dd>Tiny cracks were found in the bottom of the barrel.</dd>
<dd>This chapter will focus on the concepts of geometry.</dd>
<dd>Phil is much more interested in academic subjects than in practical skills.</dd>
<dd>「この顕微鏡,どこかおかしくなっちゃった。修理してもらわないと。」<br></br> 「見せて。僕が直せるかも。」</dd>
<dd>“Something’s gone wrong with this microscope. I need to have it repaired.”<br></br> “Let me see it. Maybe I can fix it.”</dd>
<dd>「インストゥルメントって何ですか?」<br></br> 「例えば,温度計や気圧計とかの計器がそうです。」</dd>
<dd>“What is ‘an instrument’?”<br></br> “For instance, a gauge, such as a thermometer or a barometer.”</dd>
<dd>The minute particles are barely visible to the naked eye.</dd>
<dd>Muscle tissue consists of a vast number of cells.</dd>
<dd>This substance is mostly composed of hydrogen and oxygen.</dd>
<dd>The exact temperature is 22.68 degrees Celsius.</dd>