SECTION 05 Flashcards
<dd>They are entitled to be compensated for their injuries.</dd>
<dd>So far, no less than 200 people have died of the flu epidemic.</dd>
<dd>The effect of those pills is intense but brief.</dd>
<dd>He has a habit of biting his nails. It’s absolutely disgusting.</dd>
<dd>My grandma strained her back when she bent down to hug my son.</dd>
<dd>If you have a stiff neck, try an herbal remedy.</dd>
<dd>Medical breakthroughs have brought about great benefits for humanity as a whole.</dd>
<dd>We can't apply cloning techniques to cattle, let alone human beings. It’s forbidden.</dd>
<dd>Whales are classified as mammals.</dd>
<dd>The theory of evolution is beyond the reach of my imagination.</dd>
<dd>The biologist is proud of his historic discovery and doesn’t mind boasting about it.</dd>
<dd>On ethical grounds, they are opposed to so-called gene therapy.</dd>
<dd>The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and a sore throat.</dd>
<dd>The structure of the brain is complex.</dd>
<dd>Owing to illness, some representatives were absent from the annual conference.</dd>
<dd>私の娘婿は徐々に胃がんを克服しつつあり,今は明るく元気だ。<br></br> </dd>
<dd>Little by little, my son-in-law is recovering from stomach cancer, and now he is in good spirits.</dd>
<dd>「これって偽物だろう?」<br></br> 「何言ってるの。本物の骨董品よ。」<br></br> 「まさか!」</dd>
<dd>“This is fake, isn’t it?”<br></br> “Hey, it’s a genuine antique.”<br></br> “No way!”</dd>