Section 13: Network Security Flashcards
CIA Triad
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
▪ Keeping the data private and safe using
● Encryption
- Symmetric - Both sender and receiver use the same key
- Asymmetric - Uses different keys for sender and receiver
● Authentication to access resources
▪ Ensures data has not been modified in transit
▪ Verifies the source that traffic originates from
▪ Measures accessibility of the data
▪ Increased by designing redundant networks
▪ Compromised by: Crashing a router or switch, Denial of Service (DoS), Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks
Confidentiality: Symmetric Encryption Standard DES
▪ Data Encryption Standard - weak by today’s standards
● 56-bit key
● Used by SNMPv3
Confidentiality: Symmetric Encryption Standard 3DES
▪ Triple DES
● Uses three 56-bit keys (168-bit total)
● Encrypt, decrypt, encrypt
Confidentiality: Symmetric Encryption Standard AES
▪ Advanced Encryption Standard
● Preferred symmetric encryption standard
● Used by WPA2
● Available in 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit keys
Confidentiality: Asymmetric Encryption Standard
▪ Uses different keys for sender and receiver
▪ RSA is the most popular implementation
▪ RSA algorithm is commonly used with a public key infrastructure (PKI)
▪ PKI is used to encrypt data between your web browser and a shopping website
▪ Can be used to securely exchange emails
▪ Sender and receiver use different keys to encrypt and decrypt the messages
Integrity: Hashing
▪ Sender runs string of data through algorithm
● Result is a hash or hash digest
▪ Data and its hash are sent to receiver
▪ Receiver runs data received through the same algorithm and obtains a hash
▪ Two hashes are compared
● If the same, the data was not modified
Integrity: Hashing Algorithms
▪ Message Digest 5 (MD5) - 128-bit hash digest
▪ Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) - 160-bit hash digest
▪ Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256) - 256-bit hash digest
▪ Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism Message Digest 5 (CRAM-MD5) - Common variant often used in e-mail systems
Internal - originates within the organization
External - external to the organization (Hackers, mother nature,…)
Environmental - .Fire, Hurricane,…
Physical - Inadequate physical controls
Operational - Deficient policies/procedures.
Technical - System-specific conditions that create security weaknesses
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - A list of publicly disclosed computer security weaknesses
Zero-Day Vulnerability
Any weakness in the system design, implementation, software code, or a lack of preventive mechanisms in place
Risk Management
The identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks to minimize, monitor, and control the vulnerability exploited by a threat
Security Principal: Least Privilege
▪ Lowest level of permissions or privileges needed in order to complete a job function or admin task
Security Principal:
Security Principal: