Section 104 Flashcards
What is section 104?
Administrative fundamentals
How does a reporting senior delegate authority?
is an actual transfer of that authority, and not merely an authorization to sign
What does ISICS’s stand for?
Immediate Superiors in Command
CO of our CO
Are reporting seniors for assigned commanding officers.
Who are your reported enlisted seniors?
E7-E9 for E4 and below
Who is a rater and senior rater?
Rater-navy chief petty officer
Senior rather- division officer or department head
Whos program is the performing counseling under?
The CO
How many types of reports are there?
What are the reports?
Describe a Regular report
Submitted periodically, covers day to day naval service except for enlisted initial entry training
What is a concurrent used for?
record of significant performance in an additional duty or temporary additional duty status
What is a PIM?
Performance information memorandum
Any type of DUTY less than 3 months.
TEMADD of any length as an alternative to a concurrent report
What are admin blocks used for?
Identify the report, define the context in which it was received, and make it more informative to detailers and selection
What are trait grades and what do they range from?
The trait grades are printed on the form, along with representative performance standards.
What do we use the comment block for?
based on verifiable facts. Do not use underlining, boldface, italics,* centering *, or other highlighting.
What are the different promotion summary groups? (EP, MP, etc..)
- 0 for “Early Promote,”
- 8 for “Must Promote,”
- 6 for “Promotable,”
- 4 for “Progressing,”
- 0 for “Significant Problems
What is a misconduct report used for?
Adverse or downgraded fitness and eval reports may not be directed as punishment or used as an alternative to the proper disposition of misconduct under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
What rights and responsibilities do members have when it comes to their evals?
What rights and responsibilities do members have when it comes to their evals?
What is a standard letter?
Correspond officially with addressees in DOD.
what is an endorsement letter?
use an endorsement to forward comments, recommendations, or information.
What is a memorandum?
An informal way to correspond within an activity or between DON activities.
What is a page 2 and its NAVPERS?
NAVPERS 1070/602
What is a page 4 and its NAVPERS?
NAVPERS 1070/604,
What is a page 5 and its NAVPERS?
NAVPERS 1070/605,
What is a page 13 and its NAVPERS?
NAVPERS 1070/613,
What us the purpose of an NJP?
Provides good order and discipline
Who is responsible for upholding the USMJ?
All members of the armed forces
Who is subject to the USMJ?
Members of a regular or reserve component of the Armed Forces
Members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve
Members of a reserve component while on inactive-duty training
Members of the Army National Guard and the Air
National Guard only when federalized
In time of war, all persons serving with or accompanying an Armed Force in the field
Volunteers from the time of their muster or acceptance into the Armed Forces
Inductees from the time of their actual induction into the Armed Forces
Cadets, aviation cadets, and midshipmen
Retired members of a regular component who are entitled to pay
Retired members of a reserve component who are receiving hospitalization from an Armed Force
How many types of court martials are there and their names?
Members in a Summary Court Martial
One active duty commissioned officer with the rank of captain or higher. Normally a BN Commander or equivalent.
Punishments in a Summary C.M
- hard labor with confinement for more than 1 month
- hard labor without confinement for more than 45 days -restriction for more than 2 months
- forfeiture of more than 1 month’s pay
Members in a Special court martial
military judge alone, or a military judge and not less than three active-duty armed service members
Punishments in a special C.M
- confinement for 6 months.
- hard labor without confinement for 3 months
- Forfeiture of more than 2/3 pay for 6 months pay
- reduction in rank and bad conduct discharge
Members in a General Court Martial
military judge alone or a military judge and not less than five impartial active-duty armed services personnel
Punishments in a General C.M
May reward any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ.
What is a the value of an NJP to the commander and a marine?
To give the ability to maintain good order and discipline
When can NJP be administered?
For minor offenses of UCMJ where the max punishment does not include a dishonorable discharge
Do we have the right to refuse NJP?
What is a our right of procedures to appeal?
accused may appeal the punishment if he considers it unjust or disproportionate to the offense
Define sexual harassment
Unwelcome sexual advances.
Requests for sexual favors.
Verbal/physical conduct of a sexual nature
Define sexual assault.
intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent
Define Equal Opportunity
provide equal opportunity for all military members without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Define hazing
Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental, physical, or emotional health or safety of any individual, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate
What is the MCO for hazing?
MCO 1700.28
Define fraternization.
Fraternization is a personal relationship between an officer and enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior
Define suicide
the act of intentionally taking one’s own life