Section 1: Chapter 4 Intervals Flashcards
Name the four types of perfect intervals:
Perfect 4th
Perfect 5th
Perfect 8va
How many elements make up an interval?
What is the first element of an interval?
The first element of an interval is its numerical name.
The numerical name is determined by simply counting how many vertical steps of the staff are in between the given notes.
What is the second element of an interval?
The second element of an interval is the modifier.
The modifier tells us the quality of the interval. Major, Minor, Perfect, Diminished or Augmented.
What intervals can be considered major or minor.
2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th intervals can be either major or minor.
What intervals can be considered perfect, diminished, or augmented?
th intervals can be either major or minor. Octave and unison intervals are considered perfect intervals, and 4th and 5th intervals
How many half steps are in a minor second?
How many half steps are in a major second?
How many half steps are in a minor 3rd?
How many half steps are in a major 3rd/dim 4th.
How many half steps are in a perfect 4th?
How many half steps make up a aug4/dim5?
How many half steps make up a perfect 5th?
How many half steps aren a aug5th/min6?
Ho many half steps are in a major 6th?
How many half steps are in a min7?
How many half steps are in a maj7?
How many half steps are in a perfect 8va?
Diminished or augmented intervals occur when a….
a perfect 4th or 5th interval is raised or lowered by a half step.
When a perfect 4th or perfect 5th is lowered by a half step…….
it becomes a diminished interval.
If perfect intervals are raised by a half step……
they become augmented intervals.
Diminished and augmented intervals also occur when…….
a double flat or double sharp is used.
Enharmonic Intervals are…..
two intervals, although written differently, will sound exactly the same.
Compound Intervals…..
When a note is paired up with a pitch that exceeds an octave, a compound interval is formed.
When the two notes are flipped….
this creates an inverted interval.
What is a common formula used for many interval inversion?
common formula is to subtract the original number from 9.
What is the second step in interval inversion?
The second step in the inversion process is to reverse the quality of the interval. For instance, minor will be switched to major, and diminished to augmented. Perfect intervals, however, remain as perfect.
What does a min2 become when inverted?
What does a maj2 become when inverted?
What does a min3 become when inverted?
What does a maj3 become when inverted?
What does a perf4 become when inverted?
Perfect 5th
What does a aug5 become when inverted?
What does a per5 become when inverted?
What does a min6 become when inverted?
What does a maj6 become when inverted?
What does a min7 become when inverted?
What does a maj7 become when inverted?
What does a perfect 8va become when inverted?
Perfect 8va
What are the two classifications of sounding Intervals?
Consonant and dissonant
What are considered consonant Intervals?
In most cases, 3rd, perfect 5th, 6th, and octave intervals are considered to be consonant. All other intervals are classified as dissonant.
What are considered dissonant Intervals?
2nd, 4th, and 7th.