Second Century Flashcards
What are ‘the three strands of Jewish Christianity… attested in the writings of the church fathers’?
‘The removal of Jerusalem as a geographical center of the Christian movement’ was the result of what three causes according to Ferguson?
Death of James
Destruction of the temple in 70CE
Banishment of the Jews after Bar Kokhba revolt
How did the Ebionites regard Jesus and what did they understand his mission to be?
Their strict monotheism made them regard Jesus as a man, but also a prophet, the new Moses, and Messiah because of his righteous life.
His mission was to destroy the system of atonement associated with the temple and bring new means of forgiveness by immersion in living water
What ‘Jewish practices’ did the Ebionites continue?
Circumcision, Sabbath, and some dietary laws
What is the Didache and what are its three parts?
Manual of Church Life
1- moral teachings to converts, “Two Ways” of life and death
2- instructions on baptism, fasting, prayer, Eucharist, treatment of itinerant prophets and teachers, Sunday assembly, and election of leaders
3 - Eschatological conclusion
How is ‘the Jewish setting of early Christianity… quite in evidence throughout’ the Didache?
In its moral teachings and framework of Two Ways,
Language of its prayers,
Instructions concerning support of ministers,
And language of eschatology.
How, according to the Epistle of Barnabas, were ‘the institutions and practices of Judaism never intended to be kept’ and how are they kept by Christians?
They are to be kept spiritually by Christians Sacrifice = Christ's atonement Circumcision = hearing the word Washings= baptisms Dietary Laws = avoiding sinners Sabbath = first day in the world to come Temple = heart of the people
What is ‘the special interest’ of the Shepherd of Hermas?
What to do about sins after baptism. (1 do-over)
How many letters did Ignatius of Antioch write and when did he write them?
On his way across Asia Minor
4 from Smyrna and 3 from Troas
‘Ignatius was especially concerned about’ what?
Ignatius was especially concerned with the divisiveness of the church due to the false teachings of the Docetists who said that Christ only appeared to be human AND the Judaizers who promoted Jewish practices
What was ‘Ignatius’ response to divisiveness’ and why is that response historically significant?
Response was to insist on obedience of Christians to their leaders - bishops, presbyters, deacons
Historically significant because it becomes the structure of the church
Ignatius is the first to speak of the ‘catholic church.’ To what does ‘catholic church’ refer?
Universal church composed of all local congregations and reflects concern for unity of the church
Who is the ‘first non-canonical writer to give a specifically millennial interpretation to the Christian eschatological hope’?
Were ‘the boundaries between orthodoxy and heresy clearly perceived in the circles from which some [apocryphal writings] emanated’?
What are the ‘somewhat artificial’ categories of Apocryphal writings listed by Ferguson?
Gospels, Acts, Epistles, Apocalypses
What ‘types of material found in the canonical gospels’ are reflected in the apocryphal gospels?
Birth narratives
Sayings NOT deeds of Jesus
Passion narratives
To what ‘are the apocryphal acts in their stories of the travels and adventures of the apostles… most akin’?
Hellenistic novels (Greek fiction)
What ‘may be the oldest surviving Christian hymnbook’?
Odes of Solomon
In 49 Clement discusses the basis for the salvation of human beings. What, specifically, did “Jesus Christ our Lord” give for the salvation of “our bodies” and “our souls”?
Jesus gave his body and soul for our body and soul
*Implies that Jesus HAD a body and soul
In 1Clement 46 and 58 we find two extremely primitive Trinitarian formulae. List the formulae below and explain why you think I’ve stated that they are extremely primitive.
Clearly states a belief in the three but does not explain the relationship between the entities or state a monotheistic argument
46: 6 “ we not have one God and one Christ and one spriti of Grace, a spirit who was pured out upon us. Is there not one calling in Christ? Why do we tear apart and disjoint the members of Christ..?”
58: 2 “For, as truly as God lives, as truly as The Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit live… will he who in a humble frame of mind… be enrolled and in good standing among the number of those who are on the way to salvation…”
In Eph 7:2 and 20:2 Ignatius gives us some insight into how he thinks of sin and salvation. What is the name that he uses for Jesus at the beginning of 7:2 and what does he call the bread that is broken in 20:2?
-Uses medical terms to allude to sin as a disease
Jesus = Physician
Bread = Medicine of immortality
Eph 7:2 is a great example of one of the earliest ways that Christians affirmed that Jesus was both God and human.What is Ignatius’ methodology? That is to say, how does he go about affirming that Jesus is both divine and human?
He draws a direct comparison between traits that are human and those that are divine.
- He is using opposites first to describe Christ’s in terms of BALANCE such as the balance in medicine at the time
- his divinity saves our humanity
- it is based on a genetic model coming from both Mary and God
Explain the Diversity of Christian thought in the Sub-Apostolic Age. 90-150CE
- Characterized by diversity AND unity of thought
- lots of groups writing lots of similar documents
- Jewish and Gentile Christians were separate but impossible separate thoughts completely; there are different traditions highlighted in each writer but no writing fell into a specific category
Did the government distinguish Christians from Jews in the book of Acts?
- Was the religion of the Jews legally recognized by the (Roman) government during the time of the book of Acts?
What ‘background for (the) later unfavorable treatment’ of Christians does Ferguson see in Acts?
The Jews sometimes stirred up trouble, Christian teachings often created wider disturbances, and Christian teachings threatened Pagan society
Nero charged and punished Christians for the fire in Rome (AD 64), on what account did Nero’s officials take actions against them?
Nero charged them on account of “the name”
They were easy scapegoats because they naturally removed themselves from much os society
Who continued ‘the policy that made Christians punishable “for the name,”’ thereby following ‘a precedent found in the treatment of Druids, participants in the Bacchanalia, and occasionally worshippers of Isis and Jews?
Trajan (97-117)
How did Hadrian (117-38) respond to popular tumults?
He sought to regularize legal proceedings to the courts (mob demands to courts) thus reaffirming the policies of Trajan
Explain the significance (to Christians) of what seems to have been a general edict issued during the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161-80)?
The general edict required sacrifice to the Gods by EVERYBODY and made Christians conspicuous by their absence
What were aroused following the revolt led by Avidius Cassius in 175?
Suspicions were aroused on the the tour of Marcus Aurelius after the revolt because some groups wouldn’t make the customary sacrifices on behalf of the emperor
When did ‘authorities and others (take) unfavorable notice’ of Christians?
When Chrisitans refused to burn incense or acknowledge Caesar as lord
What were the ‘three other charges’ to which ‘Christian Apologists repeatedly responded’?
Atheism, cannibalism, incest
In the ancient world ‘an atheist was someone who did not observe’ what?
Someone who does not observe traditional religious practices
Why did Christians remain aloof by removing themselves ‘from the normal activities of society’?
All aspects of society were permeated with idolatry
What were the causes of Christian persecution?
- Got off on the wrong foot with Roman officials for worshipping a man who was convicted by the government for being a kingly pretender
- Appeared to be a threat because they couldn’t participate in the required demonstrations of allegiance
- They were aloof and secretive and often caused civil disturbances with their presence
- Genuine philosophical opposition to Christianity; for example - Justin Martyr was involved in a dispute with a political figure which resulted in his ( Crescens) execution; more of a persecution of individuals rather than the group
What ‘three distinct classes’ did Pliny find ‘among those against whom accusations had been brought’?
Those who confessed and remained steadfast
Those who denied ever being Christian
Those who apostatized; were Christian then not
Pliny, the governor of Bythynia, asked Trajan for guidance with regard to the judicial questions surrounding Christians. What were the three responses Trajan gave Pliny?
Christians were not to be sought out, but if convicted they were to be punished
No anonymous accusations
Punishment based on the name; deniers pardoned
What was the nature of the persecution of Christians ‘before the mid-third century’?
Local and occasional persecution
What are the two responses by Christians to the persecutions that resulted in significant literary productions?
Apologetics and Martyrdom
What does Justin Martyr do ‘in order to make Christian teaching understandable and acceptable to pagan readers’?
He finds analogues to Christian beliefs in Greek mythology
What are the three ‘main issues’ raised by Trypho the Jew in Justin’s Dialogue with Trypho?
Christology; is Jesus the Messiah mentioned in scriptures?
The Law; what is the meaning of the law in the OT?
The true Israel; is the church the new people of God?
In terms of’ what is the central issue of the Messiah debated (by Justin and Trypho)?
Old Testament Prophesy
The ‘Apologists represent the confluence of ideas from’ where ‘that could be used to support the pre-existence of Jesus Christ’?
From both pagan and Jewish sides
What were the ideas supporting the pre-existence of Jesus that came from the Jewish background?
From the Jewish background came the ideas of Law as pre-existent, pre-existent Wisdom, pre-existent Messiah, and Spirit
What are the four arguments Ferguson notes in which ‘Jewish thinkers pioneered the way for Christian thinkers’ (with regard to apologetics)?
Arguments for 1) the greater antiquity of Moses and Scriptures vs. Greek Literature 2) borrowing BY the Greeks for their good ideas from the Hebrews 3)the superiority monotheism to pagan polytheism 4) interpretation of biblical thought in terms of Greek culture
In a world that valued antiquity,’ how did ‘the argument from prophecy’ serve the Apologists?
Christianity was not a new religion, but reached back to the original religion of humanity and represented the culmination of God’s plans in the prophets of the OT
What were the 5 possible backgrounds for the term Logos?
1) reason or wisdom in the mind of God
2) spoke or articulated word
3) immanent (reason and logic/agent of creation) in the world
4) revealed word of God
5) incarnate in Jesus
In 1Apol 6 Justin argues that Christians should not be considered atheists, for while they reject the false gods, they believe in the “true God… who is unmixed with evil”. This God, Christians “worship and adore”; whom exactly does Justin say Christians “worship and adore”? What strikes you as odd?
Claimed and army of good angels which made a four part God (1 Apol 6) - Maker of the Universe, Jesus Christ, Prophetic Spirit, (1 Apol 13) = hierarchical trinitarianism
Summarize the seven points that reflect the basic views of Marcion?
There are 2 gods
Creator = law and judgement, Father = redemption
Old Testament = creator, and isn’t relevant
Jesus “only seemed to suffer”
Paul was the only apostle
Took a stand on written revelation
Asceticism emphasized
Marcion ‘took a position decidedly opposing’ what?
the Jewish roots of Christianity
What discovery dramatically changed the study of Gnosticism?
A collection of 12 Codices in 1945 at Nag Hammadi in Egypt
What ‘elements… went into the developed Gnostic systems of the second century’?
What are the six main features of various Gnostic myths?
An original divine element produced other spiritual principals
A “fault” occurred in the divine, spiritual world
As a result, matter came into existence
Some of the pure spiritual nature was planted into (some) souls
A “redeemer” revealed the way of escape out of the material world for the divine element
The soul passes thru the realms of the world rulers to return to its spiritual home
How did the Gnostics ‘attempt to explain the problem of evil’?
evil is because of a fall in the divine world
Of those ‘the church fathers called “Gnostics,”’ who was ‘by far the most influential teacher’?
In the Valentinian system ‘earthly entities such as humanity and the church were… seen as’ what?
Reflections of spiritual realities
What, according to Ptolemaic Valentinianism, are the three classes of human beings?
1) Material (will be lost)
2) Psychics (ordinary)
3) Spirituals/Valentinians (highest salvation)
What were the fundamental doctrines that the Gnostics denied?
The identity of the creator (which Gnostics made lesser)
The goodness of the created universe
The full incarnation of Christ
Revelation in historical events (emphasized secret traditions)
Redemption by the blood of the cross (cross is allegorical)
A Resurrection of the body (believed soul only)
Who are the three figures central to the foundation of Montanism and what kind of movement did they begin?
Montanus, Priscilla, Maximilla – prophetic movement
To what ‘need of human souls’ did ‘Gnosticism as a religion of redemption’ testify?
Gnosticism showed a concern with salvation and was a religion of redemption which answered the need for something beyond this world to satisfy longings
What did the adherents of the (Montanist) movement call it?
New Prophecy
What were the objections of those critical of Montanism?
Involved some kind of possession and speaking in frenzied ecstasy
Any claim of prophecy claims authority, so they claimed to supersede scripture
What did the Montanists see as the hallmark of apostolic Christianity?
Prophecy & Spiritual gifts
Who apparently claimed to be the Paraclete?
Who did the Montanists understand to be speaking in them?
Paraclete (Holy Spirit)
By what three developments did the church counter the authority of the Holy Spirit claimed by the Montanists?
- first recorded syned of bishops to consider proper course of action
- the source of authority in scripture was emphasized
- bishops claimed to be the true spiritual leaders of the church possessing the Holy Spirit
What kind of baptismal creedal statement came first: an interrogatory confession of faith or a declaratory confession of faith?
Apostolic Tradition reflected interrogatory confession first
(The Gnostics) ‘allege that the truth was not delivered by means of written documents, but’ how?
Gnostics believed that truth was given verbally and NOT scriptures, Irenaeus argued this with “tripod” approach
From whom did the church (universal) receive the faith that Irenaeus states in this passage?
Apostles and disciples
To what extent does Irenaues say the churches throughout the world agree upon the tradition Irenaues records?
They agree – same traditions throughout
Main elements in Rule of Faith - Iranaeus (1.10.1) ans (1.22)
Belief in one God, creator of all
Jesus Christ, son of God, who became incarnate for us
God created all things through him
How did the apostles come to possess their “Perfect Knowledge”?
Holy Spirit came and filled them
(The Gnostics) ‘allege that the truth was not delivered by means of written documents, but how?
Revealed in secret knowledge and oral tradition