Late 4th Century Theology: Trinitarian Resolution Flashcards
What was Basil’s formula for the trinity? What is it’s weakness?
God is one ouesia and God is three hypostasis -God is the Father, Son and HS
-The Father, Son, and HS are God
The weakness is the distinctive properties he ascribes to the three, especially the HS because “sanctification” doesn’t distinguish i from Father and Son, it distinguishes it from us
According to Basil, in what is “the unity (between the Father and Son) thought to reside”?
- In the formula of essence: the essence of the Father is light and the essence of the only begotten is also light -The essence is one in the same
How does Basil illustrate the “formula of essence/being” earlier in this paragraph?
They have the same ousia - the essence of the Father is light and the essence of the only begotten is also light -The essence is one in the same
What distinguishes the Father and the Son from each other according to Basil? In what does their “difference” lie?
Their properties; difference in number and properties of each; the properties distinguish the two
Essence = Unity
Properties = Differences
What are properties of an essence “like” according to Basil?
-Marks or forms that differentiate the parts of each esence
According to Basil, properties “distinguish what is common by means of individual characteristics”, but in the process of distinguishing “what is common” do these properties “cut [or break through] the identity in nature of the substance”?
No; the marks don’t destroy the essence (egg carton= pockets are different but the essence is Styrofoam
According to Basil, what is an example of what is common to the Father and Son?
Deity; Divine qualities
What are some examples of individualities?
-Father and Sonship - Son is begotten
Basil - What is the distinction between ousia and hypostasis?
- ousia = general or the same
- hypostasis = particular or distinct
Basil - In the case of the Godhead, what do we confess “so as not to give a variant definition of existence”?
- One essence or substance = ONE God
Basil - In the case of the Godhead, what do we confess “in order that our conception of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit may be without confusion and clear”?
- each is a particular hypostases
In regards to how we discuss the trinity, how do hypostasis relate to properties?
a hypostasis is a grouping of properties that characterizes each of the trinity
What are the three “separate characteristics” that Basil identifies which enable us “to give a sound account of our faith”?
Fatherhood, Sonship, and Sanctification
Fatherhood = unbegotten, source, cause of all things Sonship = begotten Sanctification
What does Basil say about how the Holy Spirit is one with God?
The Holy Spirit is indivisibly united with the Father and Son
Basil specifies the different roles or activities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the creation of the angels. What is the role/activity that he assigns to each of them?
- Father Causes creation
- Son Creates
- Spirit perfects it
Explain the idea of inseparable operations.
Activities combine to form one inseparable operation
What is the difference between how Basil explains the HS and how Gregory explains the HS? Explain how they view the trinity with Brigman’s tug-of-war illustration.
Basil says HS = sanctification
Trinity = Tug of War team all doing different things
Gregory says HS = proceeds (caused through the Son)
Trinity = Tug of War Team all pulling together
How does Gregory explain the roles of the Trinity using creation as an example?
Inseperable Operations: Father Starts Proceeds through the Son Completed by the HS *One activity flows through the Father, Son and HS *This idea was adopted at Constantinople