What coordinates any sexual assault that occurs within a domestic relationship or involves child abuse?
What is victim misconduct that might be in time, place, or circumstance associated with the victim’s sexual assault incident?
Collateral misconduct
What are the words or overt acts indicating a freely given agreement to the sexual conduct at issue by a competent person are defined as?
What is the emergency non-clinical care aimed at assisting victims to alleviate any potential negative consequences by providing safety assessments and connecting the victims to needed resources?
Crisis intervention
Which Department of Defense (DoD) database captures uniform data that is provided by Military Services and maintains all sexual assault data collected by the Military Services?
Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID)
What is the agency that processes PCS or PCA’s for expedited transfers for the Navy?
Bureau of Naval Personnel
What type of situation requires immediate intervention to prevent the loss of life, limb, sight, or body tissue to prevent undue suffering?
What are the actions taken referred to as that are used to resolve the reported sexual assault incident, document case outcome, and address the misconduct by the alleged perpetrator, as appropriate?
Final disposition
What type of information includes those facts and circumstances surrounding the sexual assault incident or that information about the individual that enables the identity of the individual to remain anonymous?
Non-personally identifiable
What is defined as taking or threatening to take an unfavorable personnel action, or withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action, or any other act of retaliation, against a Service member for making, preparing, or receiving a communication?
What serves as the DoD’s single point of authority, accountability, and oversight for the SAPR program?
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO)
Who provides liaison assistance with other organizations and agencies on victim care matters and reports directly to the SARC when performing victim advocacy duties on behalf of the sexual assault victim?
What is defined as intentional sexual contact that is characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or the abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent?
Sexual assault
What is defined as any person who suffers direct physical, emotional, or pecuniary harm as a result of the commission of a sexual assault?
Who serves as the Department of the Navy representative to the DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Integrated Process Team (IPT)?
At least how many key milestones of Service-level sexual assault victim support processes are identified by the DON-SAPRO in coordination with Service representatives?
How many full-time SARCs at a minimum shall be assigned to each brigade or equivalent unit level of the Navy and Marine Corps?
Only members of the Armed Forces and civilian employees of the Department of Defense may be assigned to duty as a SARC as of what date
October 1st, 2013
Who ensures that all Department of the Navy (DON) military and civilian healthcare personnel, including those not assigned to Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs), receive SAPR training?
How many reporting options do sexual assault victims have?
Which type of sexual assault reporting is favored by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of the Navy (DON) as it improves the command’s ability to support victims and enables criminal investigations?
Which sexual assault reporting option is only available to service members and adult military dependents?
The DoD Health Information Privacy Regulation along with what else prohibit the improper disclosure of confidential communications or improper release of medical information?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Sexual assault victims must take advantage of the Restricted Reporting option before whom is informed of the investigation?
Within how many hours of an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault will SARCs provide sexual assault victims installation commanders with all information regarding unrestricted reports?
The time that the SARC has to provide the installation commander of sexual assault victims with information regarding all Unrestricted Reports may be extended by the commander to how many hours after the Unrestricted Report of the incident when there are extenuating circumstances in deployed environments?
How many years are DD Form 2910’s stored as an electronic record in the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) from the date the victim signed it?
Which instruction contains guidance on the retention for the “DoD Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) Report” (DD Form 2911)?
DoD Instruction 5505.18
How many years will the SARC retain a hard copy of the Restricted Report DD Form 2910?
How many years will the SAFE Kit, which includes the DD Form 2911 or civilian forensic examination report, if available, be retained for?
Within how many days of taking command shall each commander meet with the SARC for one-on-one SAPR training?
Within how many hours of receiving a sexual assault unrestricted report must the SARC update the installation commander?
How often must Commanders provide victims of a sexual assault who filed an Unrestricted Report updates?
Who will the Commander of the Service member who is a subject of a sexual assault allegation immediately provide in writing all disposition data, to include any administrative or judicial action taken, stemming from the sexual assault investigation to?
What do SARCs have to have a favorable check from to be permitted access to enter sexual assault reports into DSAID?
National Agency Check (NAC)
What are used to enhance communications and the sharing of information regarding sexual assault prosecutions, as well as of the sexual assault care and forensic examinations that involve Service members and eligible TRICARE beneficiaries?
Who may order a member of a Reserve Component who is the alleged victim of sexual assault committed while on active duty and who is expected to be released from active duty before the LOD determination is made to be retained on active duty until completion of the LOD determination upon request of the member?
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
How many days from the date of the request by a member of a Reserve Component to continue on active duty who is the alleged victim of sexual assault committed while on active duty and who is expected to be released from active duty before the LOD determination is made, or to be ordered to active duty, respectively, be decided within?
If the request submitted by a member of a Reserve Component to continue on active duty who is the alleged victim of sexual assault committed while on active duty and who is expected to be released from active duty before the LOD determination is made is denied, the member may appeal to the first General Officer or Flag Officer in the chain of command of the member, and in the case of such an appeal a decision on the appeal must be made within how many days from the date of the appeal?
Which form must the service member fill out to affirmatively change his or her reporting option to Unrestricted Reporting in order to be eligible for an expedited transfer if the Service member originally filed a Restricted Report and requests an expedited transfer?
DD Form 2910
Within how many hours from the CO’s receipt of a Service member’s request who have filed an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault to request a temporary or permanent expedited transfer from their assigned command or installation, or to a different location within their assigned command or installation do they have to approve or disapprove the request?
What is one of the most significant barriers to reporting assault because of the victim’s fear of punishment?
Collateral misconduct
The initial disposition authority is withheld from all commanders within the DON who do not possess at least special court-martial convening authority and who are not in the what grade or higher, with respect to the alleged offenses of rape, sexual assault, forcible sodomy, and all attempts to commit such offenses, in violation of Articles 120, 125, and 80 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)?
Who serves as the single point of contact to coordinate sexual assault response when a sexual assault is reported?
Gender-responsive, culturally-competent, along with what else should SARC’s sexual assault responses incorporate?
How many years will hard copies of the DD Form 2910 be retained in the Restricted Reports
How many years will the DD Form 2910 as well as the DD Form 2911’s filed in connection with a sexual assault Restricted Report be retained for at the request of a service member?
Within how many hours of receiving an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault must the SARC or SAPR VA provide the installation commander with information regarding the Unrestricted Report?
At least how often will the SARC or SAPR VA facilitate SAPR training?
Which form will be used to document a sexual assault victims consent in writing to transfer case management documents when a sexual assault victim has a temporary or permanent change of station or is deployed?
DD Form 2910
Within how many hours of receiving a sexual assault report must SARCs enter information into DSAID either through direct data entry or by Military Service DSAID interface?
An extension of how many hours can be granted to SARCs who are in deployed locations that have internet connectivity issues to enter sexual assault information into DSAID either through direct data entry by SARCs or by Military Service DSAID interface?
Who serves as the CMG co-chair?
Installation SARC
Who establishes the minimum standards of medical treatment for victims of sexual assault based on the requirements outlined in the Department of Justice National Protocol?
Which form will the sexual assault victim be provided with a hard copy of upon completion of the SAFE Kit?
DD Form 2911
How many years from the date of the victim’s Restricted Report of the sexual assault will any evidence along with the SAFE Kit be stored for?
How long after the sexual assault restricted report must the SARC contact the victim to inquire whether they wish to change their reporting option to unrestricted?
One year
How many years will the DD Forms 2910 and 2911 that are filed in connection with a sexual assault Restricted Report be retained for at the request of the victim?
How many business days do SARCs have to provide sexual assault victims copies of their DD Form 2910 and/or DD Form 2911 upon request?
At least how many days before the expiration of the 5-year sexual assault restricted report storage period will a NCIS Consolidated Evidence Facility representative notify the installation SARC that the storage period is about to expire and confirm with the SARC that the victim has not made a request to change to Unrestricted Reporting or made a request for any personal effects?
How often will the installation commander or the deputy installation commander chair the Case Management Group (CMG) to review individual sexual assault cases?
Within how many business days of the final disposition decision will the Case Management Group (CMG) chair require that case dispositions are communicated to the sexual assault victim?
Within what time frame will the Case Management Group (CMG) chair require that the appropriate paperwork (pursuant to Service regulation) for sexual assault case dispositions are submitted for each case disposition?
24 hours
Within how many hours of the last Case Management Group (CMG) must the victim’s commander confirm at the CMG that the victim has received a monthly update from the victim’s commander of her/his case
Within how many hours of being activated will the High-Risk sexual assault Response Team make their first report to the installation commander, CMG chair, and CMG co-chair?
How often at a minimum will briefings occur for the CMG chair and co-chair while the sexual assault victim is on a high-risk status
Which topic must be incorporated into SAPR training?
Adult learning theory
Within how many days of returning from deployment should post-deployment reintegration training occur?
How often at a minimum will military recruiter sexual assault training occur?
Which form must be completed after healthcare personnel receive a sexual assault restricted report and immediately call a SARC or SAPR VA?
DD Form 2910
What serves as the centralized, case-level database for the collection and maintenance of information regarding sexual assaults?
Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID)
Which Office of Management and Budget control number has DSAID been assigned?
Who submits the annual Fiscal Year (FY) reports to Congress on sexual assaults that involve military servicemembers?
Which Report Control Symbol has been assigned by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) for the MSA Sexual Assault Survey?
DD-P&R(A) 2198