- Which type of report is used for officers (W2-O6) under the Navy Performance Evaluation System?
- Which type of report is used for Chief Petty Officers (CPO) (E7-E9) under the Navy Performance Evaluation System?
- Which type of report is used for enlisted personnel (E1-E6) under the Navy Performance Evaluation System?
- How many points is the scale that performance traits are graded on?
- Which performance trait grade represents performance to full Navy standards?
- Which performance trait grades must be substantiated in the comments, as well as general comments on the remainder of the evaluative blocks?
- How many steps is the promotion recommendation scale for all forms?
- No promotion recommendation higher than what is allowed for pay grades O1 and O2 (with the exception of limited duty officers (LDOs))?
- An enlisted OIC in the grade of E9 and civilians in command positions who hold the grade of GS-9 through GS-12 may sign reports on which grade and below?
- A Chief Petty Officer (CPO) or Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) may sign reports on personnel at or below which grade?
- Reports for E1-E9 reports may be signed by civilians in command positions who hold which minimum grade or equivalent?
- EVALs on personnel in which grade and below should contain the signatures of a rater and senior rater?
- Who is ultimately responsible for the FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, and EVAL program?
Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP)
- How many types of reports are there?
- Which type of reports are the foundation of the performance record and must cover, day-for-day, all naval service on active duty or inactive drilling Reserve duty, except for enlisted initial entry training and other limited circumstances?
- Which type of reports provide a record of significant performance for active duty (ACDU) and Full Time Support (FTS) members fulfilling additional duty (ADDU) or temporary additional duty (TEMADD) orders; and for Reservists supporting the ACDU and/or their designated cross-assigned billet assignment?
- The administrative blocks, blocks 1, 3-19, blocks 22-26, block 44 (FITREP/CHIEFEVAL) or which block on
the (EVAL), identify the report, define the context in which it was received, and make it more informative to detailers and selection boards?
- What is the FITREP and EVAL form-filler computer application program?
- Which performance trait grade is reserved for performance that is far above standards and is notable for its exemplary or leadership quality?
- Which performance trait grade means generally poor performance that is not improving, or unsatisfactory performance with respect to a single standard?
- Which performance trait grade means the Sailor could be promoted two pay grades, and still be a standout in this trait?
Superstar Performance – 5.0
Which performance trait grade cannot be assigned in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity on reports in pay grades E1-E6 and W2-O6 and maintain a promotion recommendation of “Promotable” or higher?
- For pay grades E7-E9, a 2.0 trait grade cannot be assigned in which category and maintain a promotion recommendation of “Promotable” or higher?
- What is the preferred writing style for the comments block?
- Which type of groups generally consist of all members in the same pay grade (regardless of rating) and same promotion status, who receive the same type of report from the same reporting senior on the same ending date?
Enlisted summary
- The reporting senior can, for good cause, submit an administrative change or evaluative supplement within how many years from the ending date of a report?
- Members have the right to submit a statement to the record concerning their reports, either at the time of the report or within how many years thereafter?
- The reporting senior must retain copies of FITREPs on all officers and CHIEFEVALs on all CPOs for at least how many years?
- Commands must retain copies of enlisted EVALs and CHIEFEVALS for how many years?
- FITREP ending dates are the last day of the month for all officers. Which day of the month are CHIEFEVAL and enlisted EVAL ending dates?
- A Periodic report may be omitted if a member has received a graded Regular report within the prior 3 months. The omitted period is included in the next Regular report. Otherwise, periodic reports must be submitted on the above dates, and may be extended by letter for up to 3 months in lieu of a Detachment report. In no case, however, should a total report period exceed how many months?
- Which U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990, requires that records be maintained on naval personnel “which reflect their fitness for the Service and performance of duties.”?
Article 1129
- What will serve as the primary source of information for officer and enlisted personnel management decisions and will serve as a guide for the member’s performance and development, enhance the accomplishment of the organization mission, and provide additional information to the chain of command?
- Where will evaluations be maintained?
Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)
- While not an all-inclusive definition, NAVPERSCOM will consider a report adverse if it contains a trait grade of 1.0, a promotion recommendation mark of “Significant Problems,” Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity trait graded below 3.0 for E1-E6 and W2-O6 reports, or a trait grade less than 3.0 in Character on E7-E9 reports; has more than how many traits graded as 2.0; or contains comments indicating serious weakness, incapacity, or lack of qualifications for promotion or assignment?
- Reporting seniors shall retain copies of FITREPs on officers and CHIEFEVALs on CPOs for at least how many years, and shall provide additional copies to the individual reported on if requested?
- Commands shall retain copies of EVALs on all enlisted personnel (E1-E9) for at least how many years following the end date of the report?
- Which command supplies application programs to support automated preparation and submission of FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, and EVALs?
- Which performance report block contains the members name?
- Which performance report block contains the members grade/rate?
- Which performance report block contains the members designator?
- How many enlisted warfare/qualification designators can be entered in block 3 when preparing a performance report?
- Which performance report block contains the members social security number?
- Which performance report block contains the members duty/competitive status?
- Which performance report block contains the members UIC?
- Block 6 of the performance report should match the primary UIC of the reporting senior in which block?
- What should be entered for activities to which no UIC is assigned when preparing the performance report?
- Which performance report block contains the members ship/station?
- Which performance report block contains the members promotion status?
- Which performance report block contains the date that the member reported?
- Which performance report blocks contain the occasion for report?
- Which performance report blocks contain the period of report?
- Which performance report block contains the space used to put Not Observed Report if it is applicable?
- Which performance report blocks contain the type of report?
- Which performance report block contains the members physical readiness status?
- Which performance report block contains the members billet subcategory, if any?
- Which performance report block names the reporting senior?
- Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s grade?
- Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s four-digit officer designator?
- Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s title?
- Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s UIC?
- Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s social security number?
- Which performance report block contains command employment and command achievements?
- Which performance report block contains the members Primary/Collateral/Watchstanding duties?
- Which performance report block contains the date the member was counseled?
- ProWhich performance report block contains the name of the members counselor?
- Which performance report block contains the signature of the individual counseled?
- Which performance report blocks contain the members performance traits?
- Which performance report block contains the individual trait average?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains the career recommendations for the member being counseled?
- Which performance report block contains the signature of the rater?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains comments on performance?
- Which performance report block contains the members qualifications/achievements?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains the individuals promotion recommendation?
- What is the highest promotion recommendation a member can receive who receives one or two 2.0 trait grades?
- What must Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity (FITREP/EVAL), and Character (CHIEFEVAL) be evaluated as at a minimum to maintain eligibility for advancement and receive a recommendation of Promotable?
- Enlisted members who receive any performance trait grade of what lose eligibility for the Navy Good Conduct Medal and must reestablish a new 3-year period following the end date of the report?
- What is the maximum promotion recommendation that Ensign and lieutenant junior grade can receive on their FITREPs for designators other than LDO (6XXX)?
- What does Significant Problems equal on the scale for enlisted performance reports?
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote recommendations for all pay grades except non-Limited Duty Officer O1/O2 for each summary group?
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for E1-E4 for each summary group?
No limit
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for E5-E6 for each summary group?
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for E7-E9 for each summary group?
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for LDO O1-O2 for each summary group?
No limit
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for W3-W5s for each summary group?
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for O-3s for each summary group?
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for O-4s for each summary group?
- What is the upper limit on Early Promote and Must Promote recommendations combined for O-5 and O-6s for each summary group?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains the summary?
- Which performance report block contains the retention recommendation?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains the reporting seniors address?
- Which performance report block contains the signature of the senior rater?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains the reporting senior signature?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains the signature of the individual being evaluated?
- The reporting senior shall hand write in the signature block of the member “certified, copy provided” if the report is not adverse and if the member is not expected to return to or visit the command within 15 days (active duty) or how many days (inactive duty)?
- Which EVAL performance report block contains the regular reporting senior signature on concurrent reports?
- Which manual should be used for instructions on mailing classified material?
SECNAV M-5510.36
- Personnel at or below what paygrade may have their reports signed by an enlisted OIC in the grade of E9 or civilians in command positions who hold the grade of GS-9 through GS-12?
- Personnel at or below what paygrade may have their reports signed by a CPO or SCPOs?
- Personnel at or below what paygrade may have their reports signed by GS-13’s or their equivalent?
- EVALs for enlisted personnel at or below what paygrade require the signatures of a rater, and senior rater?
- Which civilian grade/equivalent must delegated reporting seniors for officer reports be?
- The reporting senior authority for officers may be delegated to heads of those components without prior NAVPERSCOM (PERS-311) approval in shore commands having components that are permanently located more than how many miles from the headquarters?
- Reports on members in the grade of E5 through E9 including members frocked to E5 may not be delegated below the grade of O4, what civilian grade, or equivalent?
- Reports on members in the grade of E4 and below may not be delegated below what military grade?
- The CO must sign any report that withdraws a recommendation for enlisted advancement after advancement authorization for the member has been received. A flag officer may delegate this authority to what grade or above?
- Who assumes the reporting senior responsibility and authority of a subordinate commanding officer that dies, becomes incapacitated, is summarily relieved or detached for cause, or becomes seriously delinquent in submitting reports?
Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC)
- What grade should the rater be for E5 and E6 personnel whenever possible?
- What grade can the rater be for E4 and below personnel?
- Which type of reports are normally considered to be regular reports for both officers and enlisted?
- What is the only type of report that provides continuity?
- No more than how many months may be covered by regular reports, including letter-extensions, without NAVPERSCOM (PERS-311) approval?
- Periodic reports may be omitted if the member received an Observed Regular report ending no more than how many months prior to the Periodic report date?
- Detachment of Reporting Senior reports are not required from an interim reporting senior who has been on board for how many months or less if the reporting senior’s permanent relief agrees to cover the period in the next Regular report?
- Detachment of Reporting Senior reports are optional for personnel in which paygrades?
- Periodic reports may be omitted and added to the next period if Detachment of Reporting Senior reports were submitted for a particular paygrade, and, if the next report is the periodic report but is less than how many days from the previous Detachment of Reporting Senior report?
- A Promotion/Frocking EVAL must always be submitted upon promotion or frocking to which paygrade?
- Promotion/frocking reports for officers or enlisted members who have been promoted should not be submitted unless the change in Periodic report dates will result in more than how many months between Regular reports?
- A new reporting senior who has not written an” Observed” report on a member may submit a Special report on an officer or CPO who is eligible before a promotion selection board if the individual has performed significant duties under that reporting senior for at least how many months?
- An E-6 may receive a Special report for a promotion selection board who has performed duty at a new command for at least how many months who has not yet received an Observed report?
- A Special report may not be submitted for the sole purpose of raising what?
Performance Mark Average (PMA)
- Which type of reports are Detachment of Reporting Senior reports that are optional for E1-E6 submitted as?
- Special FITREPs for superior performance or recommendations are specifically prohibited for which personnel?
- For up to how many months can a Special report be extended for unless it was submitted for the reduction-in- rate of an enlisted member?
- Which type of report provides a record of significant performance that was not directly observable by the regular reporting senior?
- A trait graded Concurrent report should be submitted when an assignment exceeds how many days, except for duty under instruction (DUINS)?
- Performance Information Memorandums (PIMs) should be used to cover periods fewer than how many days?
- There must be no gap or break between the beginning date of the Concurrent report and the ending date of the previous Regular report (i.e., the Regular report ends on 13SEP15 and the Concurrent report begins on 13SEP16). Additionally, when combined, a Concurrent/Regular report may not exceed a total period of how many months?
- Which block must be marked by the regular reporting senior to endorse as Concurrent/Regular?
- Which block should the reporting senior make an entry in only if the Concurrent reporting senior conducted an official PFA during the reporting period? Otherwise it should be left blank.
- Where must Operational Commander reports be directly forwarded to?
- Which block should be used to state the justification for the Operational Commander report?
- An “X” in which block identifies a Not Observed (NOB) report?
- Which type of reports are intended to fulfill reporting requirements during periods of brief service when a detailed assessment cannot be provided?
Not Observed (NOB)
- Not Observed (NOB) reports may be submitted for short periods of duty or TEMDU (no more than how many months) that are purely for administrative or training purposes, during which the member’s performance is completely independent of their permanent command’s influence?
- Not Observed (NOB) reports are suitable for periods of how many or more days?
- What should be used to assess periods under 10 days?
Performance Information Memorandum (PIM)
- When circumstances warrant, it is allowable to evaluate a maximum of how many traits without making a promotion recommendation?
- An Observed report with a “NOB” promotion recommendation cannot be submitted if the member receives a
- 0 in any trait, a single 2.0 or below in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity or Character, how many 2.0 trait grades, or adverse information in the comments?
- Which blocks can’t contain entries on a Not Observed (NOB) EVAL?
33-39, 41, 46, and 47
- Which blocks can’t contain entries on a Not Observed (NOB) FITREP/CHIEFEVAL?
33-40, 43
- When a member is ordered for duty to a civilian (other than U.S. Federal Government) or foreign activity, the orders will normally designate an assigned reporting senior. Who is the assigned reporting senior for the member if none are designated?
U.S. administrative commander
- How many months before a Periodic report is due and on detachment of the member are letter reports desired?
- Which format must letter reports be in?
- What is defined as recruit training; veteran, New Accession Training Program (formerly called Non-Prior Service Basic) indoctrination; and schools following in direct sequence prior to reporting to first permanent duty station?
Initial Entry Training (IET)
- Which type of report will be submitted by reporting seniors when needed for a purpose such as the establishment of an advancement recommendation, document superior or substandard performance, a recommendation for a special program, reduction in rate, etc.?
- Begin Regular EVAL continuity as of the date of detachment from the final phase of Initial Entry Training (IET) or at the end of the second regular reporting period during IET if the training is expected to exceed how many months?
- Either submit a Detachment of Individual Regular report, or provide a Performance Information Memorandum (PIM) for submission to the next reporting senior for DUINS or TEMDUINS lasting how many months or less?
- If the training activity does not submit a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL, the next Regular report must include the Duty Under Instruction (DUINS) or Temporary Duty Under Instruction (TEMDUINS) period in which block and must provide Regular report continuity?
- A report may be delayed up to how many months for Duty Under Instruction (DUINS) only, to the end of an academic period, provided it is submitted in time for any selection board for which the member may be eligible?
- Which term is defined as a holding status for drilling Reservists awaiting assignment to an authorized billet?
In Assignment Processing (IAP)
- What is the local reserve unit wherein a Reservist trains but is not necessarily billeted, i.e., member can be IAP or hold a billet via a Cross-Assignment?
Training Unit Identification Code (TRUIC)
- What is the unit wherein a Reservist is billeted and to which the Reservist would mobilize?
Mobilization Unit Identification Code (UMUIC)
- What is the active duty unit that is supported by the UMUIC and owns the Reserve billet to which the member is actually assigned, regardless if local or cross-assignment?
Active Unit Identification Code (AUIC)
- What is a Training Unit Identification Code (TRUIC) for non-billeted Reservists who earn retirement points for non-paid drills and may occasionally perform paid Active Duty for Training (ADT) or Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW)?
Volunteer Training Unit (VTU)
- INACT duty reports should be submitted to PERS-32 no later than how many days after the ending date of the report?
- Block 5 should be marked as INACT for INACT Duty Reservists. Comments regarding AT of 29 days or less, and ADT of how many days or less, may be included on reports as member is still INACT on drill status?
- If a member is not available to sign a “non-adverse” report within how many days, the reporting senior shall enter “Certified, Copy Provided” in the member’s signature block to signify a copy of the report will be provided by some means. “Unsigned Advance Copy” is not authorized?
- Detachment of Individual Reports (FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs and EVALs) must be done by the Active Duty (ACDU) command for all periods greater than how many days that a Reservist serves on temporary Active Duty (ACDU) orders?
- Detachment of Individual Reports (FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs and EVALs) must be done by the Active Duty (ACDU) command for all periods greater than 10 days that a Reservist serves on temporary Active Duty (ACDU) orders. Report periods greater than how many days should be graded reports?
- Reports on Navy Reservists for less than how many days are not permitted but can be assessed via a Performance Information Memorandum (PIM)?
- Training performed with other than a member’s own commissioned unit or active duty supported command, which is for 10 days or more will be reported on by the command to which the member is ordered for training. Submit a Detachment of Individual report at the conclusion of the training period. If the training period lasts more than how many months and crosses periodic reporting dates, submit a report on the date specified for inactive Reservists?
- Detachment of Reporting Senior reports are required on officers who have been on Active Duty (ACDU) for more than how many months?
- Which format must be used for the flag officer endorsement that is required when a captain (or below) reports on another captain in the same competitive category?
- If the flag officer endorsement contains comments that the endorsing officer considers to be adverse, the entire report and endorsement must be referred to the officer reported on. The officer reported on must respond by letter to which command via the endorsing officer?
- What is a narrative-style report that provides an assessment of brief periods of training and/or duties performed outside the purview of the Regular reporting senior?
Performance Information Memorandum (PIM)
- Performance Information Memorandums (PIMs) are most suitable for periods of how many days or less when significant accomplishments on duty or in training warrant?
- A Performance Information Memorandum (PIM) is suitable for any personnel performing Duty Under Instructions (DUINS) or Temporary DUINS (TEMDUINS) for periods less than how many days?
- Performance Information Memorandums (PIMs) must be forwarded to the member’s regular reporting senior within how many days of assignment completion?
- Which style is preferred when writing comments?
- What is the maximum font size when writing comments
- Is ranking in the comments field authorized?
- If classified comments are unavoidable, prepare a 1-page letter-supplement classified no higher than which classification level?
- Comments are required for substantiation of of 1.0 grades or how many or more 2.0 grades?
- Comments are required for substantiation of grades below what in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity or Character?
- A decline in performance is defined as receiving lower grades on how many or more performance traits in the same paygrade by the same reporting senior on subsequent reports?
- Are comments allowed regarding a member’s potential for civilian employment or the civilian employment of Reservists?
- NJP proceedings are concluded when they are final on appeal, or when it has been determined that the member has waived the right of appeal (normally how many days after imposition of punishment)?
- What should be typed in place of a signature if no one is available to serve as rater or senior rater?
- What should a person sign as when they are the only one available
- How many blocks at a maximum can be signed by the same person?
- The rater, senior rater, and reporting senior are expected to reach overall agreement. In the unusual situation where a reporting senior does not agree with the trait grades or related comments assigned by either the rater or senior rater and consensus cannot be reached, the evaluation shall reflect the reporting senior’s decision. What should be typed on the finished report in the signature blocks for either the rater, senior rater, or both, whichever may be the case?
- Reporting seniors must personally sign each report on which their name appears. In addition, the reporting senior will include the Member Trait Average (FITREP/CHIEFEVAL only) and Summary Group Average next to the line identifier in block 50 (EVAL) and which (FITREP/CHIEFEVAL) block?
- If a member is on Leave, Assigned TEMADD, or Remotely Assigned and is not expected to return to or visit the command within 15 days (active duty) or how many days (inactive duty) and the report is not adverse, the reporting senior should enter “Certified Copy Provided” in the member’s signature block and submit the report to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-32)?
- After a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL has been filed in the OMPF, it may be modified only through an administrative change or the addition of supplementary material, or through which other process?
- Administrative changes correct the administrative blocks of the FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL. Which type
of material clarifies, amends, or corrects the evaluative blocks?
- The command or reporting senior originating the report or the member’s current command may request administrative changes to block 1, blocks 3-19, blocks 22-26, block 44 (FITREP/CHIEFEVAL) or which (EVAL) block?
- The original reporting senior may submit supplementary material within how many years after the ending date of the report?
- Supplementary material may be submitted as either a letter-supplement or a supplemental report. Which is preferred?
- How many pages must a letter-supplement be limited to?
- How many recommendations for advancement are there?
- What is a recommendation against advancement that withdraws any previous advancement recommendation in the current grade?
Significant Problems
- What is the Performance grade for Early Promote (EP) promotion recommendations?
- What is the Performance grade for Must Promote (MP) promotion recommendations?
- What is the Performance grade for Promotable (P) promotion recommendations?
- What is the Performance grade for Progressing promotion recommendations?
- What is the Performance grade for Significant Problems (SP)?
- What would the Performance Mark Average (PMA) be for three EVALs received within the minimum time- in-rate period with performance marks of 3.8, 3.8, and 4.0?
- Can a Service Member be required to write their own performance evaluation report?
- All members should periodically review their NAVPERSCOM records. Complete this review at least how many months prior to any board convening date to allow time to correct discrepancies?
- Processing time for EVALS, CHIEFEVALS, and FITREPS vary based upon selection board priority. Members should review their Continuity of Reports on BOL approximately how many days after the reports are signed and mailed to NAVPERSCOM?
- What summarize a member’s professional and performance history?
Performance Summary Reports (PSRs)
- Missing FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, or EVALs do not disqualify a member before a selection board, but can make the work of the board more difficult. As a minimum, a member should attempt to obtain any missing report covering significant duty in the grades of E5 or above within the past how many years?
- A member may submit a statement to the record about any FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL. The statement must be submitted within how many years after the report ending date or provide acceptable justification for the delay?
- A member may submit a statement to the record about any FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL. The statement may be no more than how many pages and may not have enclosures?
- Where are all statements from personnel E1 to O6 sent to?
- The reporting senior must endorse and forward any statement within how many days, with a copy back to the member?
- A member who desires to make a statement for submission with the report shall mark the box labeled “I intend to submit a statement” in FITREP or CHIEFEVAL block 46 or which EVAL block?
- A member who desires to make a statement for submission with the report shall mark the box labeled “I intend to submit a statement” in FITREP or CHIEFEVAL block 46 or EVAL block 51.The member shall provide the statement to the reporting senior within how many days after seeing the report?
- Which U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990, article provides authority for the request mast, at which questions concerning FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, and EVALs may be raised with the CO?
Article 1151
- Under provisions of U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990, Article 1126 - Correction of Naval Records, a member may petition the Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) for correction of error or removal of injustice in a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL. Which form must petitions be submitted on?
DD 149
- Under provisions of U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990, Article 1126 - Correction of Naval Records, a member may petition the Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) for correction of error or removal of injustice in a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL. Petitions must be submitted on DD 149 Application for Correction of Military Record under the Provisions of 10 U.S.C. 1552. If the petition is to be considered and resolved prior to the convening of a selection board, the petition should be received by the BCNR at least how many months before the board convenes?
- Under the provisions of the Privacy Act, a member may request that a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL be amended if the report is inaccurate. The reporting senior should forward the request along with a recommendation regarding granting or denying the request within how many days of its receipt?
- Under which Public Law may a member of the Defense Acquisition Workforce whose reporting senior is not
in the same Defense Acquisition Workforce career field request a review of their reports by a person in the same Defense Acquisition Workforce career field as themselves?
- What is used to enhance professional growth, encourage personal development, and improve communication among all members within the command?
Performance counseling
- What increases the member’s and supervisor’s understanding of the member’s performance, allows the member to be involved in decision making, and assists in planning the actions required to implement the decisions?
- Counseling worksheets need not be typed. As a minimum, complete block 1 and which other blocks?
- For E1-E4 personnel, the counselor will normally be the rater (which grade or above), who is usually the division, department, or work center leading petty officer?
- Which month is E1-E3 Mid-Term counseling performed?
- Which month is E4 Mid-Term counseling performed?
- Which month is E5 Mid-Term counseling performed?
- Which month is E6 Mid-Term counseling performed
- Counseling should motivate performance improvement. How many major objectives are there to accomplish during the counseling session?
- What is the assessment period for O7-O8 regular reports?
June 1st through May 31st
- When must O7-O8 regular reports be signed by the member?
July 31st
- When must O7-O8 regular reports arrive at NAVPERSCOM for record entry?
September 1st
- Which physical fitness assessment code is placed in block 20 when the member passes both the PRT and BCA?
- Which physical fitness assessment code is placed in block 20 when the member passed the BCA but was authorized non-participation in the PRT for other than medical waiver reasons?
- Which physical fitness assessment code is placed in block 20 when the member passed BCA but was medically waived from 1 or more PRT event(s)?
- Each trait of a flag officer’s performance is based on individual dimensions and strategic planning and execution. How many of the nine performance traits should be listed that create the most results for organization success and overall alignment to mission?