Which system is used by all branches of the military to identify equipment by a system of standardized
Joint Electronics Type Designation System (JETDS)
Which year was the Electronic Test Equipment Classification Board established to control the increased use of undesirable electronic test equipment (ETE) in fleet and shore activities?
Which command manages general purpose electronic test equipment?
Space and Warfare Systems Command(SPAWARSYSCOM)
Which type of test equipment has the capability, without modification, to generate, modify, or measure a range of parameters of electronic functions required to test two or more equipments or systems of basically different design?
What was specifically designed to generate. modify, or measure a range of parameters of electronic functions of a specific or peculiar nature required to test a single system or equipment?
What has the responsibility for evaluating requests to purchase nonstandard GPETE and for recommending its approval or disapproval to NAVSEA?
Which program was designed to keep track of all installed and portable equipment in the fleet?
Which two basic elements does the SCLSIS program have?
Validation and Inventory updating
What is the checking, adjusting, or systematically aligning a test instrument to a known standard known as?
Which label has black lettering on a white background that comes in two sizes and is the most commonly used label in the METCAL program?
Which label has red lettering on a white background and is used when you must know the actual
measurement values to use the instrument?
Calibrated - Refer to report
Which labels or tags are used when some unusual or special condition in the calibration should be drawn to
your attention and have black letters on a yellow background?
Special calibration
Which label has black lettering and a white background and is affixed when the calibration is performed by the user?
User calibration
Which label has green lettering and a white background and is used in the event that an individual instrument due for recalibration will not be used for sometime in the future?
Inactive calibrate before use
Which label has black letters and a red background and is attached to an instrument that fails to meet the
acceptance criteria during calibration and cannot be adequately repaired?
Rejected Refer to attached tag
Which label has black letters on a white background that is placed over readily accessible(usually exterior)
adjustments to prevent tampering by the user when such tampering could affect the calibration?
Calibration void if seal is broken
Which lMA policies purpose is to streamline the procedure and cut down delays in returning your equipment to you calibrated and ready to use?
No reject
Which data processing system was designed to provide a standardized system for the recall and scheduling of test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) into calibration facilities?
Who oversees the MEASURE program and establishes policy and guidelines?
Chief of Naval Operations
Which type of work is done to correct, reduce, or counteract wear, failure, and damage to equipment?
Which two main categories is the maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment divided into?
Preventive and Corrective
Which term refers to the initial operating conditions of the equipment on installation or alter overhaul when it is operating according to design?
To prevent damage to electrical measuring instruments, you should observe the precautions relating to three hazards: mechanical shock, exposure to magnetic fields, and what else?
Excessive current flow
Which measurement charts, usually found in equipment technical manuals, contain the normal operating voltages found in the various stages of the equipment?
Point-to-point voltage
Which capacitor property is important because it is an indication of the various losses of a capacitor?
Power factor
What can be used to measure capacitance, inductance, and resistance for precise accuracy?
AC Bridges
Which type of bridge is used for precise measurement of resistance?
What is the product of the potential in volts and the current in ampere?
Power measurements for af circuits are usually indicated in terms of decibels (dB) or decibels referenced to what?
l milliwatt (dBm)
You can convert any figure expressed in bels to decibels by multiplying that figure by what?
Which type of loading device undergoes changes of resistance as changes in dissipated power occur?
Which type of loading device undergoes changes of resistance as changes in dissipated power occur?
What are the two types of bolometers?
Barretter and Thermistor
A thermistor bridge circuit includes other thermistor elements, referred to as what?
Compensating thermistors
The rotating frequency (speed in revolutions per minute) of armatures in electric motors and engine driven generators, as well as the blade speed in turbines, is measured with devices called tachometers, stroboscopes, and what else?
Which type of instrument measures the rate at which a shaft is turning?
What are the two common types of portable tachometers?
Centrifugal and Chronometric
Which type of instrument allows you to view rotating or reciprocating objects intermittently and produces the optical effect of a slowing down or stopping motion?
Which type of electronic flash device is the flash duration is very short (a few millionths of a second)?
Which type of device is the simplest type of frequency meter?
Vibrating reed
What are used as filters for the passage or rejection of specific frequencies?
Tuned circuits
Which type of circuit offers a low impedance to currents of the particular frequency to which the circuit is tuned and a relatively high impedance to currents of all other frequencies?
Series tuned
Which type of frequency meters are used to measure the frequency of the unknown signal by matching the
unknown signal with a locally generated signal of the same frequency obtained from a calibrated, precision
Which calibrated resonant circuits are used to measure frequency?
Which type of wavemeter is the type most commonly used?
Which high speed electronic counter has an accurate, crystal controlled time base?
Electronic frequency counter
What is commonly used for the analysis of waveforms generated by electronic equipment?
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Which type of device sweeps over a band of frequencies to determine what frequencies are being produced by a specific circuit under test and the amplitude of each frequency component?
Spectrum Analyzer
Transistors, however, are capable of operating in excess of how many hours at maximum rating without failure?
What can be used to graphically display the back and forward resistance characteristics of a crystal diode?
Tube failures account for over what percent of the failures in electron tube equipments?
Transistors are easily damaged by high current; therefore, resistance measurements must not be taken with an ohmmeter that provides a maximum current output in excess of what?
1 milliampere
Which type of meters operate from their own power sources?
Which principle do most common meters (voltmeters, ammeters, and ohmmeters) operate on?
Which type of meter is used to measure very low currents, such as those in bridge circuits?
Most DC instruments use meters based on some form of which type of meter movement?
Which physically large, low resistance conductor connected in parallel with meter terminals and is used to carry the majority of the load current?
What is the instrument called if the shunt is of such a value that the meter is calibrated in milliamperes?
Which type of alloy are shunt strips usually made of?
External shunts are generally used where currents greater than how many amperes must be measured?
When you are using ammeters, a primary rule of safety is that such current-measuring instruments must always be connected what way with a circuit?
In Series
Which condition exists when the insertion of a meter into a circuit changes the operation of that circuit?
Meter loading
When voltmeters are used, a primary rule of safety is that such voltage-measuring instruments must always be connected in which way with a circuit?
What indicates the potential difference between two points in a circuit?
Which two instruments are most often used to check continuity, or to measure the resistance of a circuit or circuit component?
Ohmmeter and Megger
Which type of meter is widely used to measure resistance and to check the continuity of electrical circuits and devices?
What is widely used for measuring insulation resistance, such as that between a wire and the outer surface of its insulation, and the insulation resistance of cables and insulators?
Most meggers you will use are rated at how many volts?
Which devices are required for the D’Arsonval type meter movement to enable it to be used for measuring ac voltages and currents?
When an electrodynamometer is used as a voltmeter, no problems in construction are encountered because
the current required is not more than what?
0.1 ampere
By what means is electric power measured?
The maximum current range of electrodynamic wattmeters is normally restricted to approximately how many amperes?
Good quality, portable wattmeters usually have an accuracy of 0.2 to what percent?
Which device is used to check for shorts?
What can the multimeter function as to measure current flow?
When using the multimeter as a current indicating instrument, never connect the test leads directly across a voltage. Always connect the instrument in what way with the load?
Which condition is indicated by the simultaneous flashing of the display readouts on the electronic digital multimeter?
Which device compares an unknown voltage with a known internal reference voltage and to indicate the difference in their values?
Differential voltmeter
The differential voltmeter is a solid state instrument that provides the capability of making dc voltage measurements from +/ I0 microvolts to +/ how many volts?
Which rugged, field type tester was designed to test transistors and semiconductor diodes?
Resistance, capacitance, and inductance can be measured with precise accuracy by using what?
Alternating Current bridges
If the standing wave ratio is greater than what, then the transmission line efficiency has decreased and troubleshooting is necessary?
1.5 to 1
What are used to test and align all types of transmitters and receivers?
Signal generators
Which devices are used in signal generators to regulate the voltage of the output signal?
What produce signals that include the audio range and extend into the rf range?
Video signal generators
In addition to the necessary power supply, a typical rf signal generator contains three other main sections: an oscillator circuit, modulator, and what else?
Output control circuit
HP 864GB signal generator covers the frequency range of 500 kilohertz to 512 megahertz, and can be extended to what by using adapters?
1,024 MHz
What are used to measure frequencies already in existence?
Frequency counters
What is an integrated circuit testing device?
Logic probe
Some logic probes have a feature that detects and displays high speed transient pulses as small as how many nanoseconds wide?
How many impedance ranges can be selected on the Tracker 2000?
What produces a constant amplitude, low distortion sine wave test signal?
Which section is considered to be the heart of the Tracker 2000?
What is used to show the shape of a video pulse appearing at a selected equipment test point?
What test equipment is used to sweep over a band of frequencies to determine what frequencies are being produced by a specific circuit under test, and then the amplitude of each frequency component?
Spectrum analyzer
What is the angle the outgoing electron beam makes with the CRT center line axis between the plates called?
Angle of deflection
What is a calibrated scale (made of clear plastic) of amplitude versus time that is placed on the face of the CRT?
Deflection sensitivity for a given CRT might typically be how many millimeters per volt?
What refers to the length of time the phosphor glows alter the electron beam is removed?
What allows you to view two independent signal sources as a dual display on a single CRT?
Dual-trace operation
What assures proper impedance matching between the probe and oscilloscope?
Impedance equalizer
What is used to examine the frequency spectrum of radar transmissions, local oscillators, test sets, and any other equipment operating within its testable frequency range?
Spectrum analyzer