SECNAV M-5510.30 Flashcards
Who bears executive responsibility for the security of the Nation that includes the authority to classify information and limit access thereto for the protection of the national defense and foreign relations of
the United States?
The President of the United States
Who provides overall policy guidance on information and personnel security matters?
The National Security Council (NSC)
Who serves as the head of the Intelligence Community (IC)?
The Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
Who is responsible for oversight and implementation of EO 10450, which prescribes security requirements (including investigations) for federal government employment and is the single provider of personnel security investigative products for the DoD?
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Who is the primary internal security agency of the Government with jurisdiction over investigative matters, which include espionage, sabotage, treason and other subversive activities?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Who provides centralized coordination and direction for signals intelligence and communications security for the Federal Government?
The National Security Agency (NSA)
Who coordinates the intelligence efforts of the Army, Navy and Air Force and is responsible for implementation of standards and operational
management of Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) for the DoD?
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Who administers the DoD Industrial Security Program, DoD’s Security Education, Training and Awareness Program, and serves as the Executive Agency for
PSP automation, including the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) and DoD’s Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-Qip) program?
The Defense Security Service (DSS)
Who makes personnel security eligibility
determinations for contractors who need access to classified information in order to perform their jobs and responds to requests for information regarding
contractor personnel security clearance applications.
The Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO)
Who administers due process procedures for Industrial Security Program unfavorable personnel security determinations and provides hearings and appeals support to DoD military and civilian unfavorable personnel security determinations.
The Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA)
How many personnel are appointed to the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB)?
________ reports directly to DIRNCIS and is the
personnel security adjudicative determination authority for all individuals affiliated with the DON.
The Director, Department of the Navy Central Adjudication
Facility (DON CAF)
Who is responsible for ensuring personnel security requirements for Navy military members are
properly identified to JPAS and that matters relating to the DON’s PSP are appropriately coordinated with CNO?
The Chief of Naval Personnel
Who administers the SCI program for the Navy, including non-Service DON entities?
The Director of Naval Intelligence
Who is responsible for the security management, implementation, and oversight of SCI security programs for CNO(N2)?
The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
The command security manager must be __________________, with sufficient authority and staff to manage the program for the command.
a military officer or a civilian employee, GS-11 or above
The Top Secret Control Officer (TSCO), must be __________________-.
an officer, senior non-commissioned officer E-7 or above, or a civilian employee, GS-7 or above.
Assistant Security Manager must be _________.
Either officers, enlisted persons E-6 or above, or civilians GS-6, or above.
Top Secret Control Assistant (TSCA) must be _________________.
Either an officer, enlisted person E-5 or above, or civilian employee GS-5 or above
Who is the principal advisor on the SCI security program in the command and is responsible to the
commanding officer for the management and administration of the program?
Special Security Officer (SSO)
The SSO and a subordinate SSO (ASO) must be ____________.
Either a commissioned officer or a civilian employee GS-9 or above.
What is the form number for the Security Termination Statement?
OPNAV 5511/14
What is the form number for the Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement?
SF 312
What sensitivity level is “Potential for inestimable
impact and/or damage”?
Special-Sensitive (SS)
What sensitivity level is “Potential for grave to
exceptionally grave impact and/or damage”?
Critical-Sensitive (CS)
What sensitivity level is “Potential for some to serious
impact and/or damage”?
Noncritical Sensitive(NCS)
What sensitivity level is “Potential for no impact
and/or damage as duties have limited relation to the
agency mission”?
Non-Sensitive (NS)
Define the DON Control Level: “IT-Designated Approving Authority (DAA)”.
privilege, exceptional control
Define the DON Control Level: “IT-II”.
Limited Privilege, sensitive information
Define the DON Control Level: “IT-I”.
Privileged access
Define the DON Control Level: “IT-III”.
No Privilege, no sensitive information
OPM forwards all completed PSIs for DON personnel to __________
What three officials can request a PSI?
3-Chiefs of recruiting stations
Who conducts all PSIs for the DON?
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
The ______ investigation includes a search
of DoD’s Defense Clearance and Investigations Index (DCII), OPM’s Reimbursable Suitability Investigation (RSI), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigative and criminal history files including a technical fingerprint search and files of other federal government agency records as appropriate to the
individual’s background (Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), etc.).
National Agency Check (NAC)
A technical fingerprint search of the FBI files is conducted as part of a ______ investigation except during an SSBI-PR.
National Agency Check (NAC)
The _______ is the basic EO 10450 investigative standard for federal government civil service employment suitability determinations.
National Agency Check with Written Inquiries (NACI)
A ____ investigation consists of written inquiries to former employers and supervisors, to references,
and to schools covering the previous five years.
National Agency Check with Written Inquiries (NACI)
The ______ investigation meets the investigative requirements for appointment to non-critical sensitive positions and for access to Confidential or Secret.
The ________ investigation is the basic EO 12968 standard for determinations of eligibility to access Confidential and Secret classified national security information and provides the basis for military suitability determinations for Navy and Marine Corps enlisted members and officers.
National Agency Check with Local Agency and Credit
Checks (NACLC)
The ______ investigation is the EO 12968 investigative standard for determinations of eligibility to access Top Secret classified national security information and SCI access eligibility determinations and also the basis for determinations of eligibility to occupy a critical-sensitive or special-sensitive national security position and is required for duties involving a number of
special programs.
Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI)
What are the two types of reinvestigations and when are they required?
(1) SSBI-PR - to update requirements for Top Secret/SCI and other sensitive duties
(2) NACLC - to update requirements for Secret or Confidential eligibility.
The investigative basis for Top Secret
clearance eligibility is __________________.
A favorably completed SSBI, SSBI-PR or
The investigative basis for Secret or Confidential clearance eligibility is _____________________.
A favorably completed NACLC or ANACI.
Top Secret Clearance is updated how often?
Every 5 Years.
Secret Clearance is updated how often?
Every 10 Years.
Confidential Clearance is updated how often?
Every 15 Years.
A _________ is required for each enlisted member of the Navy and Marine Corps, including Reserve components, at the time of initial entry into the service.
a) NAC
National Agency Check with Local Agency and Credit
Checks (NACLC)
Requests for investigation of contractor personnel for security clearance eligibility are processed by _______ and adjudicated by ______________.
(1) The Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
2) Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO
_________ is the currently approved method of requesting PSI products from OPM to support determinations of eligibility for assignment to sensitive national security positions or access to classified national security information.
The Standard Form 86
Commands are required to monitor requested investigations to ensure they are initiated, completed and adjudicated as required. JPAS provides the status of investigations and should be consulted within ______ of submission of request to ensure the request is initiated.
30 days
The recipient of the LOI will have ______ from receipt of the LOI to prepare and submit a written response.
15 calendar days
The commanding officer has the authority to grant the
recipient of the LOI up to _____ extension days
The DON CAF will adjudicate the response to the LOI within______ of receipt.
30 calendar days
Individuals desiring to present a personal appeal must
request a DOHA hearing within ____ days of receipt of the LOD.
The individual has ____ days from receipt of the LOD to
submit a written appeal to the PSAB. The command may extend the time allowed for an additional _____ days.
(1) 30
(2) 15
Following an unfavorable security determination, a request to reestablish eligibility may be submitted after a reasonable passage of time, normally a minimum of ________ after the concluding unfavorable determination
12 months
PSAB is comprised of how many members and of what grades?
(1) A President at least GS-15
(2) Military member at least 0-6 (military)
(3) Military member at least 0-5 or civ at least GS-14