SDG: TXRF a Flashcards
Electromagnetic Radiation
Nature of X-Rays
X-Ray tube
The X-ray spectrum: Continuous or Brehmstrahlung and line spectrum
Nature of X-rays
X-ray line spectrum production Competing events
K & L Spectral Lines
X-Ray Fluorescence
The line spectrum
Measure for E position
The line spectrum
Z values
The line spectrum
The line spectrum Fluorescence and Auger electron yield
Attenuation of X-rays
Cause of attenuation
Attenuation of X-rays
Photoelectric absorption
Excitation: X-Ray Absorption
X-ray scatter
Total attenuation
What is X-ray fluorescence?
X-Ray spectrum
XRF versus TXRF
Deflection of X-rays
Refractive index
Principle of Total Reflection
Total External Reflection
around alpha
Penetration depth
total reflection
Penetration depth
below alpha crit
Reflectivity and penetration depth
XRF versus TXRF regime
Interference of X-rays
Standing wave fields within a thin layer
Standing wave fields
Standing wave field in front of a thick substrate
XRF versus TXRF
Angle scan: bulk type
Angle scan: Residues on substrate
Angle scan: Film types in substrate
TXRF - summary
Angle scan: Calibration model
Calibration model TXRF Unified measurement angle
TXRF - instrumentation
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
X-ray Sources
End Window X-Ray Tube
Side Window X-Ray Tube
Rotating anode
Other Sources
X-ray tube selection for recording spectra
X-ray tube selection for recording spectra
Excitation efficiency
Excitation range: WLbeta excitation
Excitation range: MoKalpha excitation
Monochromator also used for TXRF
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
The different set-ups
Wavelength Dispersive XRF
Some wavelength dispersive set-ups
Energy dispersive configuration
The detector system
Detector Principles
Gas ionization detectors
Gas ionization Proportional Counter
Scintillation detectors
Scintillation Detector
Solid State Detector
Semiconductor detectors
Metals, insulators, semiconductors
Intrinsic semiconductors
Extrinsic semiconductors: n-type
Extrinsic semiconductors: p-type
An overview of semiconductor conductivity
Semiconductor detectors
Li drifted silicon detector
Semiconductor detectors
when ionizing radiation
Semiconductor detectors
Semiconductor detectors
Energy Dispersive Electronics
Multi-Channel Analyser
Performance characteristics
Detector efficiency
Performance characteristics ◼Spectral resolution
Performance characteristics ◼ Input – Output yield
Performance characteristics ◼ Escape peak phenomenon