SDG: TRXF b Flashcards
Qualitative analysis: Spectra interpretation
Principal peaks of X-ray Spectra according to Atomic Number Z
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3
Fingerprint analysis
Evaluating Spectra
K & L Spectral Peaks
Rayleigh Scatter
Compton Scatter
Sum Peaks
Escape Peaks
Spectral Interferences
Environmental Interferences
Results: peak separation
Results: peak separation
poor fitting
Quantitative analysis
Different elements = different sensitivities
Relative Sensitivity factors
Diagram of preparatory steps prior to TXRF analysis
Internal standardization vs. external standardization
Some applications of TXRF
Methods of sample preparation
Sample preparation
special support
Sample preparation Spectra of a quartz
Properties of sample carrier material
Applications for TXRF analysis
Water analysis
Aerosol analysis
Aerosol analysis
Aerosol analysis
- Sampling procedure: impact of size of species
Airborne particulates
Plant material
Vegetable and essential oils
Medical and clinical applications
Tissue samples
High purity chemicals
Other applications
Silicon wafer analysis
Direct TXRF - wafer mapping
Monitoring of process equipment
Contamination control: TXRF metrology
The problem
of Ruthenium
A solution?
TXRF Instrumentation
By adjustment monochromator
Results: spectra
Evaluation performance
Detection limits for (T)XRF
Detection limit
Conditions and limitations
Pro and Con of TXRF
benefits and drawbacks
Pro and Con of TXRF
advantages and requirements
Comparison of analysis techniques
Performance comparison
Detection of light elements
Unified measurement angle
Vapor Phase Treatment (VPT) - TXRF
Pre concentration techniques
Preconcentration: general concept
Straight -TXRF
The Principle of VPD-DC
Vapor Phase Decomposition – Droplet Collection
Preconcentration Efficiency (Ec )
Impact of the VPD-DC Collection Chemistry
The copper problem!
Matrix effects
Conditions and limitations
Bending magnet
Ultra-clean wafers
Wafer Mapping
Principles wafer mapping - TXRF
Examples WM-TXRF (2)