Sculptures of WCA Flashcards
Materials used in sculptures vary according to region and locality. Archeologists believed that their sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not of human artistry. Frequently carving may have mythological or religious significance.
Pre-Historic Sculptures
Venus of Willendorf
Pre-Historic Sculptures
Venus of Brassempouy
Pre-Historic Sculptures
It is carved from limestone with
excessively heavy breast and abdomen
used as charm to ensure fertility.
Venus of Willendorf
A sculpture of a lady with the hood. It
is a fragmentary ivory figurine from
the Upper Paleolithic Era that
realistically represents human face
and hairstyle
Venus of Brassempouy
Symbolic elements such as forms, hieroglyphics, relative size, location, materials, color, actions, and gestures were widely used. Their tombs required the most extensive use of sculpture.
Egyptian Sculptures
The _____ has the most common materials used for sculptures are wood, ivory, and stones.
Egyptian Sculptures
Realistic with heavy lided eyes, slender neck, determined chin,and oure profile under her heavy crown
Queen Nefertiti
An example of portraits presented in rigid postures and
were simple and powerful with
very little show of private emotion
The Pharaoh Menkaure and his Queen
Early _____ sculptures were tensed and stiff, their bodies were hidden within enfolding robes. After three centuries of experiments, Greek sculptures had finally evolved and showed all the points of human anatomy and proportion.
Greek Sculptures
One of the most popular styles was the Hellenistic style. Hellenistic denotes a preference in sculpture for more elaborated patterns, mannered arrangement of figures and groups, and an emphasis on the representation of movement for dramatic effects.
Greek Sculptures
Shows an attitude of maximum tension, full of compressed energy, and about to explode an action.
The Discobulus
Most sculptures are made of monumental terra-cotta. They did not attempt to compete with the free standing Greek works of history or mythology but rather they produced reliefs in the Great Roman triumphal columns with continuous narrative reliefs around.
Roman Sculptures
Queen Nefertiti
Egyptian Sculpture
Used for the burial of Roman General involved in the campaign of Marcus Aurellius
The best known and most elaborate of all sarcophages (It is a box-like funeral receptacle for a dead body. Comes from a Greek word sarx meaning “flesh” and phagein meaning “to eat”)
It depicts battle scenes between Romans and Germans
Carved in marble
The Portonacio Sarcophages