Music of WC Flashcards
religious music
non-religious music
Gregorian Chant is type?
Sacred music
Troubadour Music is type?
Secular music
Gregorian Chant’s texture
Troubadour Music’s texture
Usually Monophonic
The earliest notation used symbol called neumes to indicate tone-movements and relative duration within each syllable but not specific pitches of individual notes.
Gergorian Chants
-Free meter
-Usually based on latin liturgy
-Use of Neume Notation
Gergorian Chants Characteristic
uses French language and sometimes performed with instrumental accompaniment.
These artist converted storytelling into an arts and often entertained huge crowds at fairs, weddings and other medieval celebrations.
Troubadour Music
He was the son of a well – known citizen of Arras, Henri de la Halle. He received his education at the Cistercian Abbey of Vaucelles, near Cambral. Adam was destined for the church but he eventually married
Adam de la Halle
was also known as Adam le Bossu (Adam the Hunchback)
Adam de la Halle
was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary and musical works include chansons and poetic debates.
Adam de la Halle
RE -means once more/again
NAISSANCE – from the word _____
naitre: which means to be born
-is a period of looking back to the Golden Age of Greece and
-The invention of printing in the 1400’s paved the way for a wide distribution of renaissance compositions.
Renaissance Period
The _______ surfaced during the Renaissance Period. This movement focused on man’s accomplishments.
was the prominent instrument of the renaissance era. The influence of the Roman Catholic Church started to decline as the new music genre arose.
-Mostly polyphonic
- Imitation among the voices is common
-Use of word painting in texts and music
-Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
-Melodies are easier to perform because these move along a scale with a few large leaps/
Renaissance Period’s Characteristic
is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
-May be sung a capella or with orchestral accompaniment
-Text may be syllabic,neumatic or melismatic
Lord Have Mercy
Glory to God in the Highest
The Apostles Creed or Nicean Creed
Sanctus and Benedictus
Agnus Dei
A secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It was written and expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly
It is the most important secular form during the Renaissance
Social gatherings
-Sung a capella
-Frequently in 3 to 6 voices
Characteristics of the Madrigal
In the Renaissance period, music education is a symbol of _____
Social Status
_____ among the voices is common in Renaissance music.
There are five main sections of the Mass. Which of the following is the only section of Mass with Greek text.
is said to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music during the Renaissance period. Majority of his compositions are sacred music.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
was born in Norwich, East England, the son of a brewer. He was singer in the local cathedral from his boyhood, and he became master of choristers there in 1583.
Thomas Morley
The first composition of Palestrina is entitled _______
Pope Marcellus Mass
Palestrina has two sons and lost them both because of the ______
Plague epidemic
BAROQUE - is derived from the Portuguese
word barroco, which means ______
The pearl of Irregular shape
The term baroque is used to describe a particular musical style of architecture popular between 1600- 1750.
Baroque Music
During this time, the arts highlighted grandiose and elaborate music ornamentations. These were clearly seen in the musical compositions created by Baroque composers.
Major and minor tonality was also created in this period.
-Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental
- Melodies are not easy to sing or remember
-Primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony
-Dynamic contrast – alternation between loud and soft
-Music genres—operas, oratorios, suites, tocatas, concertó grosso, fugue
-Orchestra consists of strings and continuo
-New forms: binary – AB, ternary – ABC
Baroque Music’s Characteristic
A form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra
A form of orchestral music during the Baroque Period wherein the music is between a small group of solo instruments called concertino and the whole orchestra called tutti.
Concerto Grosso
A contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative counterpoint. It is usually written in 3 or 4 parts, with a main theme called subject.
a large scale musical composition for orchestra and voices that incorporates narratives on religious themes. Unlike usual theatrical works, this is
usually performed without the use of costumes, scenery, or action. It is usually written in the native language for the intended audience.
musical compositions that resemble a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant Church during the Baroque era.
Mass in B minor
Johann Sebastian Bach
Fugue in G minor
Johann Sebastian Bach
came from a family of musicians. He was taught to play violin by his father who was then the town musician in Eisanach. He entered school at age 7 where he was taught religion and other subjects. He became orphaned at age ten.
Johann Sebastian Bach
nicknamed il Prete Rosso (“The Red Priest”) because of his red hair, was an Italian Baroque composer, Catholic priest and a virtuoso violinist. Recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe.
Antonio Vivaldi
is known mainly for composing instrumental
concertos, especially for the violin, as well as sacred choralworks and over forty operas
Antonio Vivaldi
His most famous piece is The Four Seasons. This
composition is a series of four violin concerti depicting each of the seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
Antonio Vivaldi
was the second son from the second marriage of
a pastor. Despite his father’s opposition, George secretly taught himself to play the harpsichord. At age 7, he gained access to a church organ and started to play.
George Friedrich Handel
is remembered for his operas and oratorios. Handel became England’s favorite
George Friedrich Handel
most famous creation of his and the very well known is Hallelujah‖ chorus is part of Handel’s Messiah.The Messiah was written in the space of twenty – four days in London but it was in Dublin when The Messiah was first performed and became an instant success
George Friedrich Handel