Painting of WCA Flashcards
has high handles and has a lid
Lebes gamikos
Vase paintings, panel paintings, Tomb/Wall paintings
Greek Period
a bowl that has a lid with two handle and low foot
Most of the subjects were battle scenes,
mythological figures, and everyday scenes. It reveals a grasp of linear perspective and naturalist representation.
Greek Period
A convincing image of reality,
presented figures with direct gazed that were meant to spiritually engage the viewer
Byzantine Period
Paintings during the classical era were most commonly found in vases, panels and tomb. It depicts natural figures with dynamic compositions.
Greek Period
Tomb of Diver
Classical Era, Greek period
These paintings may be more an artifact of the archaeological evidence than a true picture of humans’ first created art.
Pre-historic Period
Stained Glass – a colored glass used to form
decorative or pictorial designs
Gothic Period
Its development is naturalistic but idealized depictions of the human body, in which largely nude male figures were generally the focus of innovation. It shows Linear perspective and Naturalistic representation.
Greek Period
It is an art process where an
image is created using an
assemblage of small pieces of
colored glass, stones, or other
“Classical”, or “Classicizing,” when used in reference
to Roman art refers broadly to the influences of Greek art from the Classical and Hellenistic
Roman Period
The North Rose
window of Chartres
Medieval Era, Gothic Period
The Stepherd David
Medieval Era, Gothic Period
Head of alexander
Classical Era, Roman Period
Most common Methods of Painting
1. Fresco – water base pigments on a
freshly applied plaster on walls. Ideals for
durable and has a matte style.
2. Encaustic – developed by Greek ship
builders, used hot wax
Greek Period
Wine Container
Pitsa panel
Classical Era, Greek period
Wall of the Pharaoh’s tomb
Egyptian Period
The subject matter ranged from busts of
important ancestors to mythological and historical
scenes, still life, and landscapes
Roman Period
This technique is used for decorative art or
interior decorations.
Highly stylized, symbolic, and shows profile view of an animal or a person. The main colors are red, black, blue, gold, and green
Egyptian Period
drawings of animals were usually correct in
proportion and native to its region
Pre-historic Period
They were inside of the churches and they
were like a book for the people who were not able to
read. They were not realistic. They were rigid and
schematic and they did not have background
landscapes. They were painted in bright colours to
attract the attention of the people.
Romanesque Period
Hieroglyphics—a system of writing using picture symbols used in _____
Egyptian Period
bowl used for mixing
Fresco from the
Villa of Mysteries
Classical Era, Roman Period