Mapeh reviewer Flashcards
He was also known as Adam le Bossu (Adam the Hunchback
Adam de la Halle
Sung a cappella
Frequently in 3 to 6 voices
is a period of looking back to the Golden Age of Greece and Rome.
Renaissance Period
(melody alone or a cappella) single melodic line without accompaniment.
appears as apart of many litanies, which means Lamb of God/Kordero ng Diyos
Agnus Dei
chorus is part of Handel’s Messiah most famous creation
chorus is part of Handel’s Messiah most famous creation
Monophonic plainchant was named after Pope Gregory I
Gregorian Chant
A contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative counterpoint
He is known as “The Red Priest”.
Antonio Vivaldi
The _______ surfaced during the Renaissance Period. This movement focused on man’s accomplishments.
is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
Lord Have Mercy
only Section in the mass with Greek text
Usually monophonic
Sometimes with improvised accompaniment
Tells of chivalry and courtly love
Troubadour Music
Renaissance comes from the word _____
is derived from the Portuguese word barroco” which means pearl of irregular shape
method of painting water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster usually on a wall surfaces
developed to use by Greek ship builders, who used the hot wax to fill the cracks of the ship.
The dominant themes in Byzantine sculptures are religious, everyday life scenes, and motifs from nature. Animals were used as symbols (dove, deer, peafowl). This era characterized by a move away from the naturalism of Classical tradition with religious message
It is the most substantial ancient structure of the world. The three pyramids are the funerary structures of the three kings of the fourth dynasty
Pyramids of Giza
It is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones, or other materials.
Pharaohs, armies, servants
Egyptian Sculptures statues
Materials used in sculptures vary according to region and locality. Archeologists believed that their sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not of human artistry
name behind Britain’s foremost Gothic Revival Monument, the Westminster Palace
Charles Barry
The structure has thick sloping walls with few openings to obtain stability.
Characteristics of Egyptian Architecture
The exterior and interior walls along with columns and piers were covered with hieroglyphics and pictorial frescoes and carvings painted in brilliant colors.
Characteristics of Egyptian Architecture
Ornamentations were symbolic including scarab (sacred beetle), solar disk and vulture, common motifs (palm leaves, buds, flower of lotus, and papyrus plants)
Characteristics of Egyptian Architecture
Temples were aligned with astronomically significant events
Characteristics of Egyptian Architecture
- Remove any clothing or jewelry around the joint.
- Apply cold compress at once.
- Elevate the affected joint.
- The victim’s physician may recommend an over the counter anti-inflammatory medication (aspirin, ibuprofen) appropriate for the victim’s general health.
- Have the victim lie down with his/her feet elevated.
- Keep the victim cool.
- Give him/her electrolyte beverages to sip or make a salted drink.
- Monitor the victim for signs of shock.
is defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
Physical Fitness
is the ability to become and stay physically healthy.
Health-related fitness
enhances one’s performance in athletic or sports events
Skill-related fitness
is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize that oxygen.
is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.
- First aid
These refer to the physical attributes of an officiating official. He needs to have a high level of fitness to be able to perform his job.
refer to the ability to deal with others at any given situation. It is the ability of an officiating official to settle disputes without sacrificing the integrity of a game and the officiating team
Form T, index finger showing
Form T, palm showing
Technical Foul
is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all the members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts.
Community Health
comprises those aspects of human health that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the surrounding environment.
Environmental Health
to make food premises in sanitary conditions
Sanitary inspection
Global warming and Deforestation
environmental problems cause climate change
may cause stress, hearing impairment, irritation
Noise pollution
refers to the awareness of one’s roles in keeping a healthy community and environment.
Personal Environmental Responsibility
refers to the complete process of collecting, treating, and disposing of the solid waste.
Solid waste Management
- also known as Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. This law requires the local government units( barangays ) to conduct segregation and collect solid wastes. There is a mandate to classify wastes as biodegradable, compostable, and reusable.
Republic Act No. 9003
- also known as Toxic Substances & Hazardous and Nuclear waste Act of 1990. This law establishes rules and regulations on proper disposal and management of hazardous chemical wastes.
Republic Act No. 6969
-A clean and safe physical environment
-An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
-An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
-An understanding of local health and environment issues
-A community that participates in identifying local solutions to local problems
these includes characteristics of a healthy community