Scrotum and Prostate Flashcards
What month GA do the testes lie in the scrotum?
8 mo
What structure is a fibrous sheath that covers the testis and is seen as a thin echogenic line on ultrasound?
Tunica albuginea
What is the normal thickness of the scrotal wall?
The scrotum is divided into two compartments by what structure?
Median Raphe
What three major structures are contained in the scrotum?
Testes, epi, spermatic cord
What structure is a continuation of the epididymis?
Vas deferens
The Rt testicular vein drains into what structure whereas the Lt testicular vein drains into what stucture?
Rt - IVC
Lt - Lt renal vein
What type of waveform will you see in testicular arteries?
Low-resistance and high flow
Spermatogenesis takes place where?
Seminiferous tubules
When undescended testes are located prior to what age, is fertility preserved?
2 years
Where are the majority of undescended testes located?
Inguinal canal
Between what ages does torsion typically occur?
When torsion is suspected, what can you expect to find sonographically and what should you do to confirm?
Whirpool sign / torsion knot
Use CD and pulsed doppler to confirm absence of blood flow
Of the types of torsion, what is the most common?
Extravaginal - occurs ONLY in newborns
Clinical signs of torsion?
- Sudden onset of pain
- Nausea/vomiting
- Fever
What pathology represents 75% to 80% of all acute inflammatory processes in the scrotum?
Men of what ages are typically affected by epididymitis?
20-30 yrs
What is meant by a “reactive” hydrocele?
A type of non-communicating hydrocele that is caused by trauma, infection, or torsion
What is the most common cause of painless scrotal swelling?
What are the most common epididymal lesions?
Epididymal cysts
Usually occur post vasectomy or due to trauma and found most commonly in the head
What age of men typically present with tubular ectasia or rete testes?
50 yrs - often bilateral
To be a varicocele, the vein must measure what?
> 3mm - most commonly left sided
Clinical signs of varicoceles?
Abnormally warm scrotum
Clinical signs of a patient with a scrotal hematoma?
Pain, swelling, skin discolouration
Hematoceles and pyoceles usually form between what two layers within the testes?
Parietal and visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
Granulomatous disease of the testis and epididymis results from retrograde spread of what illness?
Granulomatous disease of the scrotum is seen in men between what ages?
SF of granulomatous disease?
- Hypervascular
- Enalrged epididymus
- Wall thickening
- Hydrocele
Where are benign adenomatoid tumors typically found?
SF and age range of benign adenomatoid tumor?
Ages - 20-50’s
SF - well circumscribed solid mass with variable echogenicity
What is the SECOND m/c benign extratesticular neoplasm and where is it located (hint: epi)
Leiomyoma - epi tail
What is the most common non–germ cell neoplasm of the testis? What age of men are they typically found?
Leydig-cell tumour - 10-15% are actually malignant
Aged 20-50’s
What are the clinical features of Leydig cell tumors? (hint: gonadal stromal tumour)
- Impotence
- Gynecomastia
- Decreased libido
- Endocrine imbalance
What is the most common malignant tumor of the epididymis and spermatic cord?
Rhabdomyosarcoma - mostly in children and adolescents
What are the SF of a rhabdomyosarcoma?
- Hypoechoic
- Not well-defined - hard to delineate borders
- 1-2cm
- No defined capsule
What is the name for a benign teratoma of the testicle? What age does it typically present?
Epidermoid cyst - ages 20-40yrs
Are epidermoid cysts painful or not?
NO - present as a PAINLESS scrotal mass -
“target or bulls eye” mass
Patients with cryptorchidism/undescended testicle(s) have how much of an increased risk for developing testicular cancer?
2.5 to 8 times
How do scrotal malignancies typically present?
- Unilateral, painless mass
- Hardened testes
- Unilateral enlargement
What is the MOST common malignancy of the testicle in men over 60?
SF and age range of a Seminoma in the testicle (malignancy) ?
Age - 40.5 yrs average
Embryonal cell carcinomas typically present in what age?
25-35 and often invade tunica albuginea
25 year old patient presents with a scrotal mass and elevated b-HcG levels, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Considering scrotal malignancies, which one is the MOST aggressive?
A) Lymphoma
B) Seminoma
C) Epidermoid cyst
D) Embryonal cell
Embryonal cell carcinoma
SF of embryonal cell carcinoma?
Hypoechoic without well-defined borders
What ducts are responsible for development of the male reproductive system?
Mesonephric ducts
What three structures traverse the prostate gland?
The right and left ejaculatory ducts, and the urethra.
What is the longitudinal ridge on the posterior wall of the prostatic urethra?
What structure accounts for the “Eiffel Tower” appearance on transverse images of the prostate gland?
What arteries supply the prostate?
Internal iliacs
What zone of the prostate makes up 70% ?
Peripheral zone
What zone of the prostate is the most common location for carcinomas and prostatitis to occur?
Peripheral zone
In what zone does BPH typically occur?
Transition zone
Calculi in the prostate most commonly occur in what zone?
Does the vas deferens lie medially or laterally to the seminal vesicles?
What are the two most common type of male pelvic cyst? (think prostate)
Mullerian duct and utricle cysts
What is the most common symptomatic tumor-like condition in the male population? What age does this typically occur and when does it peak?
BPH - occurs around age 40 and peaks at 60
What symptoms typically occur with BPH?
Urinary symptoms
What procedure is done to relieve the symptoms caused by compression of the prostatic urethra due to BPH?
TURP - transurethral resection of prostate
The testes are surrounded by a fibrous connective tissue sheath known as what?
Tunica albuginea
What tissue membrane in the scrotum covers the testes and epididymis?
Tunica vaginalis
Between what layers of the scrotum do hydroceles form?
A) Between tunica vaginalis and albuginea
B) Between both layers of the tunica vaginalis
C) Between the two layers of tunica albuginea
D) Between the tunica albuginea and testes
Where do the testicular arteries arise from?
What does the testicular artery divide into to supply the periphery of the testicle?
A) Cremasteric
B) Capsular
C) Deferential
D) Centripetal
Capsular artery
Which arteries pass through the testicular parenchyma and travel towards mediastinum testes?
A) Cremasteric
B) Capsular
C) Deferential
D) Centripetal
What artery supplies the epididymis and vas deferens?
A) Cremasteric
B) Capsular
C) Deferential
D) Vesicular
Deferential - high resistance
What artery supplies the scrotal wall and muscle?
A) Cremasteric
B) Capsular
C) Deferential
D) Vesicular
Cremasteric - high resistance
The intra-testicular arteries that arise from the capsular artery are known as?
A) Cremasteric
B) Capsular
C) Deferential
D) Centripetal
What arteries have high resistance?
A) Deferential and capsular
B) Cremasteric and capsular
C) Deferential and cremasteric
D) Deferential and centripetal
The capsular artery is a branch of what artery?
A) Cremasteric
B) Capsular
C) Deferential
D) Testicular
Most common findings associated with epididymo-orchitis?
Thickening scrotal wall and reactive hydrocele
How to differentiate an epi cyst vs spermatocele?
Cyst = anechoic and thin walled
Spermatocele = contain low level echoes
SF of a seminoma?
Well-defined, homogenous, hypoechoic mass
What type of cyst of the prostate is associated with infertility?
A) Mullerian duct cyst
B) Utricle cyst
C) Ejaculatory duct cyst
D) Retention cyst
C - may be associated with low sperm count
In a trans-rectal US, what structure is seen at the bottom of the screen?
A large complex hydrocele is most commonly associated with which of the following?
A) Seminoma
B) Epididymal cyst
C) Varicocele
D) Orchitis
What zone is most commonly affected by prostate cancer
What SF is not typically seen with testicular cancer?
Which SF is not likely seen in orchitis?
A) Thickened scrotal wall
B) Hyperemia
C) Hypoechoic testes
D) Microlithiasis
In what patient position is typically used for transrectal US?
Three main symptoms associated with prostatism?
Difficulty urinating, small stream, nocturia
The prostate is supplied by what artery?
Internal iliac
What zone surrounds the ejaculatory ducts?