Adrenal Glands Flashcards
What veins drain the Rt and Lt adrenals and what do they drain into?
Rt adrenal - supplied by Rt suprarenal vein and drains into IVC
Lt adrenal - supplied by inferior phrenic vein and drains into Lt RV
Which adrenal gland is larger, Rt or Lt?
The adrenals are supplies by superior, middle, and inferior suprarenal arteries. Each is a branch off what vessel? hint: three separate arteries
Superior - branch off the inferior phrenic A
Middle - branch off the Ao
Inferior - branch of the RA
What are the three layers of the cortex of the adrenals?
Zona glomerulolsa
Zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis
What does each layer of the cortex secrete as hormones?
Glomerulosa = aldosterone which regulate sodium and potassium levels
Fasciculata = Glucocorticoids: cortisol/hydrocortisone
Reticularis = Gonadocorticoids (androgens and estrogens)
What is the medulla of the adrenal gland responsible for secreting? (hormone)
Epinephrine/norepinephrine - fight or flight response
What portion of the adrenal gland is responsible for the “fight or flight” response?
A) Zona glomerulosa
B) Zona fasciculata
C) Medulla
D) Zona reticularis
What is responsible for secreting ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)?
A) Anterior pituitary
B) Hypothalamus
C) Posterior pituitary
D) Adrenal medulla
What pathology is characterized by hypoadrenalism/hypocorticism?
A) Cushing’s
B) Addison’s
C) Conn’s
D) Marfan’s
What pathology is characterized by hyperadrenalism/hypercorticism?
A) Cushing’s
B) Addison’s
C) Conn’s
D) Marfan’s
What pathology is characterized by hyperaldosteronism?
A) Cushing’s
B) Addison’s
C) Conn’s
D) Marfan’s
Normal adrenal glands appear?
A) Homogenous and hyperechoic
B) Homogenous and hypoechoic
C) Heterogenous and hyperechoic
D) Heterogenous and hypoechoic
Which adrenal has an inverted Y or V shape?
Which adrenal has a semilunar or triangular shape?
Y or V shape = Rt
Triangular/semilunar = Lt
Acute hypoadrenalism is also known as?
Waterhouse Friderichson Syndrome
Pheochromocytoma is an adrenal tumor involving which layer?
A) Zona glomerulosa
B) Zona fasciculata
C) Medulla
D) Zona reticularis
C - the rule of “10”
Signs and symptoms of pheochromocytoma?
Tachycardia, hypertension, night sweats, headache - clinically presents in ages 25-50 yrs
What is the anatomic relationship of the Lt adrenal gland?
A) Anterior to the panc tail
B) Superolateral to the left kidney
C) Lateral to the Ao and crus
D) Inferior and lateral to splenic hilum
C - it is also superomedial to the Lt kidney
What is the anatomic relationship of the Rt adrenal gland?
A) Medial to the IVC
B) Superolateral to upper pole of kidney
C) Posterior to IVC
D) Medial to the crus of diaphragm
C - adrenals are inferior to the diaphragm