Scrotal lumps, Torsion Flashcards
Differential for lumps in groin/scrotum?
- Inguinoscrotal hernia
- Epidydmal cyst
- Sperm granuloma
- Varicocele
- Hydrocele
- Haematocele
Epididymal cyst age of development?
- Develop in adulthood
Epididymal cyst content?
Contain clear or milky (spermatocele) fluid
Epididymal cyst site?
Lies above and behind testis
Epididymal cyst management?
Remove if symptomatic
Dilated veins of pampiniform plexus
Varicocele presentation?
- Feel like a bag of worms in the scrotum
- May be visible dilated veins
- ↓ size on lying down
- Pt. may c/o dull ache
- May lead to oligospermia (↓ fertility)
Pathology of primary varicocele
- Left side commoner- drain into left renal vein
Pathology of secondary varicocele
- left renal tumour has tracked down renal vein →testicular vein obstruction.
Conservative management of varicocele?
scrotal support
Surgical mx of varicocele
clipping the testicular vein (open or lap)
Cause of sperm granuloma
extravasated sperm after vasectomy
Sperm Granuloma presentation
Painful lump
Collection of serous fluid w/i tunica vaginalis
Primary vs secondary hydrocele age of presentation?
Primary: Younger men
Primary hydrocele sx
larger mass
Secondary hydrocele causes?
Rx of epidydimo-orchitis
Rx cause
eg STIs: doxycycline/ceftriaxone
Secondary hydrocele sx
less tense
Ix of hydrocele?
US testicle to exclude tumour
Management of hydrocele?
- May resolve spontaneously
- Surgery
- Aspiration (recurs) – Send fluid for cytology and MC+S
Surgical procedures for hydrocele
Lord’s Repair: plication of the sac
Jaboulay’s Repair: eversion of the sac
- Blood in the tunica vaginalis
Haematocele mx
may need drainage or excision
Cause of testicular torsion
Usually secondary to minor injury
Presentation of testicular torsion
Usually 10-25yrs
Sudden onset severe pain in one testis
May have lower abdominal pain (testis supplied by T10)
May have history of previous testicular pain or torsion
Examination of testicular torsion
Inflammation of one testis: hot, swollen, extremely tender
Testis rides high and lies transversely
Differential diagnoses of testicular torsion
- Epididymo-orchitis
- Torted Hydatid of Morgagni
- Tumour
- Trauma
- Strangulated hernia
- Appendicitis
Torted hydatid of Morgagni
Remnant of Mullerian duct
Younger patient
Less pain
Tiny blue dot visible on scrotum
Epididymo-orchitis presentation
Sudden onset
Tender swelling
Epididymo-orchitis pathogens
E coli
N gonnorrhoea
Rx of epididymo-orchitis
Rx cause
eg STIs docy/ceftriaxone
Investigation of testicular torsion
Doppler ultrasound may demonstrate absence of flow but must not delay surgical exploration
Treatment of testicular torsion
Surgical emergency
4-6h window from onset of pain to salvage testis
Inform senior
Consent for possible orchidectomy
Bilateral orchidopexy: suture testes to scrotum
If no torsion found and epididymo-orchitis: take fluid sample from scrotum for bacteriology and treat with antibiotics.