Screening a Vehicle Flashcards
Speaking & Vocabulary
Make sure the driver stops the vehicle.
Pastikan sopir menghentikan kendaraan.
Make sure the driver turns off the engine.
Pastikan sopir mematikan mesin.
Make sure the driver gets out of the vehicle.
Pastikan sopir keluar dari kendaraan.
Make sure the driver opens the hood.
Pastikan sopir buka kap mesin kendaraan.
Make sure the driver opens the trunk.
Pastikan sopir buka bagasi kendaraan.
Make sure to check all vehicles without exception.
Pastikan untuk periksa semua kendaraan tanpa kecuali.
Make sure to look underneath the vehicle.
Pastikan untuk periksa di bawah kendaraan.
Make sure to look around the engine.
Pastikan untuk periksa sekeliling mesin mobil.
the hood
kap mobil, kap kendaraan
front seat
kursi depan
back seat
kursi belakang
glove compartment
laci penyimpanan
underneath the vehicle
di bawah mobil, dibawah kendaraan
around the engine
sekeliling mesin
to check
periksa, memeriksa