Alerting in an emergency Flashcards
Speaking & Vocabulary
This is not a drill.
Ini bukan latihan.
There is a fire in the right wing of the embassy.
Ada kebakaran di sayap kanan kedutaan.
There is a gas leak in the embassy.
Ada gas bocor di kedutaan.
There is a bomb threat at the embassy.
Ada ancaman bom di kedutaan.
There is a security emergency at the embassy.
Ada situasi darurat keamanan di kedutaan.
We need you to secure all classified material.
Kami perlu bantuan Anda untuk mengamankan semua materi rahasia.
We need you to turn off all electrical equipment.
Kami perlu bantuan Anda untuk mematikan semua peralatan listrik.
Assemble in the area designated by the RSO.
Berkumpul di area yang ditunjuk oleh RSO.
Leave all doors unlocked.
Biarkan semua pintu terbuka.
Stay away from the windows.
Jauhi jendela.
Use the emergency exits.
Gunakan pintu darurat.
All wardens should take a headcount for their section and report to the RSO.
Semua kepala regu harus menghitung jumlah anggota di seksi masing-masing dan melapor ke RSO.
The fire is under control.
Api terkendali.
kebakaran; api