Obtaining Testimonies Flashcards
Speaking & Vocabulary
In your own words, tell me what happened.
Ceritakan dengan kata-kata Anda sendiri apa yang terjadi.
Please tell me what you saw in as much detail as possible.
Tolong beritahu saya apa yang Anda lihat sedetail mungkin.
Did you witness what happened or did someone tell you?
Apa Anda menyaksikan apa yang terjadi atau seseorang bilang kepada Anda?
Who told you that?
Siapa yang bilang itu kepada Anda?
When and where did it happen?
Kapan dan dimana itu terjadi?
Where were you at that time?
Dimana Anda waktu itu?
Can you prove it?
Apa Anda bisa membuktikannya?
Have you ever witnessed anything like this before?
Apa Anda pernah menyaksikan hal seperti ini sebelumnya?
Were there other witnesses?
Apa ada saksi lain?
A suspect has already been caught by the police. Would you be able to identify him?
Seorang tersangka sudah ditangkap polisi. Apa Anda bisa mengenali dia?
Who is the victim?
Siapa korbannya?
Who saw what happened?
Siapa yang melihat apa yang terjadi?
Do you have an injury?
Apa Anda terluka?
Did the suspect have a weapon?
Apa tersangka punya senjata?
Do you know the suspect?
Apa Anda tahu tersangka?
How old is the suspect?
Berapa umur tersangka?
Is the suspect thin, average, large?
Apa tersangka kurus, sedang, besar?
What color of skin, eyes, hair does the suspect have?
Apa warna kulit, mata, rambut tersangka?
Does the suspect have a mustache, beard, long hair?
Apa tersangka punya (ada) kumis, jenggot, rambut panjang?
Is the suspect a member of a gang or a group?
Apa tersangka anggota geng atau kelompok?
Are you afraid of retaliation if you inform on the suspect?
Apa Anda takut balas dendam jika Anda menginformasikan tentang tersangka?
domestic violence
kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT)
child abuse
Pelecehan anak
perbuatan tidak pantas
penonton; orang yang berdiri di dekat kejadian
cuts and bruises
Luka dan memar
broken bones
patah tulang
to witness
in full detail
Secara rinci
Police sketch
Sketsa polisi