Scottish Gaelic-Phrases Flashcards
straight, direct
càraid (f)
couple, pair
sùil (f)
eye, glimpse, look
dìnnear (f)
teanga (f)
mas e do thoil e
please (informal,singular)
mas e ur toil e
please (formal,plural)
can, cantainn (ri)
say (to)
cum/cùm, cumail
keep, hold
fan, fantainn (ri)
wait (for)
fosgail, fosgladh
rach, dol
suidh, suidhe
thoir, toirt (do)
take, give (to)
tog, togail
lift, build
cluinn, cluinntinn
faigh, faighinn
get, find
fàs, fàs
gluais, gluasad
seas, seasamh
thig, tighinn
tilg, tilgeil (air)
throw (at)
Thoir an leabhar dhan chaileig sin.
Give the book to that girl.
Dùinibh an doras mas e ur toil e.
Close the door please.
Na ruith cho luath.
Don’t run so fast.
Can a-rithist e.
Say it again.
Rach dhan t-seòmar agad fhèin a-nis.
Go to your own room now.
Cumaibh ur sùilean fosgailte.
Keep your eyes open.
Bha an taigh togte an-uiridh.
The house was built last year.
Seas gu dìreach.
Stand (up) straight.
Thigibh a-staigh agus suidhibh sìos.
Come in and sit down.
Na creidibh e.
Don’t believe him/it.
Na tilgibh pàipear air an làr. (formal)
Na tilg pàipear air an làr. (informal)
Don’t throw paper on the floor.
Thoiribh am peann dhan bhalach. (formal)
Thoir am peann dhan bhalach. (informal)
Give the pen to the boy.
Gluaisibh ur làmh mas e ur toil e. (formal)
Gluais do làmh mas e do thoil e. (informal)
Move your hand please.
Cuiribh an copan sìos. (formal)
Cuir an copan sìos. (informal)
Put the cup down.
Canaibh a-rithist sin gu mall mas e ur toil e. (formal)
Can a-rithist sin gu mall mas e do thoil e. (informal)
Say that again slowly please.
Fuirichibh an seo. (formal)
Fuirich an seo. (informal)
Wait here.
Ithibh ur dìnnear. (formal)
Ith do dhìnnear. (informal)
Eat your dinner.
Na dèanaibh a-rithist sin.
Na dèan a-rithist sin.
Don’t do that again.
Creidibh mi. Tha mi ceart. (formal)
Creid mi. Tha mi ceart. (informal)
Believe me, I’m correct.
Smaoinichibh a-rithist.
Smaoinich a-rithist.
Think again.
Faiceam e.
Let me see it.
Bha an taigh togte an-uiridh.
The house was built last year.
Thoiribh am peann dhan bhalach.
Give the pen to the boy.
Na ruith cho luath air an rathad.
Don’t run so fast on the road.
Smaoinich a-rithist.
Think again.
Can a-rithist gu mall sin.
Say that again slowly.
Na dùin an doras.
Don’t close the door.
Rachamaid dhachaigh.
Let’s go home.
Bha iad pòsda trì bliadhna.
They were married three years.
Bha an copan briste air an ùrlar.
The broken cup was on the floor.
Na h-òlaibh am bainne.
Don’t drink the milk.
Na tilgibh am pàipear air an làr.
Don’t throw the paper on the floor.
Tha thu sgìth, nach eil?
You are tired, aren’t you?
Rach dhan t-seòmar agad fhèin a-nis.
Go to your own room now.
Thigibh a-steach agus dèanaibh suidhe.
Come inside and sit down.
Fòn a-màireach mur eil thu a’ tighinn.
Phone tomorrow if you are not coming.
Gluais do làmh mas e do thoil e.
Move your hand please.
Cumaibh ur sùilean fosgailte.
Keep your eyes open.
Tha a’ chàraid phòsta ag obair còmhla.
The married couple are working together.
Thoir an leabhar dhan chaileig sin.
Give the book to that girl.
Ith do dhìnnear.
Eat your dinner.
Tha an uinneag dùinte.
The window is closed.
‘S toil leat biadh math, nach toil?
You like good food, don’t you?
Am bi thu a’ fònadh a-màireach ma tha thu a’ tighinn?
Will you phone tomorrow if you are coming?
An robh an doras fosgailte?
Was the door open?
A bheil iad pòsta trì bliadhna?
Are they married three years?
An robh an copan briste air an ùrlar?
Was the broken cup on the floor?
A bheil an uinneag agad dùinte?
Is your window closed?
A bheil seinn mhath a’ còrdadh riut?
Do you enjoy good singing?
Chan eil thu ag obair anns a’ chidsin, a bheil?
You are not working in the kitchen, are you?
An robh thu a’sgrìobhadh litir an-dè?
Were you writing a letter yesterday?
Nach eil thu a’ dol a dh’obair a-màireach?
Aren’t you going to work tomorrow?
Càit’ an robh thu a-raoir?
Where were you last night?
Cò tha a’ bruidhinn?
Who is speaking?
Tha e ag ràdh gu bheil e fuar.
He says that he is cold.
Tha e ag ràdh gum bi e ag obair a-màireach.
He says that he will be working tomorrow.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil Iain a’ snàmh.
I think that John is swimming.
Tha i ag ràdh nach eil i a’ sgrìobhadh litir.
She says that she isn’t writing a letter
An robh e ag ràdh gun robh e a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc?
Was he saying that he was playing in the park?
Tha sinn a’ smaointinn gum bi sinn a’ fuireach còmhla riutha.
We are thinking that we will be staying with them.
Tha Iain a’ creidsinn gum bi am bus ann aig ochd uairean.
John believes that the bus will be there at eight o’ clock.
Tha mo mhàthair ag ràdh gu bheil i a’ tighinn air chèilidh orm.
My mother says that she is coming to visit me.
Tha e ag ràdh nach eil e aig an sgoil an-diugh.
He says that he isn’t at school today.
Chan eil iad a’ freagairt na fhòn.
They aren’t answering the phone.
Fòn a-màireach.
Phone tomorrow.
Tha e ag ràdh nach robh duine aig a’ chèilidh a-raoir.
He is saying that nobody was at the ceilidh last night.
Bha na leabhraichean math.
The books were good.
Tha sinn a’ smaointinn gum bi i gu math grianach feasgar a-màireach.
We are thinking that it will be fairly sunny tomorrow afternoon.
An robh thu a’ creidsinn gun robh e ag obair aig a’ phort?
Did you believe that he was working at the port?
Tha seinn mhath a’ còrdadh rium.
I enjoy good singing.
Tha i ag ràdh nach eil teaghlach aice.
She is saying that she doesn’t have a family.
Bha mo mhac a’ smaoineachadh nach robh e coltach ri ‘athair.
My son was thinking that he was not like his father.
Tha iad ag ràdh gun robh iad ceàrr.
They are saying that they were wrong.
A bheil thu a’ creidsinn gum bi stoirm ann a-nochd?
Do you believe that there will be a storm tonight?
Tha iad a‘ creidsinn nach bi e dìleas anns an obair sin.
They believe that he will not be loyal in that job.
Am faod mi bruidhinn ri Aonghas?
May I speak to Angus?
Am faod mi faighneachd?
May I ask?
Am faod mi snàmh?
May I swim?
Faodaidh tu bruidhinn ri Anna.
You may speak to Ann.
Chan fhaod Ailean fònadh.
Alan may not phone
A bheil sibh gam chluinntinn?
Do you hear me?
Tha mi gad fhaicinn.
I see you.
Tha Alasdair ga dhèanamh.
Alasdair is doing/ making it.
Tha Dòmhnall ga h-iarraidh.
Donald wants it.
Chan eil mi ga faicinn.
I don’t see her.
A bheil sibh gar n-iarraidh?
Are you wanting us?
Tha iad gar cluinntinn.
They hear us.
Nach eil thu gam faicinn?
Don’t you see them?
A bheil Flòraidh gan cluinntinn?
Does Flora hear them?
Tha e gam bhualadh.
He is hitting me. / He hits me.
Tha mi gad choimhead.
I am watching you.
Tha mi nam shuidhe.
I am sitting down. / I am seated.
Tha thu nad chadal.
You are sleeping. / You are asleep.
Tha mi nam sheòladair.
I am a sailor.
Tha thu nad dhealbhaiche.
You are a designer.
Tha i na saor.
She is a joiner.
Tha sinn nar banaltraman.
We are nurses.
Tha sibh nur ministearan.
You are ministers.
Tha iad nan sagartan.
They are priests.
Tha iad nam balaich.
They are boys.
Dè tha agad nad làimh?
What do you have in your hand?
Chan eil dad agam nam phòcaid.
I don’t have anything in my pocket.
Tha rud aice na sùil.
She has something in her eye.
air ais
also, too
air falbh
once (once upon a time)
banaltram (m)
ministear (m).
saighdear (m)
saor (m)
sgrìobhadair (m)
dealbhaiche (m)
neach-teagaisg (m)
sagart (m)
seòladair (m)
tàmh (m)
caidil, cadal
cuimhnich, cuimhneachadh (air)
laigh, laighe
lie down
stad, stad
cuidich, cuideachadh
dùisg, dùsgadh
awake, wake up
sìn, sìneadh
stretch out
tuig, tuigsinn
Cò ás a tha thu (sibh)?
Where are you from?
Tha mi á …. (Knoxville).
I am from “wherever” (Knoxville).
Càit’ a bheil thu ’fuireach a-nis?
Where are you living now?
Latha math dhuibh.
Good day (to you).
Am faod mi bruidhinn ri Aonghas MacAoidh?
May I speak to Angus MacKay?
Yes (You may).
Am faod mi faighneachd?
May I ask?
An tusa a tha ann?
Is it you?
’S mi.
Yes (It’s me).
B’ àill leibh?
gad chluinntinn
hearing you
gam chluinntinn
hearing me
nas fheàrr
nas miosa
Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
Gabh mo leisgeul.
Excuse me.
sorry, sad
Tha mi á _____.
I am from _____.
Càit’ a bheil thu (sibh) ’fuireach a-nis?
Where are you living now?
Tha mi ‘fuireach ann an/am ____.
I am living in _____.
Tha mi ‘fuireach anns a’ _____.
I am living in the _____.
Dé ’n obair a th’ agad?
What do you do for work?
Dé ’n obair a th’ agaibh?
What do you do for work? (formal/plural)
’S e ____ a th’ unnam.
I am a ____.
’S e ____ a bh’ unnam.
I was a ____.
Leig mi dhiom mo dhreuchd.
I retired. (I think it’s better to include “dhiom”)
Chan eil mi ’g obair tuillidh.
I do not work anymore.
Chan eil mi ‘g obair an-dràsta.
I am not working right now.
Cò ás a tha thu (sibh) fhéin?
Where are you from yourself?
Càit’ a bheil thu (sibh) fhéin a’ fuireach a-nis?
Where are you yourself living now?
Dé ’n obair a th’ agad fhéin?
What do you yourself do for work?
Dé ’n obair a th’ agaibh fhéin?
What do you yourself do for work? (formal/plural)
Ciamar a tha an t-sìde far a bheil thu (fhéin)?
How’s the weather where you are?
Tha i brèagha.
It is beautiful.
Tha i sgòthach.
It is cloudy.
Tha i gaothach.
It is windy.
Tha i stoirmeil.
It is stormy.
Tha i a’ cur sneachd.
It is snowing.
Tha a’ ghrian ris.
It is sunny.
Tha an t-uisge ann.
It is raining.
Tha sneachd ann.
There is snow.
Tha tàirneanaich is dealanaich ann.
There is thunder and lightning.
Tha i teth.
It is hot.
Tha i blath.
It is warm.
Tha i fionnar.
It is cool.
Tha i fuar.
It is cold.
Bha i math a’ bruidhinn riut.
It was good speaking to you.
Nach eil Ceit glè bhòidheach?
Isn’t Kate very beautiful?
Nach robh thu ann an Eobharc Nuadh am bliadhna?
Weren’t you in New York this year?
‘S toil leat biadh Innseanach, nach toil?
You like Indian food, don’t you?
Chan eil thu nad chadal, a bheil?
You’re not asleep, are you?
Bha thu sgìth an-dè, nach robh?
You were tired yesterday, weren’t you?
A bheil seinn mhath a’ còrdadh riut?
Do you enjoy good singing?
Dè tha thu a’ leughadh?
What are you reading?
Dè tha thu a’ smaoineachadh?
What do you think?
An robh thu a’ creidsinn gun robh d’athair glic?
Did you believe that your father was wise?
A bheil iongnadh ort a dh’fhaicinn gu bheil an tidsear againn cho òg?
Are you surprised to see that our teacher is so young?
A bheil thu a’ creidsinn gum bi stoirm ann a-nochd?
Do you believe that there will be a storm tonight?
An robh thu ag ràdh gun robh thu a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc?
Were you saying that you were playing in the park?
A bheil thu ag ràdh gu bheil an t-sìde fuar?
Are you saying that the weather is cold?
Am bi thu a’ fònadh a-màireach ma tha thu a’ tighinn?
Will you be phoning tomorrow if you are coming?
Am bi thu a’ coiseachd a-muigh am màireach mur eil i ro fhliuch?
Will you be walking outside tomorrow if it isn’t too wet?
Am faod mi bruidhinn ri Aonghas?
May I speak to Angus?
An robh thu ag ràdh nach fhaod thu bruidhinn ri Aonghas?
Were you saying that you may not speak to Angus?
Am bi caraid agad a’ toirt tìodhlac dhut?
Will a friend of yours be giving you a present?
Am bi thu a’ ceannach leabhar dha?
Will you be buying a book for him?
Am bi thu a’ toirt dhomh do làimh?
Will you be giving me your hand?
Daughter (also means girl)
Mother’s brother (Maternal uncle)
Bràthair mo mhàthar
My Mother’s Brother
Sin sibh fhèin.
Well done.
Father’s sister (Paternal aunt)
Piuthar m’ athar
My Father’s Sister
Leas-mhac / mac-céile
Leas-nighean / nighean-chéile
An duine agam
My husband
Mo bhean
My wife
Aonar (Aon duine)
1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 people
6 people
7 people
8 people
9 people
10 people
A bheil bràithrean agad?
Do you have brothers?
A bheil peathriachean agad?
Do you have sisters?
A bheil thu pòsta?
Are you married?
A bheil clann agad?
Do you have children?
A bheil peata agad?
Do you have pet?
Cia mheud?
How many?
Dé tha thu ris?
What are you up to?
Dé tha thu fhéin ris?
What are you up to?
Tha mi ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig
I am learning Gaelic.
Tha mi ag obair air mo chuid Ghàidhlig.
I am working on my Gaelic.
a’ bruidhinn
ag éisteachd
a’ leughadh
a’ sgrìobhadh
ag obair
Ciamar a tha thu?
How are you?
Dé tha thu ris feasgar an-diugh?
What are you up to this afternoon?
Dé bha thu ris ’sa mhadainn?
What were you up to this morning?
Bidh sinn gad fhaicinn!
We will be seeing you!
An do choisich thu an-dé? Choisich/ Cha do choisich
Did you walk yesterday? Walked/ Didn’t walk
An do dh’obraich thu an-diugh? Dh’obraich/ Cha do dh’obraich
Did you work today? Worked/ Didn’t work
Dh’obraich mi.
I worked.
Choisich mi
I walked
Choimhead mi.
I looked.
Dhanns mi.
I danced.
Dh’òl mi.
I drank.
Dh’ith mi.
I ate.
Bhruidhinn mi.
I spoke.
Dh’éist mi.
I listened.
Thog mi.
I lifted.
Chuir mi.
I put.
Sgrìobh mi.
I wrote.
Leugh mi.
I read.
Dé tha thu ris an-diugh?
What are you up to today?
Dé bha thu ris an-dé?
What were you up to yesterday?
Cùin’ a dhùisg thu ‘sa mhadainn?
When did you wake up this morning?
Dhùisg mi aig seachd uairean.
I woke up at 7 o’ clock.
Aon uair, Dà uair, Trì uairean
One o’clock, Two o’clock, Three o’clock.
Artist (i.e. painter, sculpter)
Dé ’n obair a th’ agad?
What work do you have? (What do you do for work?)
‘S e dotair a th’ unnam.
I am a doctor.
Cuidich mi.
Help me.
Slàinte mhath.
Good health.
Dè tha dol?
What’s going on?
Chan eil mòran.
Not much.
a chàirdean f
Tìoraidh an-dràsta.
Bye just now.
‘S e do bheatha.
You are welcome. (inf/sin)
‘S e ur beatha.
You are welcome. (for/plu)
Feumaidh mi falbh.
I need to go.
a’ tuigsinn
mar sin leat
mar sin leibh
goodbye (inf/sin)
goodbye (for/plu)
Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort?
Dè an t-ainm a th’ oirbh?
What is your name (inf/sin)?
What is your name (for/plu)?
Beth, Rebecca
too, also
math fhèin
Obh obh
Oh dear
(a) cleaner
a’ glanadh
(a) police officer
in me
in you (inf/sin)
a’ teagasg
(a) college
ollamh m
(a) professor, lecturer
iasgair m
(a) fisher
tuathanach m
(a) farmer
Dè an obair a th’ agad?
Dè an obair a th’ agaibh?
What is your job? (sin/inf)
What is your job? (plu/for)
rùnaire m
in you (for/plu)
sam bith
a’ seasamh
neach-bùtha m
(a) shopkeeper
neach-frithealaidh m
(a) waiter, server
an siud
over there, yonder
croitear m
(a) crofter
croit f
(a) croft
a’ sabaid
neach-smàlaidh m
(a) firefighter
feòladair m
(a) butcher
ailtire m
(an) architect
còcaire m
(a) cook, chef
clachair m
(a) stonemason
hardworking, diligent
ceist f
fad an latha
all day
a’ còcaireachd
leanabh m
(a) baby
at us
fast, quick
honest, honourable
pleasant, nice
strange, weird
Chan eil peathraichean agam.
I don’t have sisters.
Seo seanair snog.
This is a nice grandfather.
Seo bean mhath.
This is a good wife.
Seanmhair mhath.
A good grandmother.
Tha antaidh mhath agad.
You have a good auntie.
Aon smiogaid.
One chin.
Tha mucan sgoinneil.
Pigs are brilliant.
Tha mi a’ faighinn cat
I am getting a cat.
sùgh m
(a) juice
leann m
(a) beer
sùbh-làir m
(a) strawberry
uachdar m
candy, sweet, sweets
fìon m
mions m
botal m
(a) bottle
brot m
paidh m
(a) pie
ubhal m
(an) apple
orainsear m
(an) orange
aran m
ìm m
bu toil leam
I would like
ag ithe
snèap f
(a) turnip, swede, neep
reòiteag f
(an) ice cream
biadh m
Cha bu toil leam.
I would not like.
(an) onion
curran m
(a) carrot
Cha bu toil leam taigeis.
I would not like haggis.
Cha toil leam leann.
I do not like beer.
Am botal agus an sùgh.
The bottle and the juice.
Tha an t-isbean math.
The sausage is good.
An curran glè bhlasta.
The very tasty carrot.
Chan eil mi a’ faighinn ìm.
I am not getting butter.
Is toil leam uachdar.
I like cream.
An t-ugh beag.
The small egg.
Uinnean mòr.
A big onion.
Bu toil leam aran.
I would like bread.
Tha mi a’ faicinn ugh.
I am seeing an egg.
Tha an fhorca agam briste, feumaidh mi tè eile.
My fork is broken, I need another one.
Tha putan dearg aig Seòras.
George has a red button.
Tha crios orm.
I have a belt on.
Tha mi a’ cumail seacaid liath.
I am keeping a light blue jacket.
Deise bheag.
A small suit.
Chan eil briogais ghoirid aig Calum.
Calum does not have shorts.
Tha putan buidhe aig Màiri.
Mary has a yellow button.
Feumaidh tu còta.
You need a coat.
Tha mi a’ goid IRN BRU agus bonaid.
I am stealing IRN BRU and a bonnet.
Tha thu gu math pinc an-diugh.
You are really pink today.
Sgiort fhada.
A long skirt.
Briogais dhearg.
Red trousers
gàrradh m
(a) garden
coimpiutair m
(a) computer
An toil leat…?
Do you like…? (inf./sing.)
deasg m
(a) desk
iuchair f
(a) key
flat m
(a) flat / (an) apartment
bòrd m
(a) table, board
preas m
(a) cupboard, closet
dealbh m
(a) picture, photo
soitheach m
(a) dish, container
amar m
(a) bath, bathtub
eadar-lìon m
òrd m
(a) hammer
seòmar-cadail m
(a) bedroom
that is…
Nach eil Ceit glè bhòidheach?
Isn’t Kate very beautiful?
Nach robh thu ann an Eobharc Nuadh am bliadhna?
Weren’t you in New York this year?
‘S toil leat biadh Innseanach, nach toil?
You like Indian food, don’t you?
Chan eil thu nad chadal, a bheil?
You’re not asleep, are you?
Bha thu sgìth an-dè, nach robh?
You were tired yesterday, weren’t you?
A bheil seinn mhath a’ còrdadh riut?
Do you enjoy good singing?
Dè tha thu a’ leughadh?
What are you reading?
Dè tha thu a’ smaoineachadh?
What do you think?
An robh thu a’ creidsinn gun robh d’athair glic?
Did you believe that your father was wise?
A bheil iongnadh ort a dh’fhaicinn gu bheil an tidsear againn cho òg?
Are you surprised to see that our teacher is so young?
A bheil thu a’ creidsinn gum bi stoirm ann a-nochd?
Do you believe that there will be a storm tonight?
An robh thu ag ràdh gun robh thu a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc?
Were you saying that you were playing in the park?
A bheil thu ag ràdh gu bheil an t-sìde fuar?
Are you saying that the weather is cold?
Am bi thu a’ fònadh a-màireach ma tha thu a’ tighinn?
Will you be phoning tomorrow if you are coming?
Will you be phoning tomorrow if you are coming?
Will you be walking outside tomorrow if it isn’t too wet?
Am faod mi bruidhinn ri Aonghas?
May I speak to Angus?
An robh thu ag ràdh nach fhaod thu bruidhinn ri Aonghas?
Were you saying that you may not speak to Angus?
Am bi caraid agad a’ toirt tìodhlac dhut?
Will a friend of yours be giving you a present?
Am bi thu a’ ceannach leabhar dha?
Will you be buying a book for him?
Am bi thu a’ toirt dhomh do làimh?
Will you be giving me your hand?
An robh an doras fosgailte?
Was the door opened?
An robh an copan briste air an sgeilp?
Was the broken cup on the shelf?
A bheil an uinneag agad dùinte?
Is your window closed?
A bheil thu pòsta trì bliadhna?
Are you married three years?
Am bi thu ga chur dhachaigh?
Will you be sending him home?
Nach eil thu gam thuigsinn idir?
Don’t you understand me at all?
A bheil fhios aca nach eil thu gan tuigsinn?
Do they know that you don’t understand them?
Am bi thu gar cuideachadh sa mhadainn?
Will you be helping us in the morning?
Dè th’ agad nad phòcaid?
What do you have in your pocket?
A bheil iad nan dùisg?
Are they awake?
Am bi e daonnan na ruith ‘sa mhadainn?
Will he always be running in the morning?
An robh i na tidsear?
Was she a teacher?
A bheil rud agad nad shùil?
Do you have something in your eye?
An robh gu leòr de dh’ airgead aca nan sporan?
Did they have enough money in their purse?
An robh thu ag ràdh ri duine an-dè - “na dùin an doras”?
Were you saying to anybody yesterday – “don’t close the door”?
An robh e ag ràdh – “Rachamaid dhachaigh!”?
Was he saying – let’s go home?
this is…, here is…
at him, at it (masc)
taigh-beag m
(a) bathroom, toilet
frids m
(a) fridge
balla m
(a) wall
Cait a bheil…?
Where is…?
An toil leibh…?
Do you like…? (pol/plu)
leabaidh f
(a) bed
teine m
(a) fire
at her, at it (fem)
Bu toil leam deasg ùr.
I would like a new desk.
Amar àlainn.
A lovely bathtub
Tha cù mòr aice.
She has a big dog.
Càit a bheil an doras dearg?
Where is the red door?
Sin taigh mòr.
That is a big house.
Soitheach mòr.
A big dish.
Tha teine ann.
There is a fire.
An t-òrd aig Màiri.
Mairi’s hammer.
Tuathanach greannach.
A grumpy farmer.
Tha mi ag obair an siud ann am bùth.
I am working over there in a shop.
Neach-frithealaidh luath.
A fast waiter.
Is toil le Marsaili Calum.
Marjory likes Calum.
Is toil le Marsaili e.
Marjory likes it.
An e neach-ciùil a th’ annad? ‘S e.
Are you a musician? Yes.
Nach e neach-ciùil a th’ annad a-nis? ‘S e.
Aren’t you a musician now? Yes.
Nach e neach-bùtha a th’ annad? Chan e.
Aren’t you a shop worker? No.
Tha an t-acras orm. Chan eil mi ag ithe ge-tà.
I am hungry. I am not eating though.
Tha iad a’ sabaid ri Calum.
They are fighting with Calum.
The prepositional pronouns of aig - at
agam againn
agad agaibh
aige aca
at me at us
at you at you
at him at them
at her
The prepositional pronouns of ann - in
annam annainn
annad annaibh
ann annta
in me in us
in you in you
in him in them
in her
The prepositional pronouns of air - on
orm oirnn
ort oirbh
air orra
on me on us
on you on you
on him on them
on her
The prepositional pronouns of bho / o - from
(bh)uam (bh)uainn
(bh)uat (bh)uaibh
(bh)uaithe (bh)uapa
from me from us
from you from you
from him from them
from her
The prepositional pronouns of de - of / off
dhìom dhinn
dhìot dhibh
dheth dhiubh
of me of us
of you of you
of him of them
of her
The prepositional pronouns of do - to / for
dhomh dhuinn
dhut dhuibh
dha/dhà dhaibh
to me to us
to you to you
to him to them
to her
The prepositional pronouns of le - with / by
leam leinn
leat leibh
leis leotha/leò
with me with us
with you with you
with him with them
with her
The prepositional pronouns of mu - about
umam umainn
umad umaibh
uime umpa
about me about us
about you about you
about him about them
about her
The prepositional pronouns of ri - to
rium rinn
riut ribh
ris riutha
to me to us
to you to you
to him to them
to her
Tha e ag ràdh rium.
He is saying to me.
Thoir dhomh do làmh.
Give to me your hand.
Cuiribh oirbh ur n-ad
Put on (on you) your hat.
Thoir am bainne bhuaithe.
Take the milk from him.
Tha (an t-) eagal orm.
I am afraid.
Tha e a’ cur eagal orra.
He is frightening them.
Tha fearg ort.
You are angry.
Tha sin a’ cur fearg oirre.
That is angering her.
Tha iongnadh air.
He is amazed.
Cuir iongnadh air.
Amaze him.
Tha mi eòlach air.
I know him / I am acquainted with him.
Tha an cnatan oirre.
She has a cold.
Tha an dèideadh air.
He has toothache.
Tha an t-acras orm.
I am hungry.
Tha am pathadh oirnn.
We are thirsty.
sa chaidh
last (previous)
acras (m)
dèideadh (m)
iongnadh (m)
wonderment, surprise, amazement
briogais (f)
seachdain (f)
cnatan (m)
cold (illness)
eagal (m)
pathadh (m)
clann (f)
children, clan
taibhse (f)
A bheil sibh glè eòlach air an fhear sin? Tha.
Are you acquainted with that man? Yes.
Tha e ag ràdh gu bheil am pathadh mòr air.
He says that he is very thirsty.
Bha an cnatan orm an t-seachdain sa chaidh.
I had a (the) cold last week.
Bha fios aca nach biodh iad a’ dol dhan chèilidh.
They knew that they they would not be going to the ceilidh.
Na cuir eagal orra a-rithist.
Don’t frighten them again.
Cuiribh oirbh ur briogais is ur seacaid.
Put on your trousers and your jacket.
Tha eagal mòr oirre gum biodh taibhse anns an taigh ùr aca.
She is very frightened there would be a ghost in their new house.
A bheil thu ga thoirt dhaibh? Tha.
Are you giving it to them? Yes.
Cha robh iad a’ bruidhinn rithe.
They weren’t speaking to her.
Tha an t-acras mòr orm an-dràsta, a bheil ort?
I am very hungry just now, are you?
Cha robh fios agam gun robh thu eòlach air mo bhràthair.
I didn’t know (that) you knew my brother.
Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil fios aca gu bheil taibhse anns an eaglais sin.
They say (that) they know that there is a ghost in that church.
Na cuir eagal air a’ chloinn.
Don’t frighten the children.
Tha i a’ smaointinn gum bi iongnadh ort.
She thinks that you will be surprised.
Tha fios agam gum bi iad a’ togail eaglais ùr thall an sin.
I know they will be building a new church over there.
Bha iongnadh orm a dh’fhaicinn gun robh i cho òg.
I was surprised to see that she was so young.
Bha fearg orra a chluinntinn gun robh e ga bualadh.
They were angry to hear that he was hitting her.
Tha fios aige nach eil thu ga thuigsinn.
He knows that you don’t understand him.
Tha eagal orm nach eil airgead agam.
I’m afraid that I don’t have (any) money.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e na fhear-teagaisg.
I think that he is a teacher.
Cuir ort do bhriogais is do sheacaid.
Put on your pants and your jacket.
Tha eagal orm nach eil airgead agam.
I’m afraid that I don’t have any money.
Tha fios aige nach eil thu ga thuigsinn.
He knows that you don’t understand him.
An toil leotha an càr ùr?
Do they like the new car?
Bha an fhearg orra a chluinntinn gun robh e ga bualadh.
They were angry to hear that he was hitting her.
Cha robh iad a’ bruidhinn rithe.
They weren’t speaking to her.
Cha robh fios agam gun robh thu eòlach air mo bhràthair.
I didn’t know that you knew my brother.
Tha fios agam gum bi iad a’ togail eaglais ùr thall an sin.
I know that they will be building a new church over there.
Chuir mi mo chòta umam.
I put on my coat.
A bheil thu ga thoirt dhaibh?
Are you giving it to them? (m)
Tha e ag ràdh gu bheil am pathadh mòr air.
He says that he is very thirsty.
Tha an dèideadh oirre.
She has a toothache.
Bha an cnatan orm an t-seachdain sa chaidh.
I had (a) the cold last week.
A bheil sibh gar n-iarraidh?
Are you wanting us?
Tha i a’ creidsinn gum bi iongnadh oirnn.
She believes that we will be surprised.
An robh thu glè eòlach air mo mhàthair?
Did you know my Mother very well?
Tha an t-acras mòr air a’ chloinn, nach eil?
The children are very hungry, aren’t they?
Cuir iongnadh oirre.
Surprise her.
An gabh thu biadh? Gabhaidh / Cha ghabh.
Will you take food? I will / I won’t.
Thoiribh dhomh bùrn / uisge.
Give me water.
Thoir dhi bainne.
Give her milk.
‘S toil leam fìon geal.
I like white wine.
‘S fheàrr leam uisge beatha.
I prefer whisky.
Ghabh mi mo leòr!
I’ve had enough!
Seall an sneachda.
See the snow.
Tighinn a nuas.
Coming down.
Tha bean aice.
She has a wife.
Cha robh mi ag obair fad an latha.
I was not working all day.
ag obair
Dùn Dè
Dundee (city)
Stirling (city)
Shetland (group of islands)
sgoil f
(a) school
a’ fuireach
living, staying
Obar Dheathain
Aberdeen (city)
ospadal m
(a) hospital
oilthigh m
(a) university
Inbhir Àir
Ayr (town)
Perth (city)
muga m
(a) mug
Port Rìgh
Portree (town)
(a) town
Fife (kingdom)