Scottish Gaelic Class-Year 1 Flashcards
Cò às a tha thu?
Where are you from?
Cò às a tha thu fhèin?
Where are you from?
Tapadh leat
Tapadh leibh
Thank you (lit. Thanks (be) with you.)
Mòran taing,
Many thanks
Ceud taing
A hundred thanks
Mìle taing
A thousand thanks
Tha gu math.
well or fine
Meadhanach math
Reasonably well
Math fhèin
Slàinte mhath
good health or cheers
’S mise …
I am …
Ciamar a tha thu?
Ciamar a tha sibh?
How are you?
Tha i brèagha an-diugh.
It’s lovely today. It’s a fine day,
Seo …
This is …
Tha mi à …
Tha mi às …
I am from …
I am from the …
Tha mi à Muile.
I am from Mull.
Cheannaich mi blobhsa.
I bought a blouse.
‘S toil leam …
I like …
Tha Seumas sean.
James is old.
‘S ise Màiri.
She is Mary.
lazy, reluctant, loath
pleased, happy
Tha e fuar.
It is cold.
Chan eil e fuar.
It is not cold.
Nach eil e fuar?
Is it not cold?
Tha mi sgith?
I am tired.
Tha iad trang.
They are busy.
Tha i fuar
She/ it is cold.
Tha iad blath.
They are warm.
Tha sinn leisg.
We are lazy.
Tha sibh toram.
You are dry.
Tha sinn fuar.
We are cold.
Tha thu/sibh beag.
You are small.
Tha iad mòr.
They are big.
Tha mi leisg.
I am lazy.
Tha e trang.
He is busy.
Tha i sgìth.
She is tired.
A bheil thu sgìth?
Are you tired?
Nach eil i fliuch?
Isn’t she wet?
Chan eil iad trang.
They aren’t busy.
Chan eil sinn fuar.
We aren’t cold.
Nach eil iad leisg?
Aren’t they lazy?
A bheil sibh fuar?
Are you cold?
Chan eil mi fuar.
I am not cold.
A bheil thu/sibh blàth?
Are you warm?
Nach eil thu/sibh blàth?
Aren’t you warm?
A bheil i sgìth?
Is she tired?
A bheil iad toilichte?
Are they pleased?
Nach eil i snog?
Isn’t she nice?
Chan eil e tioram.
He isn’t dry.
Chan eil sinn leisg.
We aren’t lazy.
Tha gu dearbh.
Yes indeed.
Cò às a tha sibh fhèin, Iseabail?
Where are you from yourself, Ishbel?
Tha mi às an Eilean Sgitheanach.
I’m from Skye.
Chan eil e fuar agus fliuch.
He is not cold and wet.
Tha Màiri bòidheach.
Mary is beautiful.
Nach eil thu blàth?
Are you not warm?
Chan eil sinn trang agus sgìth.
We are not busy and tired.
‘S mise Alasdair Caimbeul à Leòdhas.
I am Allister Campbell from Lewis.
Tha mi à Dùn Èideann.
I am from Edinburgh.
A bheil sin ceart?
Is that right?
Tha mi fuar agus chan eil mi toilichte.
I am cold and I am not happy.
Chan eil iad beag agus tha iad sgìth.
They are not small and they are tired.
Nach eil iad leisg?
Aren’t they lazy?
A bheil thu tioram agus blàth?
Are you dry and warm?
Cò às a tha sibh?
Where are you from?
Nach eil thu toilichte?
Aren’t you happy/pleased?
Tha e uabhasach mòr.
He is awfully big.
Tha e uabhasach fliuch.
It is terribly wet.
Tha iad glè mhòr.
They are very big.
Tha e ro fhuar.
It is too cold.
tall, high
too, excessively
Tha am fear glè thrang.
The man is very busy.
Tha an là glè fhliuch.
The day is very wet.
Nach eil am fear àrd?
Isn’t the man tall?
A bheil i ro fhuar?
Is she/ it too cold?
A bheil thu uabhasach sgìth?
Are you terribly (awfully) tired?
Tha e ro bheag.
He (It) is too small.
Tha sin uabhasach.
That is awful (terrible).
Tha mi fuar agus fliuch.
I am cold and wet.
Tha mi cho fuar.
I am so cold.
Tha an fear glè leisg.
The man is very lazy.
Nach eil i uabhasach?
Isn’t she awful?
Tha sinn ro sgìth.
We are too tired.
Chan eil iad glè fhliuch.
They’re not very wet.
Chan eil e cho toilichte.
He isn’t so pleased.
Chan eil i fliuch ach tha i fuar.
She isn’t wet but she is cold.
Chan eil iad cho snog.
They’re not so nice.
Bha e fuar.
It was cold.
Cha robh e fuar.
It was not cold.
An robh e fuar?
Was it cold?
Nach robh e fuar?
Wasn’t it cold?
A bheil thu fliuch?
Are you wet?
Nach eil iad àrd?
Aren’t they tall?
An robh sibh trang?
Were you busy?
Nach robh i leisg?
Wasn’t she lazy?
Bha iad glè thoilichte.
They were very happy (pleased).
Cha robh i ro shnog.
She wasn’t too nice.
An robh iad sgìth? Cha robh.
Were they tired? No.
A bheil i tioram? Tha.
Is she/it wet? Yes.
Nach robh am fear leisg?
Wasn’t the man lazy?
Bha iad trang agus toilichte.
They were busy and content (happy).
Bha an là fliuch ach blàth.
The day was wet but warm.
An robh thu blàth? Bha.
Were you warm? Yes.
Nach eil iad snog? Chan eil.
Aren’t they nice? No.
Cha robh am fear sgìth.
The man wasn’t tired.
Nach eil thu/sibh blàth? Chan eil.
Aren’t you warm? No.
Nach robh i glè fhliuch? Bha.
Wasn’t she very wet? Yes.
Nach eil mi snog? Tha.
Am I not nice? Yes.
Cha robh i trang, tha i leisg.
She wasn’t busy, she is lazy.
Bha e ro àrd.
He was too tall.
Bha sinn glè thoilichte.
We were very pleased (happy).
Cha robh an là cho blàth.
The day wasn’t so warm.
Cha robh iad uabhasach toilichte, an robh? Cha robh.
They weren’t terribly pleased, were they? No.
Cò às a tha thu fhèin?
Where are you yourself from?
Tha mi às na Hearadh.
I am from Harris.
Tha e uabhasach fuar.
It is terribly cold.
Tha thu cho snog.
You are so nice.
Bha an là glè fhliuch.
The day was very wet.
Bha iad glè thoilichte.
They were very pleased.
Nach robh am fear leisg?
Wasn’t the man lazy?
Cha robh an là cho blàth.
The day wasn’t so warm.
An robh iad sgìth?
Were they tired?
Bha e ro àrd.
He was too tall.
Cha robh i trang.
She wasn’t busy.
Nach robh e glè fhliuch?
Was he not very wet?
An robh thu tioram?
Were you dry?
Bha e mòr agus bha e ro àrd.
He was big and he was too tall.
Nach robh iad ro bhlàth?
Weren’t they too warm?
Bha sinn glè thoilichte.
We were very pleased.
Nach robh iad snog agus àrd?
Weren’t they nice and tall?
Bha mi fuar ach bha mi toilichte.
I was cold but I was happy.
An robh thu uabhasach sgìth?
Were you awfully tired?
Bha e ro bheag.
It was too small.
Bha sin uabhasach.
That was awful.
A bheil thu à Alba Nuadh?
Are you from Nova Scotia?
A bheil thu uabhasach toilichte?
Are you terribly (awfully) pleased (happy)?
An robh an là ro bhlàth?
Was the day too warm?
Tha i brèagha.
It’s beautiful/lovely.
Tha i fliuch.Tha or Tha gu dearbh.
It’s wet. Yes or Yes indeed.
Tha i fuar.
It’s cold.
Tha i garbh.
It’s wild/rough.
Seo mo chèile.
This is my husband.
Seo mo bhean.
Ths is my wife.
Càit’ a bheil thu/sibh a’ dol?
Where are you going?
Tha mi a’ dol a Bharraigh.
I am going to Barra.
Tha mi a’ dol dhan oifis.
I am going to the office.
A bheil thu/sibh a’ dol a Ghlaschu? Tha. Tha mi a’ dol a Ghlaschu. or
Chan eil. Chan eil mi a’ dol a Ghlaschu. or Chan eil. Tha mi a’ dol a Bharraigh.
Are you going to Glasgow? Yes. I am going to Glasgow. or No. I am not going to Glasgow. or No. I am going to Barra.
Càit’ a bheil thu/sibh ag obair? Tha mi ag obair ann am Pàislig. or Tha mi ag obair anns a’ bhàr.
What are you working? I am working in Paisley. or I am working in a bar.
A bheil Pàislig snog? Tha. Tha e snog. or Chan eil. Chan eil e snog. or – Chan eil. Tha e garbh.
Is Paisle nice? Yes. It is nice. or No. It is not nice. or No. It is rough.
A bheil thu/sibh ag obair anns an taigh-òsta? Tha. Tha mi ag obair anns an taigh-òsta. or Chan eil. Chan eil mi ag obair anns an taigh-òsta. or Chan eil. Tha mi ag obair anns a’ bhàr.
Are you working in a hotel? Yes, I am working in a hotel. or No. I am not working in a hotel. or No. I am working in a bar.
Càit a bheil thu/sibh a’ fuireach? Tha mi a’ fuireach ann an Inbhir Nis.
Where are you living/staying? I am living/staying in Inverness.
A bheil thu/sibh a’ fuireach ann am Muile? Tha. Tha mi a’ fuireach ann am Muile. or Chan eil. Chan eil mi a’ fuireach ann am Muile. or Chan eil. Tha mi a’ fuireach anns an Òban.
Are you living/staying in Mull? Yes. I am living/staying Mull. or No. I am not living or staying Mull. or No. I am living/staying in Oban.
Sin am plèan.
That’s the plane.
Sin an taigh-òsta.
That’s the hotel.
’S e càr ùr a tha sin.
That is a new car.
’S e eilean a tha ann am Barraigh.
Barra is an island.
’S e fear a tha ann an Eachann.
Hector is a man.
Chan e dùthaich mhòr a tha ann an Alba.
Scotland is not a large country.
An e taigh-òsta a tha ann?
Is it a hotel?
Nach e cat a tha sin?
Isn’t that a cat?
An t-snàthad
The needle
An abhainn
The river
An fhearg
The anger
An t-sìth
The peace
An sgàthan (m)
The mirror
An nead (m)
The nest
Na taighean (m)
The houses
Na caileagan (f)
The girls
balach (m)
doras (m)
each (m)
làr (m)
loch (m)
òran (m)
rathad (m)
teine (m)
caileag (f)
fearg (f)
leabaidh (f)
nighean (f)
girl, daughter
bàta (m)
duine (m)
person, husband
gille (m)
leabhar (m)
nead (m)
peann (m)
seòmar (m)
taigh (m)
abhainn (f)
eaglais (f)
làmh (f)
litir (f)
oidhche (f)
sgian (f)
sìth (f)
Chan eil an sgoil glè ghlan.
The school isn’t very clean.
Tha an eaglais fuar.
The church is cold.
An robh an sgian geur? Cha robh.
Was the knife sharp? No.
A bheil an litir mòr? Chan eil.
Is the letter big? No.
Tha am peann tioram.
The pen is dry.
Nach eil an loch ìosal? Tha.
Isn’t the loch low? Yes.
Tha an t-snàthad glè gheur.
The needle is very sharp.
Bha an nead falamh.
The nest was empty.
A bheil an seòmar blàth? Chan eil.
Is the room warm? No.
Cha robh an t-òran snog.
The song wasn’t nice.
An robh an leabhar beag? Cha robh.
Was the book small? No.
Tha an gille uabhasach sgìth.
The lad is terribly tired.
A bheil an doras tioram?
Is the door dry?
Cha robh an làr fliuch.
The floor wasn’t wet.
Chan eil an sgàthan glan.
The mirror isn’t clean
Bha an t-sìth math.
The peace was nice (good).
Nach robh an taigh falamh? Bha.
Wasn’t the house empty? Yes.
Bha an teine teth.
The fire was hot.
Bha an làmh fliuch.
The hand was wet.
Nach eil an oidhche fuar? Tha.
Isn’t the night cold? Yes.
Cha robh an leabaidh glan.
The bed wasn’t clean.
Cha robh a’ chaileag ro thoilichte.
The girl wasn’t too happy,
Bha an fhearg mòr.
The anger was great.
Tha am balach fliuch agus sgìth.
The boy is wet and tired.
Bha an taigh-òsta glè shnog agus bha e glan.
The hotel was very nice and it was clean.
Tha na taighean glè theth.
The houses are very hot.
Bha am plèan ro bheag ach bha e ùr.
The plane was too small but it was new.
Tha mi fhèin agus mo chèile ag obair an-diugh.
My spouse and I are working today.
Tha an t-snàthad glè gheur.
The needle is very sharp.
Nach robh an taigh falamh?
Wasn’t the house empty?
Bha na caileagan uabhasach sgìth.
The girls were awfully tired.
Tha mi a’dol dhan oifis.
I am going to the office.
Nach eil an oidhche fuar?
Isn’t the night cold?
Càit’ a bheil thu ag obair?
Where are you working?
Bha an t-sìth math.
The peace was good.
An robh an nead falamh?
Was the nest empty?
Nach eil an sgoil ùr?
Is the school not new?
Cha robh an leabaidh glan.
The bed was not clean.
Bha an fhearg mòr.
The anger was great.
Nach eil an loch ìosal?
Is the lake not low?
‘S e mo chèile a tha seo.
This is my spouse.
Càit’ a bheil thu a’fuireach?
Where are you living?
Bha an rathad salach agus teth.
The road was dirty and hot.
Tha an t-each teth agus sgìth.
The horse is hot and tired.
Tha an làr agus an doras fliuch.
The floor and the door are wet.
A bheil thu a’ dol a Ghlaschu an-diugh?
Are you going to Glasgow today?
A bheil Gàidhlig inntinneach?
Is Gaelic interesting?
An robh thu ag obair an-diugh?
Were you working today?
Càit’ a bheil thu a’ fuireach an-dràsta?
Where are you staying just now? Where do you live now?
An robh thu glè thoilichte an-diugh?
Were you very happy (pleased) today?
An robh thu uabhasach sgìth an-dè?
Were you terribly (awfully) tired yesterday?`
A bheil thu a’ dol dhan taigh-òsta a-nochd?
Are you going to the hotel tonight?
Càit’ a bheil thu ag obair?
Where are you working? (Where do you work?)
A bheil thu a’ dol a dh’Alba Nuaidh an-diugh?
Are you going to Nova Scotia today?
An e oifis a tha sin?
Is that an office?
Càit’ a bheil thu a’ dol an-diugh?
Where are you going today?
‘S e eilean brèagha a tha ann an Ceap Breatainn, nach e?
Cape Breton is a beautiful island, isn’t it?
Càit’ a bheil thu a’fuireach an-dràsta?
Where are you living now?
An e taigh a th’ ann?
Is it a house?
Tha i brèagha an-diugh, nach eil?
It is beautiful today, isn’t it?
Nach eil an sgàthan glan?
Isn’t the mirror clean?
Nach eil iad a’ tighinn gu Celtic Colours?
Aren’t they coming to Celtic Colours?
Càit’ an robh thu a’fuireach an-uiridh?
Where were you living last year?
Tha am balach beag.
The boy is small
Tha a’ chaileag beag.
The girl is small.
Tha na caileagan beag.
the girls are small.
Tha na balaich beag.
The boys are small.
an gille seo
na gillean seo
an gille sin
na gillean sin
this lad
these lads
that lad
those lads
a’ chaileag seo
na caileagan seo
a’ chaileag sin
na caileagan sin
this girl
these girls
that girl
those girls
an gille mòr seo
na gillean mòra seo
an gille mòr sin
na gillean mòra sin
this big lad
these big lads
that big lad
those big lads
a’ chaileag bheag seo
na caileagan beaga seo
a’ chaileag bheag sin
na caileagan beaga sin
this small girl
these small girls
that small girl
those small girls
Tha an seòmar fuar.
The room is cold.
Tha an eaglais fuar.
The church is cold.
blue, verdant green, bruised black & blue
it (masuline subject)
it (feminine subject)
ill, sick
Cha robh an sgoil mhòr cho glan.
The big school wasn’t so clean.
Tha an eaglais bheag làn.
The small church is full.
An robh an sgian ùr geur? Cha robh.
Was the new knife sharp? No.
Bha am peann gorm tioram.
The blue pen was dry.
Tha an litir seo inntinneach.
This letter is interesting.
Bha an taigh sin falamh.
That house was empty.
Tha an t-snàthad gheur salach.
The sharp needle is dirty.
Tha an gille dona sin leisg.
That bad lad is lazy.
An robh an seòmar beag blàth? Cha robh.
Was the small room warm? No.