Scottish Gaelic Class-Year 1 Flashcards
Cò às a tha thu?
Where are you from?
Cò às a tha thu fhèin?
Where are you from?
Tapadh leat
Tapadh leibh
Thank you (lit. Thanks (be) with you.)
Mòran taing,
Many thanks
Ceud taing
A hundred thanks
Mìle taing
A thousand thanks
Tha gu math.
well or fine
Meadhanach math
Reasonably well
Math fhèin
Slàinte mhath
good health or cheers
’S mise …
I am …
Ciamar a tha thu?
Ciamar a tha sibh?
How are you?
Tha i brèagha an-diugh.
It’s lovely today. It’s a fine day,
Seo …
This is …
Tha mi à …
Tha mi às …
I am from …
I am from the …
Tha mi à Muile.
I am from Mull.
Cheannaich mi blobhsa.
I bought a blouse.
‘S toil leam …
I like …
Tha Seumas sean.
James is old.
‘S ise Màiri.
She is Mary.
lazy, reluctant, loath
pleased, happy
Tha e fuar.
It is cold.
Chan eil e fuar.
It is not cold.
Nach eil e fuar?
Is it not cold?
Tha mi sgith?
I am tired.
Tha iad trang.
They are busy.
Tha i fuar
She/ it is cold.
Tha iad blath.
They are warm.
Tha sinn leisg.
We are lazy.
Tha sibh toram.
You are dry.
Tha sinn fuar.
We are cold.
Tha thu/sibh beag.
You are small.
Tha iad mòr.
They are big.
Tha mi leisg.
I am lazy.
Tha e trang.
He is busy.
Tha i sgìth.
She is tired.
A bheil thu sgìth?
Are you tired?
Nach eil i fliuch?
Isn’t she wet?
Chan eil iad trang.
They aren’t busy.
Chan eil sinn fuar.
We aren’t cold.
Nach eil iad leisg?
Aren’t they lazy?
A bheil sibh fuar?
Are you cold?
Chan eil mi fuar.
I am not cold.
A bheil thu/sibh blàth?
Are you warm?
Nach eil thu/sibh blàth?
Aren’t you warm?
A bheil i sgìth?
Is she tired?
A bheil iad toilichte?
Are they pleased?
Nach eil i snog?
Isn’t she nice?
Chan eil e tioram.
He isn’t dry.
Chan eil sinn leisg.
We aren’t lazy.
Tha gu dearbh.
Yes indeed.
Cò às a tha sibh fhèin, Iseabail?
Where are you from yourself, Ishbel?
Tha mi às an Eilean Sgitheanach.
I’m from Skye.
Chan eil e fuar agus fliuch.
He is not cold and wet.
Tha Màiri bòidheach.
Mary is beautiful.
Nach eil thu blàth?
Are you not warm?
Chan eil sinn trang agus sgìth.
We are not busy and tired.
‘S mise Alasdair Caimbeul à Leòdhas.
I am Allister Campbell from Lewis.
Tha mi à Dùn Èideann.
I am from Edinburgh.
A bheil sin ceart?
Is that right?
Tha mi fuar agus chan eil mi toilichte.
I am cold and I am not happy.
Chan eil iad beag agus tha iad sgìth.
They are not small and they are tired.
Nach eil iad leisg?
Aren’t they lazy?
A bheil thu tioram agus blàth?
Are you dry and warm?
Cò às a tha sibh?
Where are you from?
Nach eil thu toilichte?
Aren’t you happy/pleased?
Tha e uabhasach mòr.
He is awfully big.
Tha e uabhasach fliuch.
It is terribly wet.
Tha iad glè mhòr.
They are very big.
Tha e ro fhuar.
It is too cold.
tall, high
too, excessively
Tha am fear glè thrang.
The man is very busy.
Tha an là glè fhliuch.
The day is very wet.
Nach eil am fear àrd?
Isn’t the man tall?
A bheil i ro fhuar?
Is she/ it too cold?
A bheil thu uabhasach sgìth?
Are you terribly (awfully) tired?
Tha e ro bheag.
He (It) is too small.
Tha sin uabhasach.
That is awful (terrible).
Tha mi fuar agus fliuch.
I am cold and wet.
Tha mi cho fuar.
I am so cold.
Tha an fear glè leisg.
The man is very lazy.
Nach eil i uabhasach?
Isn’t she awful?
Tha sinn ro sgìth.
We are too tired.
Chan eil iad glè fhliuch.
They’re not very wet.
Chan eil e cho toilichte.
He isn’t so pleased.
Chan eil i fliuch ach tha i fuar.
She isn’t wet but she is cold.
Chan eil iad cho snog.
They’re not so nice.
Bha e fuar.
It was cold.
Cha robh e fuar.
It was not cold.
An robh e fuar?
Was it cold?
Nach robh e fuar?
Wasn’t it cold?
A bheil thu fliuch?
Are you wet?
Nach eil iad àrd?
Aren’t they tall?
An robh sibh trang?
Were you busy?
Nach robh i leisg?
Wasn’t she lazy?
Bha iad glè thoilichte.
They were very happy (pleased).
Cha robh i ro shnog.
She wasn’t too nice.
An robh iad sgìth? Cha robh.
Were they tired? No.