Scottish Gaelic Class-Year 2-Second Semester Flashcards
‘S e dùthaich Cheilteach a tha ann an Alba agus ‘s e sluagh Ceilteach a tha anns na h-Albannaich.
Scotland is a Celtic country and the Scots are Celtic people.
‘S e ‘Gàidheal’ an t-ainm a tha air duine ma tha a’ Ghàidhlig aige.
They are called Gaels because they speak Gaelic. (Gàidheal’ is the name of a person if he speaks Gaelic.)
Tha Gàidheil a’ fuireach ann an Alba (anns na h-eileanan, anns na bailtean beaga agus anns na bailtean mòra air feadh Alba).
Gaelic people live in Scotland (in the islands, in the small towns and in the big cities throughout Scotland).
Tha Gàidheil a’ fuireach ann an Eirinn agus ann an Eilean Mhanainn agus tha Gàidhlig aig na h-Éireannaich agus na Manannaich cuideachd.
Gaelic people live in Ireland and the Isle of Man and the Irish and the Manx also speak Gaelic.
‘S e sluagh Ceilteach a tha a’ fuireach anns a’ Chuimrigh, anns a’ Chòrn agus anns a’ Bhreatainn Bhig agus tha an cànan fhèin aca.
They are a Celtic people who live in Wales, Cornwall and Brittany and they have their own language.
Ach chan eil na cànanan sin coltach ris a’ Ghàidhlig agus chan eil na Gàidheil gan tuigsinn.
But these languages are not like Gaelic and the Gaelic do not understand them.
Tha Ceiltich ann an Amaireaga cuideachd: na Gàidheil ann an Alba Nuadh ann an Canada agus na Cuimrich ann am Patagòinia ann an Argentina.
There are also Celts in America: the Highlanders in Nova Scotia in Canada and the Welsh in Patagonia in Argentina.
Tha a’ Ghàidhlig agus a’ Chuimris beò ann an Amaireaga fhathast.
Gaelic and Welsh are still alive in America.
Celtic, a Celt
sluagh (m)
air feadh (fa-oo; feck)
cànan (m)
Cuimris (f)
the Welsh language
‘S iadsan na h-Albannaich.
They are the Scots people.
Tha e ag ràdh nach e eilean beag a tha ann am Barraigh.
He is saying that Barra is not a small island.
‘S e sgrìobhaiche a tha annam.
I am a writer.
An esan am fear ris an robh thu a’ bruidhinn?
Is he the man to whom you were speaking?
‘S e dotair a tha nam bhràthair.
My brother is a doctor.
‘S ann ormsa a tha an cnatan.
I have a cold.
Tha an doras fosgailte.
The door is open.
‘S àbhaist do mo phàrantan a bhith aig an taigh roimhe seo.
My parents are usually home before this.
B’ fheàrr leam taigh beag air an dùthaich.
I would prefer a small house in the country.
Cha b’ urrainn dha a dhol dhan chèilidh.
He wasn’t able to go to the ceilidh.
Cha bu toil leis m’ fhaicinn.
He would not like to see me.
Is toil leam an taigh seo ach is beag orm am fear èile.
I like this house but I dislike the other one.
Tha mullach an dorais àrd.
The top of the door is high.
Cuir litir thuige.
Send him a letter.
Bha e ann romham.
He was there before me.
A bheil thu airson a dhol a shnàmh?
Do you want to go swimming?
B’ e sgian mhòr a bha aige na phòcaid.
It was a big knife that he had in his pocket.
Tha ionad-slàinte agus taigh-bìdh air gach taobh dheth.
There is a health center and a restaurant on each side of it.
‘S i do mhàthair nach bi toilichte.
It’s your mother who will not be happy.
Seo na tha agam de dh’airgead.
This is all the money that I have.
Tha iomadh eilean ann air nach eil daoine a’ fuireach.
There is many an island on which no one lives.
An e gainmheach òir a tha air an tràigh sin?
Is it golden sand that is on that beach?
Nach ann tric a bha thu tinn nuair a bha thu òg?
Weren’t you sick often when you were young?
A bheil thu an dòchas gur e là brèagha a bhios ann a-màireach?
Are you hoping tomorrow will be a beautiful day?
An ann a-màireach a bhios tu a’ falbh air saor-làithean?
Are you going on holiday tomorrow?
An urrainn dhut Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn? (‘S urrainn.)
Can you speak Gàidhlig? (Yes.)
Am b’ aithne dhut duine anns a’ chlas seo?
Did you know anyone in this class?
Nach bu lugha orra ceòl a chluinntinn?
Would they loathe hearing music?
Am bu toil leotha a dhol dhan taigh-dhealbh am màireach?
Would they like to go to the cinema tomorrow?
Càit’ am bi thu a’ fuireach a-nochd?
Where are you staying tonight?
Ciamar a bha thu a’ faireachdainn a-raoir?
How were you feeling last night?
Cò às a tha thu?
Where are you from?
Carson nach toil leat an sealladh bhon taigh agad?
Why don’t you like the view from your house?
Cuin’ a bhios tu a’ dol air saor-làithean?
When will you be going on holiday?
Am b’ aithne dhut do sheanair? (Incomplete verb)
Did you know your grandfather?
Nach toil leat tì? (Incomplete verb)
Don’t you like tea?
An àbhaist dhut a bhith a’ coiseachd tràth anns a’ mhadainn? (Incomplete verb)
Is it usual for you to be walking early in the morning?
An urrainn dhut Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn? (Incomplete verb )
Can you speak Gàidhlig?
Am b’fheàrr leat taigh beag air an dùthaich? (Incomplete verb)
Would you prefer a small house in the country?
An ann anns a’ choille a tha thu ag obair? (Relative pronoun)
Do you work in the forest?
An e purpaidh an dath a tha air an taigh agad? (Relative pronoun)
Is the color of your house purple?
An e gainmheach a tha air an tràigh sin? (Relative pronoun)
Is it sand that is on that beach?
Am b’e sgian mhòr a bha aige na phòcaid? your father (Relative pronoun)
Was it a big knife that he had in his pocket?
An tusa nach eil ag iarraidh seinn? (Relative pronoun)
Is it you who does not want to sing?
An i do mhàthair nach bi toilichte? if you don’t visit (Relative pronoun)
Is it your mother who will not be happy?
An e sin na tha agad de dh’airgead? that’s in your pocket (Relative pronoun)
Is that all the money that you have?
A bheil fhios agad na tha agam anns a’ bhaga? (Relative pronoun)
Do you know what I have in the bag?
A bheil iomadh eilean ann air nach eil daoine a’ fuireach? (Relative prep pron)
Is there many an island on which people don’t live?
An esan am fear ris an robh thu a’ bruidhinn? Bill Gates (Relative prep pron)
Is he the man to whom you were talking?
Dè seòrsa de dh’àite anns a bheil thu a’ fuireach? (Relative prep pronoun)
What type of place do you live in?
An e Alba an t-àite dhan deach thu an-uiridh? (Relative prep pronoun)
Was it Scotland the place to which you went last year?
Càit’ am bi thu a-màireach? (Interrogative/question words)
Where will you be tomorrow?
Cuin a bhios tu a’ tilleadh dhachaigh? from work (Interrogative & relative future)
When will you be returning home?
Ciamar a bhiodh tu a’ siubhal a Ghlaschu? (Interrogative)
How would you travel to Glasgow?
Cò às a tha thu? (Interrogative)
Where are you from?
Dè bha thu a’ dèanamh an-dè? (Interrogative)
What were you doing yesterday?
Carson as toil leat a bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig? (Interrogative)
Why do you like studying Gaelic?
Cò nach eil ag iarraidh deoch? (Interrogative)
Who doesn’t want a drink?
Cuin’ a bhios tu a’ falbh air saor-làithean? (Interrogative & relative future)
When will you be going on holidays?
Dè tha dhìth ort a-nis? (Interrogative)
What do you need now?
Ciamar a bha thu an-dè? (Interrogative)
How were you yesterday?
Càit’ an robh thu an-raoir? (Interrogative)
Where were you last night?
Carson a bhios e ag reic a’ chàir aige? your friend (Interrogative & relative future)
Why will he be selling his car?
A bheil thu airson seinn? (Want)
Do you want to sing?
An robh thu airson a dhol a shnàmh an-dè? (Want)
Did you want to go to swim yesterday?
Am bi thu ag obair gu mu cheithir uairean? (About)
Do you work until about four o’clock?
An e an Gearran a’ chiad mhìos den bhliadhna? (Ordinal number/ “first”)
Is February the first month of the year?
An robh sibh air falbh air saor-làithean am-bliadhna? Bha / Cha robh
Did you go on holiday this year?
Cha robh sinn air falbh as t-Samhradh idir.
We did not go away in the summer at all.
Bha Daibhidh air a dhòigh a’ cluich goilf a h-uile latha.
David was happy playing golf every day.
Cha robh e cho toilichte a’ dol timcheall nam bùithean.
He was not pleased going around to the shops.
Bha iad ag ràdh gun robh e math fhèin.
They were saying that he was excellent.
Bha Màiri ag ràdh nach robh e ro theth idir.
Mairi was saying he was not too hot at all.
Dè rinn sibh?
What did you do?
Shnàmh sinn.
We swam.
An do chòrd e riutha? Chòrd / Cha do chòrd.
Did they like it? Yes / No
Chòrd e riutha uabhasach math.
They like it very much.
Cha do chòrd e riutha idir.
They didn’t like it at all.
An deach sibh a-null thairis air na saor-làithean? Deach / Cha deach
Did you go abroad over the holidays?
Chaidh sinn gu Inbhir Nis.
We went to Inverness.
Chaidh iad cuairt gu na bailtean.
They went visiting the towns.
Laigh sinn anns a’ ghrèin.
We laid in the sun.
Choisich sinn na mìltean a h-uile latha.
We walked miles every day.
Càit’ an deach sibh fhèin air na làithean-saora?
Where did you go on holiday?
Chaidh sinn gu Lunnainn.
We went to London.
Bha mi trang.
I was busy.
Cha robh Sìm ann.
Simon wasn’t there.
An robh thu anns a’ bhaile? Bha / Cha robh
Were you in town? Yes / No
Dhùin mi an uinneag.
I closed the window.
Sheinn i òran.
She sang a song.
Ghabh e biadh.
He took/had a meal.
Laigh sinn anns a’ ghrèin.
We laid in the sun.
Nigh i na soithichean.
She washed the dishes.
Ruith Seumas dhachaigh.
James ran home.
Stad a’ bhan aig a’ bhùth.
The van stopped at the shop.
Dh’ith mi an t-aran.
I ate the bread.
Dh’òl sinn bainne.
We drank some milk.
Dh’fhòn Donnchadh dhachaigh.
Duncan phoned home.
Dh’fhuirich iad a-staigh.
They stayed in.
Bhruidhinn sinn ris.
We spoke to him.
Chuir i air an rèidio.
She put on the radio.
Dhùisg mi tràth.
I wakened early.
Ghlan iad an càr.
They cleaned the car.
Mhol sinn an t-seinn.
We praised the singing.
Phòg Eilidh Anndra.
Helen kissed Andrew.
Thilg mi am ball.
I threw the ball.
Fhreagair i ceist.
She answered a question.
Shnàmh mi sa chuan.
I swam in the ocean.
Leugh Anna an leabhar.
Anne read the book.
Nochd iad a-raoir.
They appeared last night.
Smaoinich mi air.
I thought about it.
Dh’ainmich iad e.
They named him.
Dh’èirich a’ ghaoth.
The wind rose.
Dh’ionnsaich sinn òran.
We learnt a song.
Dh’òl sinn leann.
We drank (some) beer.
Dh’ullaich e am biadh.
He prepared the meal.
Dh’fhosgail i bùth.
She opened a shop.
Cha do dhùisg sinn gu ochd uairean.
We didn’t wake up until 8 o’clock.
Cha do leugh mi an leabhar sin fhathast.
I haven’t read that book yet.
An do dh’èirich iad tràth? Cha do dh’èirich.
Did they get up early? No.
An do bhruidhinn Coinneach riutha? Bhruidhinn.
Did Kenneth speak to them? Yes.
Root. Positive Negative Question
rach chaidh cha deach an deach?
Root Positive Negative Question
go went did not go did … go?
Root Positive Negative Question
dèan rinn cha do rinn an do rinn?
Root Positive Negative Question
do/make did/make did not do/make did … do/make?
Chaidh sinn a-null thairis as t-Samhradh.
We went abroad in the Summer.
Càit’ an deach a’ chaileag Didòmhnaich?
Where did the girl go on Sunday?
Cha deach Mìcheal a Ghlaschu idir.
Michael didn’t go to Glasgow at all.
Dè rinn sibh Diardaoin?
What did you do on Thursday?
Cha do rinn mi mòran fhathast.
I haven’t done much yet.
An do rinn thu cupa tì?
Did you make a cup of tea?
Bha i ag ràdh gun robh i fuar.
She was saying that she was cold
Bha Ceiteag ag ràdh nach robh còta aice.
Katie was saying that she didn’t have a coat.
Bha Màiri a’ smaoineachadh gun robh i fadalach.
Mary thought she was late.
Bha sinn a’ smaoineachadh nach robh sibh astaigh.
We thought that you weren’t in.
and / as
but / however
for / because
Present Past Future Conditional
tha bha bidh bhithinn / bhiodh
chan eil cha robh cha bhi cha bhithinn / cha bhiodh
Cha bhi mi a’ dol a-mach oir tha an t-uisge ann.
I will not be going out because it is raining.
Present Past Future Conditional
a tha a bha a bhios a bhithinn / a bhiodh
nach eil nach robh nach bi nach bhithinn / nach biodh
Fhads a tha dòchas ann
While there is hope.
Ged a tha e beag tha e làidir
Although he is small he is strong.
Seo mar a bha e
This is as (how) it was.
Ma bhios e blàth a-màireach, bidh mi ann.
If it is (will be) warm tomorrow, I’ll be there.
Tha e mì-chàilear nuair a tha e fuar is fliuch
It is unpleasant when it is cold and wet.
Bha i mar sin on a bha in a caileig òig
She has been like that since she was a young girl.
mus, mun/mum
until/in order that
mur/ mura
unless, if not
Suidh far a bheil thu!
Sit where you are!
Bha e na fhear-altraim mus robh e na dhotair.
He was a nurse before he was a doctor.
Fuirich gus am bi mì fhìn ann
Wait until I’m (will be) there
Cha bhi mi ann mura bi thu fhèin ann.
I will not be there unless you are (will be).
Chan eil mi toilichte mur eil thusa.
I am not happy if you aren’t.
Ciamar a tha fios agad mur an do leugh thu an litir?
How do you know unless you read the letter.
Bha m’ ad air a’ bhòrd mur an do ghluais duine i.
My hat was on the table unless someone moved it.
unpleasant, distasteful
càil (f)
rud (m)
Tha an t-uisge ann.
It is raining.
Bha an t-uisge ann.
It was raining.
Chan eil fios agam far a bheil do mhàthair.
I don’t know where your mother is.
Suidh sìos gus am bi do dhìnnear deiseil.
Sit down until your dinner is ready.
Bha uisge trom ann nuair bha iad ag iasgach air an loch.
It was raining heavy when they were fishing on the loch.
Ged a tha iad trang bhiodh iad toilichte gad chuideachadh.
Although they are busy they would be pleased to help you.
Dèan mar a tha mi ag ràdh.
Do as I say.
Bidh e dorch mus bi i dhachaigh.
It will be dark before she is (will be) home.
Cha b’ urrainn dhomh càr a cheannach on nach robh airgead agam.
I couldn’t buy a car since I hadn’t any money.
Bha i cho bòidheach nuair a bha i òg.
She was so beautiful when she was young.
Ma tha sibh sgìth suidhibh sìos.
If you are tired, sit down.
Mar as (= a + ‘s) urrainn dhut faicinn chan eil càil agam nam phòcaid.
As you can see I don’t have anything in my pocket.
Bha mi a’ bruidhinn rithe fhads a bha sinn a’ coiseachd.
I was speaking to her while we were walking.
An toil leat far a bheil thu a’ fuireach?
Do you like where you are staying?
Ged nach eil e cho mòr tha e gu math làidir.
Although he is not so big he is quite strong.
Bha mi a’ fuireach anns a’ bhaile sin nuair a bha mi nam bhalach.
I was staying in that town when I was a boy.
Sin an t-àite far am b’fheàrr leam a bhith.
That’s the place where I would prefer to be.
Na rach a-mach gus am bi an t-uisge dheth.
Don’t go out(side) until the rain is off (dheth).
On a tha e cho leisg cha bhi e deònach a dhol dhan bhùth.
Since he is so lazy he will not be willing to go to the shop.
Bidh e a’ seinn aig a’ chèilidh ged a tha e tinn.
He will be singing at the ceilidh although he is ill.
A bheil thu toilichte far a bheil thu nad shuidhe?
Are you happy where you’re sitting? Yes.
Ruith dhachaigh mus bi an t-uisge ann.
Run home before it rains.
Dèanaibh ruith nuair a tha mi ag ràdh ‘deiseil’.
Run when I say ‘ready’.
Cha bhi i a’ tighinn on nach eil i cinnteach gum bi bus dhachaigh.
She will not be coming since she isn’t sure that there will be a bus home.
An robh sibh air falbh air saor-làithean am-bliadhna?
Were you away on holiday this year?
Bha sinn air falbh as t-Earrach agus as t-Fhoghar.
We were away in the Spring and in the Autumn.
as t-Samhradh
in the Summer
an àite
a’ Chàisg
cha robh sinn
we were not
cho trang
so busy
anns an luchar
in July
a’ chlann againne
our children
(a) camp
na Crìochan
the Borders
An do chòrd e riutha? O chòrd.
Did they enjoy it? Oh, yes.
Bha iad ag ràdh gun robh e math fhèin.
They were saying that it was excellent.
Chaidh iad cuairt no dhà
They went on a trip or two
An deach sibh a-null thairis? Cha deach.
Did you go abroad? No.
anns a’ Mhàrt
in March
a dh’fhaicinn mo phàrantan
to see my parents
Cill Rìmhinn
St Andrews
anns an Dàmhair
in October
Bha Daibhidh air a dhòigh.
David was happy.
a h-uile latha
every day
Cha robh e cho toilichte.
He wasn’t so happy.
a’ dol timcheall nam bùithean
going round the shops
Choisich sinn na mìltean
We walked miles
a’ tilleadh dhachaigh
returning home
Càit’ an deach sibh fhèin?
Where did you go yourselves?
(a) fortnight
anns an Dùbhlachd
in December
(a) week
anns a’ Ghiblean
in April
an dà thuras
the two trips
fìor mhath
very good
an duine aice
her husband
last year
… nach robh e ro theth idir.
…. that it wasn’t too hot at all.
terrific, great, brilliant
Dè rinn sibh?
What did you do?
dh’ith sinn
we ate
dh’òl sinn
we drank
shnàmh sinn
we swam
chluich sinn
we played
Laigh sinn anns a’ ghrèin.
We laid in the sun.
Na can an còrr!
Say no more!
Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh mi fadalach.
I was thinking that I was late.
Chaidh sinn a-null thairis as t-Samhradh.
We went abroad in the Summer.
Bha sinn a’ smaoineachadh nach robh iad a-staigh.
We thought that they were not in.
Cha bhi mi a’ dol a-mach oir tha an t-uisge ann.
I will not be going out because it is raining.
Ged a tha e beag tha e làidir.
Although he is small he is strong.
An do bhruidhinn iad riutha an-dè?
Did they speak to them yesterday?
Bha an ad agam air a’ bhòrd mur an do ghluais duine i.
My hat was on the table unless someone moved it.
Nigh i na soithichean.
She washed the dishes.
Sin an t-àite far am b’ fheàrr leam a bhith.
That is the place where I would prefer to be.
Dèanaibh ruith nuair a tha mi ag ràdh “deiseil”.
Run when I say “ready”.
Bha i ag ràdh nach robh còta aice.
She was saying that she didn’t have a coat.
Bha am màthair cho bòidheach nuair a bha i òg.
Their mother was so beautiful when she was young.
Am bi e dorch mus bi i aig an taigh?
Will it be dark before she will be home?
On a tha e cho leisg cha bhi e deònach a dhol dhan bhùth.
Since he is so lazy he will not be willing to go to the shop.
Dèan mar a tha mi ag ràdh.
Do as I say.
Nach deach iad a Ghlaschu idir?
Didn’t they go to Glasgow at all?
Ruith dhachaigh mus bi an t-uisge ann.
Run home before it rains.
Càit’ an deach thu Latha na Sàbaid?
Where did you go Sunday?
An do dh’èirich thu tràth anns a’ mhadainn?
Did you get up early in the morning?
An do smaoinich thu gun robh duine a’ tighinn gu clas?
Did you think anyone was coming to class?
An do dh’òl thu fìon le dìnneir?
Did you drink wine with dinner?
An e sin an t-àite far am b’fheàrr leat a bhith?
Is that the place where you would rather be?
An toil leat far a bheil thu a’ fuireach?
Do you like where you live?
Am biodh tu a’ seinn aig cèilidh ged a bhiodh tu tinn?
Would you sing at a ceilidh although you were sick.
Fhads a tha dòchas ann, am bi thu toilichte?
While there is hope, will you be happy?
An robh e na fhear-altraim mus robh e na dhotair?
Was he a nurse before he was a doctor?
An do dh’ fhuirich thu ann an Toronto nuair a bha thu òg?
Did you live in Toronto when you were young?
Ciamar a tha fios agad mur an do leugh thu an leasan?
How do you know if you haven’t read the lesson?
An do leugh thu an leabhar sin fhathast?
Did you read that book yet?
Latha na Bliadhn’ Ùir
New Year’s Day
Oidhche Challainn
New Year’s Eve or Hogmanay
Latha Buidhe Bealltainn
May Day
An Geamhradh
anns a’ Gheamhradh or sa Gheamhradh
in Winter
An t-Earrach
anns an Earrach or as t-Earrach
in Spring
An Samhradh
anns an t-Samhradh or as t-Samhradh
in Summer
Am Foghar
anns an Fhoghar or as t-Fhoghar
in Autumn
am Faoilleach
anns an/san Fhaoilleach
in January
an Gearran
anns a’/sa Ghearran
in February
am Màrt
anns a’/sa Mhàrt
in March
an Giblean
anns a’/sa Ghiblean
in April
an Cèitean
anns a’/sa Chèitean
in May
an t-Ògmhios
anns an/san Ògmhìos
in June
an t-Iuchar
anns an/san Iuchar
in July
an Lùnastal
anns an/san Lùnastal
in August
an t-Sultain
anns an/san t-Sultain
in September
an Dàmhair
anns an/san Dàmhair
in October
an t-Samhain
anns an/san t-Samhain
in November
an Dùbhlachd
anns an/san Dùbhlachd
in December
Làithean saora
Cha robh am baile ro thrang.
The town wasn’t too busy.
Bha iad fìor thoilichte.
They were very happy.
Bha e a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc fad an là an-dè.
He was playing in the park all day yesterday.
Bhuail iad
Cha do bhuail iad
An do bhuail iad?
Nach do bhuail iad?
They hit.
They didn’t hit.
Did they hit?
Didn’t they hit?
Leugh iad
Cha do leugh iad
An do leugh iad?
Nach do leugh iad?
They read.
They didn’t read.
Did they read?
Didn’t they read?
Sheas iad
Cha do sheas iad
An do sheas iad?
Nach do sheas iad?
They stood.
They didn’t stand.
Did they stand?
Didn’t they stand?
Thog iad
Cha do thog iad
An do thog iad?
Nach do thog iad?
They lifted.
They didn’t lift.
Did they lift?
Didn’t they lift?
Dh’fhàg iad
Cha do dh’fhàg iad
An do dh’fhàg iad?
Nach do dh’fhàg iad?
They left.
They didn’t leave.
Did they leave?
Didn’t they leave?
Ruith iad
Cha do ruith iad
An do ruith iad?
Nach do ruith iad?
They ran.
They didn’t run.
Did they run?
Didn’t they run?
Sgrìobh iad
Cha do sgrìobh iad
An do sgrìobh iad?
Nach do sgrìobh iad?
They wrote.
They didn’t write.
Did they write?
Didn’t they write?
Dh’òl iad
Cha do dh’òl iad
An do dh’òl iad?
Nach do dh’òl iad?
They drank.
They didn’t drink.
Did they drink?
Didn’t they drink?
Tha e ag ràdh gun do bhuail iad e.
He says that they hit him.
Tha e ag ràdh nach do bhuail iad e.
He says that they didn’t hit him.
Tha e ag ràdh gun do dh’fhàg iad.
He says that they left.
Tha e ag ràdh nach do dh’fhàg iad.
He says that they didn’t leave.
‘S iadsan a bhuail mi.
It’s they who hit me.
‘S iadsan nach do bhuail mi.
It’s they who didn’t hit me.
Dè leugh thu anns an sgoil an diugh?
What did you read in school today?
Cò sgrìobh an litir?
Who wrote the letter?
Carson a bhuail thu am balach?
Why did you hit the boy?
Ciamar a sheas i?
How did she stand?
Cuin a dh’fhàg thu?
When did you leave?
Càit an do thog iad an taigh? -
Where did they build the house?
Sgrìobh mi litir mus do dh’fhàg mi.
I wrote a letter before I left.
Bha e dorcha nuair a bhuail an càr am balach.
It was dark when the car hit the boy.
Leugh mi am pàipear-naidheachd fhads a dh’ith mi dìnnear.
I read the paper while I ate dinner.
Mur do bhuail thusa am balach, cò bhuail?
If you didn’t hit the boy, who did (hit)?
An do bhuail iad an cù? Bhuail / Cha do bhuail
Did they hit the dog? Yes / No
Nach do sheas iad aig an doras? Sheas / Cha do sheas
Didn’t they stand at the door? Yes / No
boireannach (m)
leanabh (m)
briosgaid (f)
leithid (f)
like, type
coire (m)
kettle, corry
pàipear-naidheachd (m)
dèideag (f)
toy, bauble
staidhre (f)
bris, briseadh
freagair, freagairt
pòs, pòsadh (aig)
tòisich, tòiseachadh (air)
start (to)
caidil, cadal
goil, goil
boil, seethe
saoil, saoilsinn (air)
think (about)
tuit, tuiteam
leithid de rud
such a thing
fad an là
all day
Dh’fhàg an toit a h-uile rud anns an taigh salach.
The smoke left everything in the house dirty.
An do chuir thu bainne anns a’ chopan? Chuir.
Did you put (some) milk in the cup? Yes.
Cò bhris an uinneag agam? ‘S ise a bhris i.
Who broke my window? She broke it.
Cha do dh’fhuirich e fada nuair a thill sinn.
He didn’t stay long when we returned.
Nach do cheannaich iad càr ùr? Cheannaich.
Didn’t they buy a new car? Yes.
Chluich ar leanabh leis an dèideig fad an là.
Our baby played with the toy all day.
Chuir mi an t-uisge anns a’ choire agus ghoil mi e.
I put the water in the kettle and I boiled it.
Dh’ionnsaich mi Gaelic nuair a bha mi nam bhalach.
I learned Gàidhlig when I was a boy.
Shaoil mi gum b’ aithne dhomh e.
I thought that I knew him.
Can e mar a sgrìobh iad e.
Say it as they wrote it.
An do cheannaich sibh càil anns a’ bhùth? Cha do cheannaich.
Did you buy anything in the shop? No.
Chuir e a làmh-san air a làimh-se.
He put his hand on her hand.
Bhris mi mo chas nuair a thuit mi sìos na staidhrichean.
I broke my leg when I fell down the stairs.
Thill mo phiuthar bhon saor-là aice a-raoir.
My sister returned from her holiday last night.
An do fhreagair i a’ cheist gu ceart? Fhreagair.
Did she answer the question correctly? Yes.
Dh’ith mi a’ bhriosgaid mun do dh’òl mi am bainne.
I ate the biscuit before I drank the milk.
Cò ghluais mo chathair air falbh bhon teine? ‘S esan a ghluais i.
Who moved my chair away from the fire? It’s him that moved it.
Carson a phòs thu am fear sin?
Carson a phòs thu an tè sin?
Why did you marry that man?
Why did you marry that woman?
Sgrìobh mi litir fhada nuair a thill mi dhachaigh.
I wrote a long letter when I returned home.
Chluich iad gu sàmhach fhads a chaidil i.
They played quietly while she slept.
Dh’ fhuirich iad anns an Òban airson dà latha.
They stayed in Oban for two days.
Bha sinn air falbh as t-Earrach agus as t-Fhoghar.
We were away in the Spring and in the Autumn.
Chaidh sinn a Cheap Breatainn anns an Dàmhair.
We went to Cape Breton in October.
Càit’ an deach thu fhèin anns an t-Samhradh?
Where did you yourself go in the Summer?
Cha robh am baile ro thrang, an robh?
The town wasn’t too busy, was it?
Tha e ag ràdh nach do bhuail iad e.
He says that they didn’t hit him.
Sgrìobh mi litir mus do dh’fhalbh mi.
I wrote a letter before I left.
A bheil an Nollaig anns an Dàmhair no anns an Dùbhlachd?
Is Christmas in October or December?
Leugh mi am pàipear-naidheachd fhads a dh’ith mi an dìnnear agam.
I read the newspaper while I ate my dinner.
A bheil a’ Chàisg as t-Earrach no anns an t-Samhradh?
Is Easter in Spring or in Summer?
An do dh’òl thu uisge le do dhìnneir?
Did you drink water with your dinner?
An do cheannaich thu càil ann am bùth anns an Lùnasdal?
Did you buy anything in the shop in August?
An do chluich iad gu sàmhach fhads a chaidil thu?
Did they play quietly while you slept?
An do dh’ullaich thu an dìnnear?
Did you prepare the dinner?
Cuin a dh’fhàg thu an sgoil?
When did you leave for school?
An do ghabh thu biadh an-diugh?
Did you take a meal today?
Cò sgrìobh an leabhar a bha thu a’ leughadh an Samhradh seo?
Who wrote the book you were reading this Summer?
Càit’ an do thog iad an taigh agad?
Where did they build your house?
Dè leugh thu an-diugh?
What did you read today?
An do chuir thu bainne anns a’ chofaidh agad?
Did you put milk in your coffee?
An do bhris duine an uinneag agad?
Did someone break your window?
Cò nigh na soithichean an-diugh?
Who washed the dishes today?
Bha e a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc fad an là an-dè.
He was playing in the park all day yesterday.
Rug i orm.
Cha d’rug i orm.
An d’rug i orm?
Nach d’rug i orm?
She grasped me.
She didn’t grasp me.
Did she grasp me?
Didn’t she grasp me?
Rinn mi.
Cha d’rinn mi.
An d’rinn thu?
Nach d’rinn thu?
I did / made.
I didn’t do / make.
Did you do / make?
Did you not do / make?
Chunnaic thu.
Chan fhaca tu.
Am faca tu?
Nach fhaca tu?
You saw.
You didn’t see.
Did you see?
Did you not see?
Thuirt mi.
Cha tuirt mi.
An tuirt thu?
Nach tuirt thu?
I said.
I didn’t say.
Did you say?
Did you not say?
Thàinig mi.
Cha tàinig mi.
An tàinig thu?
Nach tàinig thu?
I came.
I didn’t come.
Did you come?
Did you not come?
Chuala tu.
Cha chuala tu.
An cuala tu?
Nach cuala tu?
You heard.
You didn’t hear.
Did you hear?
Did you not hear?
Chaidh mi.
Cha deach mi.
An deach thu?
Nach deach thu?
I went.
I didn’t go.
Did you go?
Did you not go?
Fhuair mi.
Cha d’fhuair mi
An d’fhuair thu?
Nach d’fhuair thu?
I got.
I didn’t get.
Did you get?
Did you not get?
Ràinig mi.
Cha d’ràinig mi
An d’ràinig thu?
Nach d’ràinig thu?
I arrived / reached.
I didn’t arrive / reach.
Did you arrive/reach.
Did you not arrive/reach.
Thug mi.
Cha tug mi.
An tug thu?
Nach tug thu?
I took.
I didn’t take.
Did you take?
Did you not take?
Tha e ag ràdh gun cuala e.
He says that he heard.
Tha e ag ràdh nach cuala e.
He says that he didn’t hear.
Tha e ag ràdh gum faca e.
He says that he saw.
Tha e ag ràdh nach fhaca e.
He says that he didn’t see.
Is mise a chaidh.
It’s I who went.
Is mise nach deach.
It’s I who didn’t go,
‘S ise a rinn sin.
It’s she who did that.
‘S ise nach d’rinn sin.
It’s she who didn’t do that.
Dè rinn thu leis a’ phàipear is glaodh?
What did you make with the paper and glue?
Cò thuirt sin?
Who said that?
Carson a thug e airgead dhut?
Why did he give you some money?
Ciamar a rinn thu sin?
How did you do that?
Cuin a thàinig iad?
When did they come?
Càit an d’fhuair thu sin?
Where did you get that?
Thuirt mi an naidheachd ris nuair a chunnaic mi e.
I told him the news when I saw him.
Sgioblaich mi an taigh mus d’ràinig iad.
I tidied the house before they arrived.
Bha sinn toilichte ged nach tàinig i.
We were happy (even) although she didn’t come.
Tha e air a dhòigh on a fhuair e an càr ùr.
He is overjoyed since he got the new car.
Mura tug thusa air falbh e, cò thug?
If you didn’t take it away, who did (take)?
glaodh (m)
fuaim (f)
noise, sound
beir, breith (air)
bear, catch, grasp
ruig, ruigsinn
reach, arrive
Tha mi air mo dhòigh.
Tha thu air do dhòigh.
Tha e air a dhòigh.
Tha i air a dòigh.
Tha sinn air ar dòigh.
Tha sibh air ur dòigh.
Tha iad air an dòigh.
I am overjoyed.
You are overjoyed.
He is overjoyed.
She is overjoyed.
We are overjoyed.
You are overjoyed.
They are overjoyed.
dèan, dèanamh
do, make
sgioblaich, sgioblachadh
Am faca sibh cò bha anns an talla? Chunnaic.
Did you see who was in the hall? Yes.
Thug mi an dèideag air falbh bhuaipe.
I took the toy away from her.
Cha tàinig iad gus meadhan-oidhche.
They didn’t come until midnight.
Rug i leanabh bòidheach.
She bore (gave birth to) a beautiful baby.
Nach d’ràinig thu an taobh eile? Ràinig.
Didn’t you reach the other side? Yes.
Chaidh sinn sìos dhan tràigh an-dè.
We went down to the beach yesterday.
An d’rinn sibh dìnnear dhaibh? Cha d’rinn.
Did you make dinner for them? No.
Càit an cuala tu an sgeul sin?
Where did you hear that tale?
Cò fhuair taigh ùr?
Who got a new house?
Nach tuirt e gun deach i air falbh a-raoir? Thuirt.
Didn’t he say that she went away last night? Yes
Thàinig e a-staigh anmoch a-raoir.
He came in late last night.
Rug mi air an làimh air.
I caught / grasped him on the hand.
Am faca sibh an dealbh sin? Chan fhaca.
Did you see that film? No.
Cuin a ràinig thu an-dè?
When did you arrive yesterday?
Thug mi an leabhar do mo bhràthair nuair a chunnaic mi e.
I gave the book to my brother when I saw him.
Chunnaic sinn iolaire anns an speur.
We saw an eagle in the sky.
Cò fhuair litir bhuapa?
Who got a letter from them?
Carson nach tuirt iad gun robh iad sgìth?
Why didn’t they say they were tired?
Chuala sinn fuaim uabhasach.
We heard a terrible noise.
Bha mi toilichte mus tàinig e.
I was happy before he came.
gu sgiobalta
Bha e a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc fad an là an-dè.
He was playing in the park all day yesterday.
Thug mi an dèideag bhuaipe.
I took the toy from her.
An d’ rinn sibh dìnnear dhaibh?
Did you make dinner for them?
Is mise nach deach dhan chidsin.
It’s I who didn’t go to the kitchen.
Tha e air a dhòigh on a fhuair e an càr ùr.
He is overjoyed since he got the new car.
Bha sinn toilichte ged nach d’ràinig i.
We were happy although she didn’t arrive.
Tha e ag ràdh nach fhaca e an leanabh.
He is saying that he did not see the baby.
Sgioblaich mi an taigh mus tàinig iad.
I tidied the house before they came.
An cuala tu nach tàinig iad ro mheadhan-oidhche?
Did you hear that they didn’t come before midnight?
‘S ise a rinn sin.
It is she who did that.
Rinn mi an tìodhlac leis a’ phàipear is glaodh.
I made the gift with the paper and glue.
Fhuair mi taigh ùr bho mo mhac.
I got a new house from my son.
Am faca tu cò bh’ anns a’ bhùth an-diugh?
Did you see who was in the shop today?
Dè rinn thu DiSathairne?
What did you do on Saturday?
An deach thu a-null thairis am bliadhna?
Did you go abroad this year?
An tàinig thu a-staigh anmoch an-raoir?
Did you come in late last night?
An d’fhuair thu litir bho dhuine sam bith an diugh?
Did you get a letter from anyone today?
An tug thu leabhar gu clas?
Did you bring a book to class?
Cia mheud piseag a rug an cat agad?
How many kittens did your cat have?
A bheil thu air do dhòigh leis an tìodhlac?
Are you happy (delighted) with the present?
Cò fhuair litir bhuapa an-dè?
Who got a letter from them yesterday?
An do rinn thu cupa tì an-diugh?
Did you make a cup of tea today?
Càit’ an cuala tu an sgeul sin?
Where did you hear that story?
Nach tuirt thu gum faca iad iolaire an-raoir?
Didn’t you say that they saw an eagle last night?
Fhads a tha dòchas ann, am bi thu toilichte?
While there is hope, will you be happy?
Am bi e dorcha mus bi thu aig an taigh agad?
Bith / Cha bhith
Will it be dark before you will be home?
Yes / No
An robh i mar sin on a bha i na caileig òig?
Bha / Cha robh
Has she been like that since she was a young girl?
Yes / No
An robh e dorcha nuair a bhuail an Titanic a’ bheinn-dèighe?
Bha / Cha robh
Was it dark when the Titanic hit the iceberg?
Yes / No
An do dh’èirich thu tràth anns a’ mhadainn?
Éirich / Cha do èirich
Did you get up early in the morning?
Yes / No
An do dh’ ionnsaich thu Gàidhlig nuair a bha thu òg?
Dh’ionnsaich / Cha do dh’ionnsaich
Did you learn Gaelic when you were young?
Yes / No
An do bhris thu do chas nuair a thuit thu sìos na staidhrichean?
Bhris / Cha do bhris
Did you break your leg when you fell down the stairs?
Yes / No
An do leugh thu e fhads a dh’ith thu an dìnnear agad?
Leugh / Cha do leugh
Did you read it while you ate your dinner?
Yes / No
An do sgrìobh thu litir mus do dh’fhalbh thu?
Sgrìobh / Cha do sgrìobh
Did you write a letter before you left?
Yes / No
An do dhùisg thu aig cairteal an dèidh a seachd?
Dhùisg / Cha do dhùisg
Did you wake at quarter after seven?
Yes / No
Dè leugh thu an-diugh?
Leugh / Cha do leugh
What did you read today?
I read … / I did not read …
An do dh’ òl thu fìon dearg le do dhìnneir?
òl / Cha do dh’òl
Did you drink red wine with your dinner?
Yes / Not
An robh am poileas ag ràdh nach do bhuail iad e?
Bha / Cha robh
Did the police say that they didn’t hit him?
Yes / No
An do cheannaich thu càil ann am bùth an-diugh?
Cheannaich / Cha do cheannaich
Did you buy anything in a shop today?
Yes / No
Cuin a dh’fhàg thu an sgoil?
When did you leave school?
Cò sgrìobh an leabhar a bha thu a’ leughadh as t-samhradh seo?
Who wrote the book that you were reading this summer?
Dè rinn thu Diardaoin?
What did you do on Thursday?
Am faca tu am film sin?
Did you see that film (movie)?
Cò fhuair càr ùr?
Who got a new car?
An deach thu a-null thairis as t-samhradh?
Did you go abroad in the summer?
An tàinig thu a-staigh anmoch an-raoir?
Did you come in late last night?
An tug thu leabhar dhan chlas?
Did you take a book to class?
Càit’ an cuala tu an sgeul sin?
Where did you hear that story?
An d’ rug thu air a làimh a-riamh?
Did you ever grasp her hand?
An tuirt thu gum biodh tu anns a’ chlas an ath sheachdain?
Did you say that you would be in class next week?
Cuin a ràinig thu an clas?
When did you arrive in class?
Carson a thug e airgead dhut?
Why did he give you money?
An do rinn thu cupa tì an-diugh?
Did you make a cup of tea today?
A bheil thu ag ràdh nach cuala tu òrain luaidh?
Are you saying that you have not heard milling songs?
Chunnaic thu iolaire anns an speur, nach fhaca?
You saw an eagle in the sky, didn’t you?
Chaidh thu sìos dhan tràigh an-dè, nach deach?
You went down to the beach yesterday, didn’t you?
An do sgioblaich thu an taigh mus tàinig iad?
Did you tidy the house before they came?
Dè mu dheidhinn?
How about?
Cuir cuairt air.
Go for a trip/wander round.
Seachd searbh de.
Absolutely fed up with/of.
Càit’ an tèid sinn an-diugh?
Where will we go today?
Dè mu dheidhinn a dhol cuairt timcheall a’ bhaile?
How about going for a walk around town?
Tha mi ’n dòchas nach bi a’ chuairt ro fhada.
I hope the tour won’t be too long.
Bidh mo chasan a’ fàs rag ma bhios mi fada nam shuidhe.
My legs get stiff if I sit for long.
Bidh a’ chuairt mu dhà uair a thìde ach bidh sinn a’ stad aig àiteachan àraidh.
The tour will be about two hours but we will be stopping at certain places.
Faodaidh tu do chasan a shìneadh an uair sin.
You can stretch your legs then.
Faodaidh sinn tadhal ann feasgar.
We can visit there in the afternoon.
Cuin a bhios a’ chuairt a’ tòiseachadh?
When does the tour start?
Bidh an ath chuairt ann aig leth-uair an dèidh deich.
The next round will be at half past ten.
Feumaidh sinn greasad oirnn.
We must hurry.
Feumaidh mi deiseachan-snàmh agus searbhadairean a thoirt leam.
I need to bring bathing suits and towels.
Fuirichidh mi aig an tràigh gus an till thu.
I’ll stay at the beach until you return.
An coisich sinn dhan stèisean no an gabh sinn am bus?
Coisichidh sinn / Cha choisich / Gabhaidh sinn am bus.
Do we walk to the station or take the bus?
We walk / We don’t walk / We will take the bus.
Cha bhi e fosgailte.
It will not be open.
Dè nì sinn feasgar?
What will we do in the afternoon?
Dè mu dheidhinn a dhol chun na tràghad?
How about going to the beach?
Am bi thu airson snàmh?
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi.
Do you want to swim?
I think I will.
Bidh / Bhithidh
Cha bhi
Am bi?
Will be
will not be
Will … be?
Bidh mi air falbh airson seachdain.
I’ll be away for a week.
Cha bhi sinn ann an Ìle am-bliadhna.
We’ll not be in Islay this year.
Am bi sibh fada? Bidh/Cha bhi.
Will you be long? Yes/No.
Am bi thu aig a’ bhanais? Bithidh.
Will you be at the wedding? Yes.
Suidhidh sinn airson mionaid.
We will sit for a minute.
Òlaidh iad bainne no uisge.
They will drink milk or water.
An ith thu feòil fhuar?
Will you eat cold meat?
An cuir thu air an rèidio?
Will you put on the radio?
Am pòs thu mi?
Will you marry me?
Cha ghlas mi an doras.
I will not lock the door.
Cha stad e a bhruidhinn.
He won’t stop talking.
Chan fhuirich iad rinn.
They will not wait for us.
Chan èirich mi gu naoi uairean.
I won’t get up till nine o’clock.
Bidh iad a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc.
They will be playing in the park.
Bidh iad a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc a h-uile là.
They play in the park every day.
Buailidh mi.
Cha bhuail mi.
Am buail mi?
Nach buail mi?
I will hit.
I will not hit.
Will I hit?
Will I not hit?
Fàgaidh mi.
Chan fhàg mi.
Am fàg mi?
Nach fhàg mi?
I will leave.
I will not leave.
Will I leave?
Will I not leave?
Leughaidh mi.
Cha leugh mi.
An leugh mi?
Nach leugh mi?
I will read.
I will not read.
Will I read?
Will I not read?
Sgrìobhaidh mi.
Cha sgrìobh mi.
An sgrìobh mi?
Nach sgrìobh mi?
I will write.
I will not write.
Will I write?
Will I not write?
Òlaidh tu.
Chan òl thu.
An òl thu?
Nach òl thu?
You will drink.
You will not drink.
Will you drink?
Will you not drink?
Ruithidh tu.
Cha ruith thu.
An ruith thu?
Nach ruith thu?
You will run.
You will not run.
Will you run?
Will you not run?
Seasaidh tu.
Cha sheas thu.
An seas thu?
Nach seas thu?
You will stand.
You will not stand.
Will you stand?
Will you not stand?
Togaidh mi.
Cha thog mi.
A tog thu ?
Nach tog thu?
I will lift.
I will not lift.
Will you lift?
Will you not lift?
Tha e ag ràdh gum buail e mi.
Tha e ag ràdh nach buail e mi.
He says that he will hit me.
He says that he will not hit me.
Tha e ag ràdh gum fàg e.
Tha e ag ràdh nach fhàg e.
He says that he will leave.
He says that he will not leave.
Is mise a bhuaileas thu.
Is mise a bhuaileas tu.
It’s I who will hit you.
It’s I who you will hit.
Is mise nach fhàg thu.
It’s I who will not leave you.
Seo an leabhar a leughas tu.
Here’s the book you will read.
Agus seo an leabhar nach leugh thu.
And here’s the book you will not read.
Dè sgrìobhas tu anns an litir?
What will you write in the letter?
Cò thogas dealbh dhìom?
Who will take a photograph of me?
Carson a bhuaileas tu am balach?
Why will you hit the boy?
Ciamar a sheasas i?
How will she stand?
Cuin a dh’fhàgas tu?
When will you leave?
Càit an òl sinn?
Where will we drink?
Sgrìobhaidh mi litir mus fàg mi.
I will write a letter before I leave.
Ma dh’fhàgas tu an taigh, bidh mi nam aonar.
If you (will) leave the house, I’ll be alone.
Leughaidh mi an leabhar fhads a dh’itheas mi dìnnear.
I’ll read the book while I (will) eat dinner.
Mura fàg thu an dràsta bidh thu fadalach.
Unless you (will) leave now you will be late.
An sgrìobh thu litir thugam? Sgrìobhaidh /Cha sgrìobh
Will you write me a letter? Yes / No
Nach òl thu am bainne? Òlaidh / Chan òl
Will you not drink the milk? Yes / No
Gabhaidh e bracaist a h-uile madainn.
He takes breakfast every morning.
Sgrìobhaidh sinn litir thuige a h-uile là.
We write (to) him a letter every day.
An sgrìobh thu litir dhomhsa?
Will you / Can you write a letter for me?
Am buail thu an doras a-rithist?
Will you / Can you knock the door again?
An òl thu an t-uisge gu luath?
Will you / Can you drink the water quickly?
beagan (m)
drama (m)
dram of drink
teanga (f)
gabh, gabhail (ri)
accept, betake, have
leig, leigeil (le)
let, allow
tog dealbh, togail dealbh
take a photograph
Tha mi nam aonar.
Tha thu nad aonar.
Tha e na aonar.
Tha i na h-aonar.
Tha sibh nur n-aonar.
Tha sinn nar n-aonar.
Tha iad nan aonar.
I am alone.
You are alone.
He is alone.
She is alone.
You are alone.
We are alone.
They are alone.
Togaidh mi taigh ùr anns a’ ghleann.
I’ll build a new house in the glen.
Tha e ag ràdh nach till e gus madainn a-màireach.
He says he won’t return until tomorrow morning.
Cha chuir mi seachad bliadhna anns an obair sin.
I won’t spend a year in that job.
Cò cheannaicheas cù dhomhsa?
Who’ll buy a dog for me?
Tha mi cinnteach gun caidil thu gu math a-nochd.
I’m sure that you’ll sleep well tonight.
‘S e Calum a phòsas mo nighean a-màireach.
It’s Calum who marries my daughter tomorrow.
Càit am fuirich sinn nuair a tha sinn an Glaschu?
Where will we stay when we are in Glasgow?
‘S e duine làidir a ghluaiseas a’ chlach seo.
It’s a strong man who can (will) move this stone.
Nach cùm thu do theanga?
Won’t you hold your tongue?
Leughaidh mi riut an litir a fhuair mi bhuapa.
I’ll read (to) you the letter I got from them.
An cuir sibh an litir seo anns a’ phost dhomh?
Will you put this letter in the post for me?
Tòisichidh mi ri obair mu mheadhan-là.
I start work about mid-day.
Nach suidh thu sìos agus cùm sàmhach?
Will you not sit down and keep quiet?
Cò ghabhas drama còmhla rium? ‘S mise a ghabhas.
Who will take a dram with me? It’s I who will.
Am fosgail sibh an uinneag beagan?
Will you open the window a little?
‘S mise a sheinneas aig a’ chèilidh a-nochd.
It’s me who will sing at the ceilidh tonight.
Bruidhnidh mi riutha a-màireach.
I will speak to them tomorrow.
Cò cheannaicheas còta ùr dhomh?
Who will buy me a new coat?
Chan iarr mi càil eile.
I will not want anything else.
‘S i mo mhàthair nach leig leam a bhith a’ dol dhan tràigh.
It’s my mother who will not let me (leam) go to the beach.
Càit’ an tèid sinn?
Where will we go?
Dè mu dheidhinn a dhol cuairt?
How about going on a trip?
Bidh sin math.
That will be good.
Tha mi ’n dòchas nach bi a’ chuairt ro fhada, ge-tà.
I hope the trip will not be too long, however.
Bidh mo chasan a’ fàs rag ma bhios mi fada nam shuidhe.
My feet get stiff if I sit for long.
casan (f pl)
dà uair a thide
two hours’ duration
àiteachan àraidh
particular places
Faodaidh tu do chasan a shìneadh an uair sin.
You can stretch your feet then.
Cuin a bhios a’ chuairt a’ tòiseachadh?
When does the trip start?
bileag (f)
(a) leaflet
an ath
the next
Feumaidh sinn greasad oirnn ma-thà.
We’ll have to hurry up then.
Feumaidh mise film eile a chur anns a’ chamara mus fhalbh sinn.
I’ll have to put another film in the camera before we go.
Feumaidh mise na cairtean-puist a sgrìobh mi a-raoir a phostadh.
I’ll have to post the postcards (that) I wrote last night.
will post
An coisich sinn?
Will we walk?
Coisichidh sinn.
We’ll walk.
An gabh sinn am bus?
Will we take the bus?
Chan eil an t-astar ro fhada.
It’s not too great a distance.
Am fòn mi dhan taigh-chluich airson tiogaidean na h-ath-oidhche?
fòn / chan fhòn
Shall I phone the theatre for tickets for tomorrow night?
Yes / no
Cha bhi e fosgailte.
It will not be open.
Faodaidh sinn tadhal …
We can call …
Dè nì sinn feasgar?
What will we do in the afternoon?
chun na tràghad
Am bi thu airson snàmh?
Will you want to swim?
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi.
I think so.
Feumaidh mi deiseachan-snàmh agus searbhadairean a thoirt leam.
I’ll have to take swimsuits and towels with me.
An cuir sinn cuairt air na bùithean?
Will we go for a wander around the shops?
Cha chuir mise co-dhiù.
I won’t anyway.
seachd sgìth de
absolutely fed up with/of
ma thogras tu
if you wish
Fuirichidh mise.
I’ll stay.
gus an till thu
until you return
Bidh sin math.
That will be good.
Cha bhi sinn ann an Ceap Breatainn am bliadhna.
We will not be in Cape Breton this year.
Suidhidh sinn airson mionaid.
We will sit for a minute.
Chan fhuirich iad ruinn.
They will not wait for us.
An ruith thu anns a’ phàirc a h-uile là?
Will you run in the park every day?
An òl thu bainne no uisge?
Will you drink milk or water?
Leughaidh mi riut an litir a fhuair mi bhuapa.
I will read (to) you the letter I got from them.
Cò thogas dealbh dhìom?
Who will take a photograph of me?
Tha e ag ràdh nach till e gus madainn a-màireach.
He says he will not return until tomorrow morning.
Mura falbh thu an dràsda bidh thu fadalach.
Unless you leave now you will be late.
Tha mi an dòchas nach bi sibh mì-mhodhail.
I hope that you won’t be badly behaved.
Sgrìobhaidh sinn litir thuige a h-uile là.
We write (to) him a letter every day.
Nach òl iad am fìon dearg?
Will they not drink the red wine?
Tòisichidh mi ri obair mu mheadhan-là.
I start (to) work about mid-day.
Cò ghabhas deoch còmhla rium?
Who will take a drink with me?
Chan iarr mi càil eile.
I will not want anything else.
Tha i na h-aonar anns a’ bhùth.
She is alone in the shop.
Tha mi cinnteach gun caidil thu gu math a-nochd.
I am sure that you will sleep well tonight.
‘S e duine làidir a ghluaiseas a’ chlach seo.
It’s a strong man who will move this stone.
Togaidh mi taigh ùr air an t-sràid sin.
I will build a new house on that street.
Am buail thu air an doras a-rithist?
Will you knock (on) the door again?
Nach cùm thu do theanga!
Won’t you hold your tongue!
An cuir thu an litir seo anns a’ phost dhomh?
Will you post this letter for me?
Cuin a dh’fhàgas tu an taigh aca?
When will you leave their house?
Am fosgail thu an uinneag beagan?
Will you open the window a little?
An èisd thu ris an rèidio nuair a bhios tu ag obair?
Do you listen to the radio when you work?
An glas thu dorsan an taighe mus bi thu a’ dol dhan leabaidh?
Do you lock the doors of the house before you go to bed?
Càit’ am fuirich thu nuair a bhios tu air saor-làithean?
Where do you stay when you are on holiday?
An tadhail thu air a’ phàirc am màireach?
Will you visit the park tomorrow?
An leugh thu leabhar nuair a bhios tu nad aonar?
Do you read a book when you are alone?
An cuir thu air an telebhisean an dèidh a’ chlas?
Do you put on the television after class?
Am bi iad nan aonar anns an taigh agad an-nochd?
Will they be alone in your house tonight?
Nì mi.
Cha dèan mi.
An dèan thu?
Nach dèan thu?
I will do / make.
I will not do / make.
Will you do / make?
Will you not do / make?
Chì i.
Chan fhaic i.
Am faic i?
Nach fhaic i?
She will see.
She will not see.
Will she see?
Will she not see?
Thèid thu.
Cha tèid thu.
An tèid thu?
Nach tèid thu?
You will go.
You will not go.
Will you go?
Will you not go?
Gheibh sinn.
Chan fhaigh sinn.
Am faigh sinn?
Nach fhaigh sinn?
We will get.
We will not get.
Will we get?
Will we not get?
Their i.
Chan abair i.
An abair i?
Nach abair i?
She will say.
She will not say.
Will she say?
Will she not say?
Bheir mi.
Cha toir mi.
An toir thu?
Nach toir thu?
I will take.
I will not take.
Will you take?
Will you not take?
Thig mi.
Cha tig mi.
An tig thu?
Nach tig thu?
I will come.
I will not come.
Will you come?
Will you not come?
Gheibh sinn tiogaid air a’ bhàta.
We’ll get a ticket on the boat.
Am faic thu Peadar a-màireach? Chan fhaic.
Will you see Peter tomorrow? No.
Cha tèid sinn dha na bùithean an-diugh.
We won’t go to the shops today.
Tha an nurs ag ràdh gum bi e ceart gu leòr.
The nurse says (that) he’ll be fine.
Tha mi ’n dòchas nach bi sibh mì-mhodhail.
I hope (that) you won’t be badly behaved.
Chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi iad a-staigh an-dràsta.
I don’t think they’ll be in just now.
Tha Ceitidh ag ràdh nach bi i ag obair Disathairne idir.
Katie says she won’t be working on Saturday at all.
Tha e ag ràdh gun tèid e.
He says that he will go.
Tha e ag ràdh nach tèid e.
He says that he will not go.
Tha e ag ràdh gum faice thu.
He says that he will see you.
Tha e ag ràdh nach fhaic e thu.
He says that he will not see you.
Is mise a chì am balach.
It’s I who will see the boy.
Is mise nach fhaic an dealbh.
It’s me who will not see the picture.
‘S ise a thèid dhachaigh.
It’s she who will go home.
Is ise nach tèid dhachaigh.
It’s she who will not go home.
Dè nì thu leis a’ phàipear is glaodh?
What will you make with the paper and glue?
Cò gheibh pàipear-naidheachd dhomh? -
Who will get me a newspaper?
Carson nach toir thu peann dhomh?
Why will you not give me a pen?
Ciamar a nì thu sin?
How will you do that?
Cuin a chì thu do mhàthair?
When will you see your mother?
Càit an tèid sinn a-màireach?
Where will we go tomorrow?
Fuirich gus an tig mi dhachaigh.
Wait until I come home.
Sin an t-eilean far am faic sinn an t-eun tearc.
That’s the island where we will see the rare bird.
Nuair a gheibh mi an t-airgead, gheibh mi càr ùr.
When I (will) get the money, I will get a new car.
Mura tig thu a-màireach chan fhaigh thu tiodhlac.
If you do (will) not come tomorrow you wont get a present.
cuirm-chiùil (f)
pàipear-naidheachd (m)
dòchas (m)
cobhair (f)
slighe (f)
way, road
Chì mi tràth anns a’ mhadainn thu.
I’ll see you early in the morning.
Cha toir e airgead dhomh a h-uile seachdain.
He doesn’t give me money every week.
Am faigh thu pàipear-naidheachd air an t-slighe dhachaigh?
Will you get a newspaper on the way home?
An tig thu còmhla rium dhan bhùth? Cha tig.
Will you come with me to the shop? No.
An dèan sibh dìnnear dhuinn nuair a thig sinn a-staigh?
Will you make dinner for us when we come in?
Nach tèid i a-steach dhan uisge? Cha tèid.
Won’t she go into the water? No.
Nach gabh sibh biadh mus tèid sibh air falbh?
Won’t you take (some) food before you (will) go away?
Tha mi an dòchas gun ruig sinn Inbhir Nis a dh’aithghearr.
I hope that we reach Inverness soon.
Am faic thu i mus faic mise?
Will you see her before I do?
Beiridh mi air a’ chàr aca.
I’ll catch up on their car.
An abair sibh rithe na chunnaic sibh? Their.
Will you tell her what you saw? Yes.
Cuin a ruigeas am bus seo Glaschu?
When does this bus reach Glasgow?
Chan fhaic sibh càil anns an dùthaich sin ach bochdainn.
You can’t (will not) see anything in that country but poverty.
Cò bheir cobhair dhaibh?
Who’ll give them (some) help?
Chì mi iad uile ann aig a’ chèilidh a-nochd.
I will see them all there at the ceilidh tonight.
An toir thu am peann seo do do phiuthar nuair a chì thu i?
Will you give this pen to your sister when you see her?
Chan eil fios agam cuin a ruigeas mi Portrìgh.
I don’t know when I will reach Portree.
A bheil thu a’ smaointinn gum beir i mac?
Do you think that she will have (bear) a son?
Cha chluinn mi thu a’ bruidhinn mar sin.
I will not hear you talk like that.
Tha fios aca nach fhaic iad an athair-san a-rithist.
They know they will not see their father again.
Chan abair e facal ri duine (sam bith).
He will not say a word to anyone.
Tha mi cinnteach gun tig duine gar cuideachadh.
I am sure someone will come to help us.
Cluinnidh sibh ceòl iongantach aig a’ chuirm-chiùil.
You’ll hear (some) wonderful music at the concert.
Dè nì mi nuair a thèid i air falbh?
What do I do when she goes away?
Cuin’ a chì thu do mhàthair?
When will you see your mother?
Is mise nach fhaic an dealbh.
It is I who will not see the picture.
Mura tig thu a-màireach chan fhaigh thu tiodhlac.
If you will not come tomorrow you will not get a present.
Chì mi tràth anns a’ mhadainn thu.
I will see you early in the morning.
Nach gabh sibh biadh mus tèid sibh air falbh?
Won’t you take (some) food before you go away?
Bheir mi pàipear dhut ma bheir thu airgead dhomh.
I will give you a paper if you will give me money.
Am faic thu am ministear a-màireach?
Will you see the minister tomorrow?
Thuirt mi nach bi mi ag obair Disathairne idir.
I said that I will not be working on Saturday at all.
Cha tèid sinn dha na bùithean an-diugh.
We won’t go to the shops today.
Tha e ag ràdh nach fhaic e thu.
He says that he will not see you.
Fuirich gus an tig mi dhachaigh.
Wait until I come home.
Nuair a gheibh mi an t-airgead, gheibh mi càr ùr.
When I will get the money, I will get a new car.
Is ise nach tèid dhachaigh.
It’s she who will not go home.
Chan eil fios agam cuin a ruigeas iad Alba Nuadh.
I don’t know when they will reach Nova Scotia.
Chì mi iad uile ann aig a’ chèilidh a-nochd.
I will see them all there at the ceilidh tonight.
Dè nì mi nuair a thèid e air falbh?
What will I do when he goes away?
A bheil thu a’ smaoineachadh gum bi iad a-staigh am màireach?
Do you think that they will be in tomorrow?
Cuin’ a chì thu do theaghlach?
When will you see your family?
Carson nach toir thu am peann agad dhomh?
Why don’t you give your pen to me?
Nach tig thu dhan taigh-cluich còmhla rium an-nochd?
Won’t you come to the theatre with me tonight?
Cò a gheibh am pàipear-naidheachd dhut?
Who will get the newspaper for you?
Càit’ an tèid thu feasgar a-màireach?
Where are you going tomorrow afternoon (evening)?
Am faic thu an tidsear mus faic mise?
Will you see the teacher before I do?
Am faigh thu bainne agus aran air an t-slighe dhachaigh am màireach?
Will you get milk and bread on the way home tomorrow?
An tèid thu a-steach dhan uisge ma bhios e fuar?
Do you go in the water if it’s cold?
An dèan thu dìnnear daonnan airson an teaghlaich agad?
Do you always make dinner for your family?
Ciamar a nì thu a’ chlann toilichte?
How do you make the children happy?
Cuin’ a ruigeas tu Halifax?
When will you arrive in Halifax?
Cuin a bhios iad a’ tilleadh dhachaigh?
When will they be returning home?
Tadhail ma thogras tu.
Call (in) if you wish.
Feumaidh mi falbh a-nis.
I must go now.
Feumaidh sinn fuireach riutha.
We’ll have to wait for them.
must, need
Cuin a dh’fheumas sibh falbh?
When will/do you have to go?
Dè dh’fheumas sinn?
What will we need?
Am feum sibh seasamh?
Do you have to stand?
Am feum sinn biadh a thoirt leinn?
Must we take food with us?
Chan fheum sibh guth a ràdh ri càch.
You don’t have to say anything to the others.
to, towards
Chan fheum thu èirigh gu ochd uairean.
You need not get up until eight o’clock.
ròs (m)
mìlseag (f)
sweet, confectionary
coinnich, coinneachadh (ri)
meet (with)
nigh, nighe
ullaich, ullachadh
pòg (f)
glac, glacadh
meall, mealladh
Ged a bhios e a’ fuireach ann am Portrìgh a-nochd, bidh e ann an Glaschu a-màireach.
Although he’ll be staying in Portree tonight, he’ll be in Glasgow tomorrow.
Nuair a dh’fhàgas mi an eaglais, bidh mi a’ dol dìreach dhachaigh.
When I (will) leave the church, I’ll be going straight home.
Mar a thèid thu seachad air a’ bhùth, chì thu a’ phàirc.
As you pass the shop, you can (will) see the park.
Ma chuireas tu dhìot do chòta cha bhi thu cho blàth.
If you take off your coat you’ll not be so warm.
On a ruigeas sinn am baile ro mheadhan-là bidh mi a’ dol dhan taigh-òsta airson (for) dìnnear.
Since we’ll arrive in town before midday I’ll be going to the hotel for dinner.
Bidh a’ chaileag a choinnicheas thu na seasamh le ròs na làimh.
The girl who will meet you will be standing with a rose in her hand.
Ma bhitheas an oidhche fuar fuirich a-staigh.
If the night will be cold stay inside (the house).
Bidh mi ag obair anns an taigh-òsta sin nuair a dh’fhàgas mi an sgoil.
I will be working in that hotel when I (will) leave school.
Bheir mi mìlseag dhut ma bheir thu pòg dhomh.
I’ll give you a sweet if you will give me a kiss.
Ach am bi thu toilichte leis na bhios agad?
But will you be happy with all that you’ll have?
Bidh sinn a’ fàgail Inbhir Nis a’ chiad latha aig ochd uairean sa’ mhadainn agus stadaidh sinn ann am Peairt mu dheich uairean.
We will leave Inverness on the first day at eight o’clock in the morning and stop in Perth around ten o’clock.
Bidh sibh saor ann am Peairt airson trì uairean. Gabhaidh sinn biadh (lunch) aig uair feasgar.
You will be free in Perth for three hours.
Gabhaidh sinn biadh aig uair feasgar.
We will have food (lunch) at one o’clock in the afternoon.
Falbhaidh sinn à Peairt aig cairteal an dèidh a dhà agus ruigidh sinn Sruighlea mu thrì uairean.
We will leave Perth at a quarter after two and we will reach (arrive) in Stirling around three o’clock.
Cuiridh sinn cuairt air a’ chaisteal agus thèid sinn an uairsin gu Allt a’ Bhonnaich.
We will take a trip to (visit) the castle and then we will go to Bannockburn.
Chì sinn an t-àite far an robh blàr eadar na h-Albannaich agus na Sasannaich ann an 1314. (Three ceud deug agus ceither deug).
We will see the place where there was a battle between the Scots and the English in 1314.
Bidh an dìnnear againn ann an taigh-òsda ann an Sruighlea aig seachd uairean agus thèid sinn gu ionad-spòrs mu ochd uairean.
We will have dinner in the hotel in Stirling at seven o’clock and we will go to the sports center around eight o’clock.
Fuirichidh sinn ann an osdail òigridh ann an Sruighlea an oidhche sin. Feumaidh sinn a bhith anns an osdail ro leth-uair an dèidh a deich.
We will stay in the youth hostel in Stirling that night. We have to be in the hostel before half-past ten.
Feumaidh mi peann a cheannach anns a’ bhùth.
I will have to buy a pen in the shop.
’S mise a sheinneas aig a’ chèilidh a-nochd.
It is I who will sing at the ceilidh tonight.
Nuair a dh’fhàgas mi an eaglais, bidh mi a’ dol dìreach dhachaigh.
When I leave the church, I will be going directly home.
Fosglaidh mi an doras dhut.
I will open the door for you.
Cha ghabh mi cofaidh ach gabhaidh mi tì.
I will not take coffee but I will take tea.
Feumaidh sinn a bhith anns an osdail ro leth-uair an dèidh a deich.
We will need to be in the hostel before 10:30.
On a ruigeas sinn am baile anmoch, bidh sinn a’ dol dhan taigh-òsda.
Since we will reach the town late, we will be going to the hotel.
Feumaidh iad Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn.
They will need to speak Gaelic.
Chan fheum thu èirigh gu ochd uairean.
You need not get up until eight o’ clock.
Mar a thèid thu seachad air a’ bhùth, chì thu a’ phàirc.
As you pass the shop, you will see the park.
Bidh iad aig a’ chèilidh rè na h-oidhche.
They will be at the ceilidh during the night.
Chan fheum thu guth a ràdh ri càch.
You need not say a word to the rest.
Nuair a sgrìobhas mi an leabhar, bidh e anns a’ Ghàidhlig.
When I write the book, it will be in Gaelic.
An tèid sinn chun na bùtha tràth madainn a-màireach?
Will we go to the shop early tomorrow morning?